Multicellular Exothermic's profile


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Name: David McLeod
Joined: May 23, 2009


MeFi: 12 posts , 793 comments
MetaTalk: 0 posts , 40 comments
Ask MeFi: 3 questions , 1114 answers
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IRL: 0 posts, 12 comments
FanFare: 1 post, 5 comments
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MeFi tags: obituary (4) design (3) architect (2) UK (2) auteur (1) art (1) architecture (1) AnnBronte (1) AlisonLurie (1) Alison (1)
Ask MeFi tags: Ontario (1) Nairobi (1) lawyer (1) Kenya (1) immigration (1) homeless (1) film (1) eldercare (1) Canada (1) Australia (1)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

"Multicellular" and "exothermic" are big, fancy words to describe what we all are. (Although now I think my nickname is too clunky. That's two adjectives...)

I discovered MeFi by way of the catscan link on memepool. I have lurked on MeFi just about every day since, but I didn't get around to becoming a member until just before the 10th anniversary.

I just want to say that I think MeFites are about the most intelligent, eclectic group I've ever had the honour to be a part of. I'm proud of you all. It's a privilege to be here.

I want to extend a extra thanks to everyone who contributed to the Election 2016 threads. I really appreciate the perspective, intelligence, care, and humour that everyone brought to the dialogue. And extra big thanks to the mods for the heroic amounts of work they put in.

Thanks to MetaFilter, I have discovered that I am a gnathostome.

The first computer that I ever used was the university mainframe. I was too clueless to know who manufactured it, or what operating system it used. Now that I think of it, I also learned Assembly programming on a PDP-11 in an Instrumentation class. The first computer that I got paid to use was at NABU. The first computer that I paid for was a Mac Plus, on which I discovered modems and BBS's. (I spent so much time on Tarantula, a BBS run by a middle school teacher in Mississauga.) My introduction to the internet was at work in the mid-90s. I think was the first web site that really blew my mind. (It had an animated 3-D coelacanth!) (I see it has since been taken over by a conventional commercial enterprise.)