charmedimsure's profile


Joined: July 5, 2009


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

National Poetry Month, 2013
1) Did I Miss Anything- Tom Wayman
2) Variations on the Word Love- Margaret Atwood
3) Bluebird- Charles Bukowski
4) The Meaning of Birds- Charlie Smith
5) The Orange- Wendy Cope
6) Listen- Miller Williams
7) The Three Goals- David Budbill
8) April After All- Ron Sexsmith
9) We Who Are Your Closest Friends- Phillip Lopate
10) Happiness- Raymond Carver
11) Things to Think- Robert Bly
12) Wild Geese- Mary Oliver
13) A Contribution to Statistics- Wislawa Szymborska
14) Poem About Morning- William Meredith
15) Try to Praise the Mutilated World- Adam Zagajewski
16) List of Seemingly Unrelated Observations- Grace Butcher
17) Patagonia- Kate Clanchy
18) He Said Turn Here- Dean Young
19) Litany- Billy Collins
20) Flight- Louis Jenkins
21) the lesson of the moth- Don Marquis
22) The Peace of Wild Things- Wendell Berry
23) Otherwise- Jane Kenyon
24) The Rider- Naomi Shihab Nye
25) Part of Eve's Discussion- Marie Howe
26) Speech to the Young: Speech to the Progress-Toward- Gwendolyn Brooks
27) What I Want- C.G. Hanzlicek
28) One Place to Begin- John Daniel
29) Let The Day Go- Grace Paley
30) Not Yet- Jane Hirshfield

National Poetry Month, 2014
1) Introduction to Poetry- Billy Collins
2) Monet Refuses the Operation- Lisel Mueller
3) Ithaca- C.P. Cavafy
4) The Laughing Heart- Charles Bukowski
5) Dharma- Billy Collins (a repeat poet early in the month, but I had to! we got a new dog today)
6) Cartoon Physics- Nick Flynn
7) Spring in New Hampshire- Claude McKay
8) Tarantulas on a Lifebuoy- Thomas Lux
9) The Loch Ness Monster's Song- Edwin Morgan
10) Cat in an Empty Apartment- Wislawa Szymborska
11) [in Just]- e.e. cummings
12) Variation on the Word Sleep- Margaret Atwood
13) Those Winter Sundays- Robert Hayden
14) To Be of Use- Marge Piercy
15) The Wild Geese- Wendell Berry
16) Courage- Anne Sexton
17) I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Life- Mary Oliver
18) Question- Mary Swenson
19) What the Living Do- Marie Howe
20) Happiness- Jane Kenyon
21) An Offer Received In This Morning’s Mail- Amy Gerstner
22) Late Fragment- Raymond Carver
23) When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer- Walt Whitman
24) Expect Nothing- Alice Walker
25) Baneberry- Tom Sexton
26) God Says Yes to Me- Kaylin Haught
27) Broken Things- Sara Teasdale
28) A Martian Sends A Postcard Home- Craig Raine
29) You Can't Have it All- Barbara Ras
30) Having a Coke With You- Frank O'Hara

1) For the Children- Gary Snyder
2) Forgetfulness- Billy Collins
3) Mud Season- Jane Kenyon
4) If I Were a Dog- Richard Shelton
5) So Much Happiness- Naomi Shihab Nye
6) It Is Enough- Anne Alexander Bingham
7) Pied Beauty- Gerard Manley Hopkins
8) The Wild Geese- Wendell Berry
9) Aberration (The Hubble Space Telescope before repair)- Rebecca Elson
10) The Sciences Sing A Lullabye- Albert Goldbarth
11) Affirmation- Donald Hall
12) How to Build an Owl- Kathleen Lynch
13) What Remains- Ellery Akers
14) April in Maine- May Sarton
15) One Art- Elizabeth Bishop
16) Why They Went- Elizabeth Bradfield
17) What To Say To A Bear- Ionna Warwick
18) Poppies- Mary Oliver
19) Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry-Howard Nemerov
20) The Thing Is- Ellen Bass
21) Happiness Writes White- Edward Hirsch
22) Anagrammer- Peter Pereira
23) To This May- W.S. Merwin
24) The Moment- Margaret Atwood
25) The Crane Dance- Yannis Ristos translated David Harsent
26) Chapter One- Mark Aiello
27) The Two Times I Loved You Most in the Car- Dorothea Grossman
28) To Myself- Franz Wright
29) Things to Do in the Belly of the Whale- Dan Albergotti
30) The Quiet World- Jeffrey McDaniel

