buffy is dead
October 3, 2001 10:32 AM   Subscribe

buffy is dead no she's not! yes she is. well, she ain't healthy. and her site is gone. didn't UPN have the sense to get the url in deal? and who watched the show last night?
posted by christina (39 comments total)
It's at buffyupn.com --which looks like "Buffy-upping" to me. I don't want to know what "Buffyupping" means. Is that Slayer bulimia? The site is pretty bad, which is in keeping with the style of UPN.com.

I volunteer to comfort Spike in his hour of need!
posted by mimi at 10:43 AM on October 3, 2001

Buffy? I'm not ready to deal with Buffy yet. My head's still stuck in Enterprise's detox gel of last week.

Oh, and our TiVo messed up and didn't record the first fifteen minutes of Buffy last night. Could someone email me what happened? I'll get bonus girlfriend points for it.
posted by heather at 10:50 AM on October 3, 2001

my wife and I kind of sat there in a state of numbness last night.

I wonder how Buffy/Angel crossovers are going to be done now?

what's his name that does The Practice, Boston Public, and Ally McBeal has done it, so I suppose the precedent's there.

and why couldn't that demon have slashed Tara? damn.
posted by SentientAI at 10:54 AM on October 3, 2001

i was digging the demon bikers. i want to be in a demon biker gang now.
posted by mich9139 at 11:21 AM on October 3, 2001

I refuse to watch Buffy until my assistant reports that the Vampires have grown a brain. I could have solved their Slayer problem 30 seconds into the pilot. Step one: buy a rifle with a scope... :)

I mean, they have ALL the tactical options! But they never do anything even remotely intelligent. What's up with that?
posted by UncleFes at 11:26 AM on October 3, 2001

SentientAI: WB has already stated that there will be no futher crossovers.

Actually, did you see the season premier of Angel? It was really amusing as they had a running gag about how they "don't say the B word anymore". In the end Angel announced that he wasn't upset because Buffy was gone, but was upset because he didn't care that she was.

Buffy, as far as Angel is concerned, is history.
posted by tsitzlar at 11:43 AM on October 3, 2001

SentientAI: WB has already stated that there will be no futher crossovers.

Actually, did you see the season premier of Angel? It was really amusing as they had a running gag about how they "don't say the B word anymore". In the end Angel announced that he wasn't upset because Buffy was gone, but was upset because he didn't care that she was.

Buffy, as far as Angel is concerned, is history.
posted by tsitzlar at 11:43 AM on October 3, 2001

Actually, Joss has said that crossovers are NOT out of the question, but will probably not happen this season.
Do you have a link where WB said crossovers are no longer happening?

UPN did get the rights to the Buffy.com domain, but it has yet to be transferred to them (gotta love internic ;-)

(Who's wife was literally vibrating waiting for B to come on last night)
posted by niteHawk at 12:05 PM on October 3, 2001

i just gotta ask ... wife was literally vibrating waiting for B ???

my son was something-upping rite as buffy was starting last nite. i could use a recap of the first half hour :-)
posted by danOstuporStar at 12:17 PM on October 3, 2001

first fifteen minutes: nothing too exciting that I can recall except giles leaving. oh, and the twee bit where buffybot goes to a parent teach conference and no one catches on. no loss.

willow was blowing my mind with how powerful she is. anyone want to start a pool for what episode she becomes a black witch?
posted by christina at 12:22 PM on October 3, 2001

Buffy is still dead to me and millions of other DirecTv subscribers who dont get UPN - even after paying the extra $5 a month for "local" channels. wtf!
posted by tsarfan at 12:27 PM on October 3, 2001

anyone want to start a pool for what episode she becomes a black witch?

It's certainly not far off. Note that a major spell ingredient was baby deer blood - and she didn't mention what it was to anyone else? She's meddling in stuff she's not supposed to, and she knows it.
posted by dnash at 12:28 PM on October 3, 2001

i was just happy that i called the whole lesbian thing back in the day.
posted by mich9139 at 12:36 PM on October 3, 2001

i was just happy that i called the whole lesbian thing.
posted by mich9139 at 12:36 PM on October 3, 2001

would it be really wrong of me to hope that when willow does go to the dark side, that she gets a nifty black latex wardrobe?
posted by lescour at 12:40 PM on October 3, 2001

a bit tangeantal to topic, i know: he wasn't upset because Buffy was gone, but was upset because he didn't care that she was.

that's not what i got out of it. you have to look at the whole episode, including the things that James said. he was upset that she was gone but that his world didn't end. he survived it and moved on, which goes into the whole Buffy and Angel weren't the Soulmates everyone said they were.

and why couldn't that demon have slashed Tara? damn

hey, i like Tara. but even people who don't are saying that she didn't really bug that badly last night.

anyone else think Xander was looking hot? that haircut was reminiscent of season 2 Xander. yum!
posted by tolkhan at 12:43 PM on October 3, 2001

xander needs a neck reduction.
posted by elle at 1:18 PM on October 3, 2001

what i want to know is that if buffy died - wouldnt a new slayer have been created/born/initiated/something? didn't that happen a few seasons ago? i thought that there had always been a slayer since the dawn of time and that one replaced the other when she died.

heather: i missed the first ten/fifteen minutes, too, so if someone sends you a recap, can you forward it on to chris@strangecat.org? thanks!
posted by phooey at 2:28 PM on October 3, 2001

I had a revelation last night watching Buffy. The danger of success is not necessarily that material is watered down for larger public consumption. The danger, at least on TV, is that the ratio of show to commercials begins to flatten out. Viewers never got more than 8 minutes of show before another commercial intrusion - seriously, I started to clock it after the first 45 minutes. Now I know that UPN paid a lot of money for the show and they need to cash in now, but did anyone else notice that it was near impossible to get caught up in the action or emotions of the show because of all the interruptions? And the problem was exacerbated by the fact that the whole thing felt like a 1 hour episode stretched to a 2 hour format. I plan to watch every single episode this year as I have for the past 3 1/2 years, but I might bring my VCR into the picture if it's going to be like this.
posted by Spaceboy at 2:32 PM on October 3, 2001

Buffy is still dead to me and millions of other DirecTv subscribers who dont get UPN

You probably will, on January 1, 2002.
posted by