1) The Trees- Phillip Larkin
2) Postscript- Seamus Heaney
3) Unit of Measure- Sandra Beasley
4) When Death Comes- Mary Oliver
5) Welcome Morning- Anne Sexton
6) a song with no end- Charles Bukowski
7) Sometimes- Sheenagh Pugh
8) The Abnormal Is Not Courage- Jack Gilbert
9) Distressed Haiku- Donald Hall
10) Today- Billy Collins
11) oops! A repeat- What Would Freud Say, Bob Hickok
12) Reasons to Survive November- Tony Hoagland
13) The Hand- Mary Ruefle
14) Locking Yourself Out, Then Trying to Get Back In- Raymond Carver
15) Grief Calls Us to the Things of this World- Sherman Alexie
16) Vocation- Sandra Beasley
17) In Praise of My Bed- Meredith Holmes
18) It's This Way- Nazim Hikmet
19) Percy, Waiting for Ricky- Mary Oliver
20) I Said Yes But I Meant No- Dean Young
21) The Last Poem About the Snow Queen- Sandra M. Gilbert
22) Anxiety- Frank O'Hara
23) A Sad Child- Margaret Atwood
24) The Evening is Tranquil, and Dawn Is a Thousand Miles Away- Charles Wright
25) The Gift- N. Scott Momaday
26) Tigers- Eliza Griswold
27) Widows- Louise Gluck
28) Rain- Naomi Shihab Nye
29) My Dead Friends- Marie Howe
30) The Word- Tony Hoagland

1) A Brief for the Defense- Jack Gilbert
2) Advice to Myself- Louise Erdrich
3) Tired- Langston Hughes
4) Dog in Bed- Joyce Sidman
5) Blessings- Ronald Wallace
6) Moon In The Window- Dorianne Laux
7) Pluto- Maggie Dietz
8) A Blessing- James Wright
9) The Lanyard- Billy Collins
10) Siren Song- Margaret Atwood
11) Cello- Adam Zagajewski
12) Turning- W.S. Merwin
13) Good Bones- Maggie Smith
14) From Blossoms- Li-Young Lee
15) The Art of Blessing the Day- Marge Piercy
16) The Cossaks- Linda Pastan
17) Dear Left Knee- John Davis
18) Spelling Bee- Faith Shearin
19) Bird- Understander- Craig Arnold
20) Disappointment- Tony Hoagland
21) Coming Home- Mary Oliver
22) Wistful sounds like a brand of air freshener- Bob Hicok
23) Up Jumped Spring- Al Young
24) What Have I Learned- Gary Snyder
25) Cardinal Cardinal- Stephen Dunn
26) Things Shouldn't Be So Hard- Kay Ryan
27) Wish List- Heidi Garnett
28) Turning- Joseph Mills
29) There Are Many Theories About What Happened- John Gallagher
30) What We Need- David Budbill

1) Places I Have Heard the Ocean- Faith Shearin
2) Headwaters- Ellen Bryant Voigt
3) Snow, Aldo- Kate DiCamillo
4) Spring- Edna St. Vincent Millay
5) We, Too- Nikki Giovanni
6) I Have News for You- Tony Hoagland
7) Leave No Trace- Maggie Dietz
8) At Least- Raymond Carver
9) The Soul Bone- Susan Wood
10) February- Margaret Atwood
11) What Would Freud Say?- Bob Hicok
12) A Little Tooth- Thomas Lux
13) Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry- Howard Nemerov
14) The World Is in Pencil- Todd Boss
15) No- Mark Doty
16) For the Anniversary of My Death- W.S. Merwin
17) In Blackwater Woods- Mary Oliver
18) In the Park- Maxine Kumin
19) Catch a Body- Oliver Bendorf
20) Alone- Jack Gilbert
21) Famous- Naomi Shihab Nye
22) Riveted- Robyn Sarah
23) Flying Low- Stephen Dunn
24) Bed in Summer- Robert Louis Stevenson
25) Report on the Most Recent Survey of Morale- Carrie Shipers
26) Anchorage- Joy Harjo
27) Wish List- Heidi Garnett
28) A New Lifestyle- James Tate
29) I Don't Fear Death- Sandra Beasley
30) Aimless Love- Billy Collins

1) How to Triumph Like a Girl- Ada Limón
2) Move- Alice Ostriker
3) United- Naomi Shihab Nye
4) Hay for the Horses- Gary Snyder
5) Thanks- W.S. Merwin
6) Don't Do That- Stephen Dunn
7) Some Glad Morning- Joyce Sutphen
8) Riveted- Robyn Sarah
9) Antilamentation- Dorianne Laux
10) Other Lives And Dimensions And Finally A Love Poem- Bob Hicok
11) Failing and Flying- Jack Gilbert
12) In Spite of Everything, the Stars- Edward Hirsch
13) The World Has Need of You- Ellen Bass
14) Warbler- Jim Harrison
15) There Is Absolutely Nothing Lonelier- Matthew Rohrer
16) How It Adds Up- Tony Hoagland
17) On Turning Ten- Billy Collins
18) Would It Be So Wrong- Krista Lukas
19) Gravy- Raymond Carver
20) Onset- Kim Addonizio
21) Animals- Frank O'Hara
22) Keeping Things Whole- Mark Strand
23) Wait- Galway Kinnell
24) Da Capo- Jane Hirschfield
25) Postcard- Margaret Atwood
26) Instructions on Not Giving Up- Ada Limón
27) Purple Bathing Suit- Louise Glück
28) Let Evening Come- Jane Kenyon
29) To Be A Danger- C.G. Hanzlicek
30) Before We Leave- Stephen Dunn

1) Motto- Bertolt Brecht
2) Dead Stars- Ada Limón
3) Untitled- James Baldwin
4) How to Sacrifice- Mick Cochrane
5) Stay Home- Wendell Berry
6) A Skull- Dana Levin
7) Any Common Desolation- Ellen Bass
8) Digging- Seamus Heaney
9) Why Bother- Sean Thomas Dougherty
10) Sometimes I Am Startled Out of Myself- Barbara Cooker
11) Blessing the Boats- Lucille Clifton
12) The First Lines of Emails I've Received While Quarantining- Jessica Salfia
13) Johnny Cash in the Afterlife- Bronwen Densmore
14) Day Beginning with Seeing the International Space Station and a Full Moon Over the Gulf of Mexico and All Its Invisible Fishes- Jane Hirshfield
15) Insomnia- Linda Pastan
16) Letter to Someone Living Fifty Years from Now- Matthew Olzmann
17) Time for Serenity, Anyone?- William Stafford
18) Earth Your Dancing Place- May Swenson
19) Poem- Joe Brainard
20) Rumination- Jim Harrison
21) Citizen of Dark Times- Kim Stafford
22) Presidents' Day- Louise Gluck
23) At the End of the Endless Decade- Mark Bibbins
24) Passing a Truck Full of Chickens at Night on Highway Eighty- Jane Mead
25) Why We Oppose Pockets for Women- Alice Duer Miller
26) Living in the Body- Joyce Sutphen
27) Unpacking A Globe- Arthur Sze
28) Ullapool Bike Ride- Chris Powici
29) Earl- Jouis Jenkins
30) Keeping Quiet- Pablo Neruda

1) Before- Ada Limón
2) Two-Headed Calf- Laura Gilpin
3) How it will feel months from now- Mary Jo Bang
4) Poem Beginning with a Retweet- Maggie Smith
5) The World is a Beautiful Place- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
6) Gift- Czeslaw Milosz
7) Brokeheart: Just like that- Patrick Rosal
8) Blackberries- Margaret Atwood
9) Don't Hesitate- Mary Oliver
10) Sweetness- Stephen Dunn
11) Switching to deer time- Bob Hicok
12) Infirm- Gwendolyn Brooks
13) Sorrow is Not My Name- Ross Gay
14) To the Woman Crying Uncontrollably in the Next Stall- Kim Addonizio
15) When people say, “we have made it through worse before”- Clint Smith
16) Relax- Ellen Bass
17) Absolute- ~Jacqueline Woodson
18) Our Real Work- ~Wendell Berry
19) Small Kindnesses- Danusha Laméris
20) In her mostly white town, an hour from Rocky Mountain National Park, a black poet considers centuries of protests against racialized violence- Camille T. Dungy
21) Because- Grace Schulman
22) Let them Not Say- Jane Hirshfield
23) Anti-Anxiety Poem- Carrie Shipers
24) Tomorrow- Raymond Carver
25) Autobiography of Eve- Ansel Elkins
26) from Life After Death- Laura Gilpin
27) How to Begin- Catherine Abbey Hodges
28) Lucky- Kirsten Dierking
29) Ode to the Unbroken World, Which Is Coming- Thomas Lux
30) Poetry- Richard Kenney

1) Winter Fear- Kay Ryan
2) A New National Anthem- Ada Limón
3) Poem For People That Are Understandably Too Busy To Read Poetry- Stephen Dunn
4) I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense- Danez Smith
5) Alone- Maya Angelou
6) One of the Butterflies- W.S. Merlin
7) I Am Learning To Abandon the World- Linda Pastan
8) Lullaby- Maggie Dietz
9) What You Missed That Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade- Brad Aaron Modlin
10) One Can't- A.R. Ammons
11) Don’t Go Into the Library- Alberto Ríos
12) Things That Have Changed Since You Died- Laura Kasischke
13) Dust- Dorianne Laux
April Chores- Jane Kenyon
15) won't you celebrate with me- Lucille Clifton
16) Remember- Joy Harjo
17) why i feed the birds- Richard Vargas
18) Mercy- Stephen Dunn
19) Remember that the Moral Arc of the Universe Bends- Cortney Lamar Charleston
20) Ode to Tired Bumblebees Who Fall Asleep Inside Flowers with Pollen on their Butts- Luisa A. Igloria
21) This Morning- Jay Wright
22) Rain- Raymond Carver
23) The Night Migrations- Louise Glück
24) The Piano Speaks- Sandra Beasley
25) A Small-Sized Mystery- Jane Hirshfield
26) For the Bird Singing before Dawn- Kim Stafford
27) I Worried- Mary Oliver
28) Lying While Birding- Naomi Shihab Nye
29) At Last the New Arriving- Gabrielle Calvocoressi
30) Poem- Billy Collins

1) Raincoat- Ada Limón
2) Collective Nouns for Humans in the Wild- Kathy Fish
3) For the Hardest Days- Clint Smith
4) Preparing for Residential Placement for My Disabled Daughter- Jennifer Franklin
5) Thank You- Ross Gay
6) why some people be mad at me sometimes- Lucille Clifton
7) Prayer 58- Eva Saulitis
8) To Know the Dark- Wendell Berry
9) Coming- Philip Larkin
10) Antidote to Fear of Death- Rebecca Elson
11) The Art of Disappearing- Naomi Shihab Nye
12) The Elephant in the Room- Kay Ryan
13) Bored- Margaret Atwood
14) The Promise- Jane Hirshfield
15) Something About the Wind- Sidney Hall, Jr.
16) Begin- Brendan Kennelly
17) The Sandhills- Linda Hogan
18) Everything- Andrea Cohen
19) New Year's Day- Kim Addonizio
20) Flames- Billy Collins
21) The Soul Bone- Susan Wood
22) Tiger Face- Stephen Dunn
23) The Talk- Sharon Olds
24) Be Kind- Michael Blumenthal

25) Flying at Night- Ted Kooser
26) Sea of Faith- John Brehm
27) A Little Tooth- Thomas Lux
28) It's All Right- William Stafford
29) Starlings in Winter- Mary Oliver
30) Reasons to Live Through the Apocalypse- Nikita Gill

1) To Be Alive- Gregory Orr
2) And Then It Was Less Bleak Because We Said So- Wendy Xu
3) Overjoyed- Ada Limon
4) Wake Up- Adam Zagajewski (translated from the Polish by Clare Cavanagh)
5) Antidotes to Fear of Death- Rebecca Elson
6) From Our Shadows- W.S. Merwin
7) Lullaby for the Grieving- Ashley M. Jones
8) A Woman With a Bird- Victoria Chang
9) Horse and Bird- Rita Dove
10) On Keeping Pluto a Planet- Greg Beatty
11) A Primer- Bob Hickok
12) This Heavy Craft- P.K. Page
13) Shaving~ Richard Blanco
14) Rabbitbrush~ Molly McCully Brown
15) First Fall- Maggie Smith
16) Nights in the Neighborhood- Linda Gregg
17) You Belong to the World- Carrie Fountain
18) Letter to the Person Who Carved His Initials into the Oldest Living Longleaf Pine in North America- Matthew Olzmann
19) Where We Are Headed- Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
20) In the Company of Women- January Gill O'Neil
21) Bliss and Grief- Marie Ponsot
22) Aerial View- Jericho Brown
23) Lost and Found- Laura Foley
24) Waiting for Happiness- Nomi Stone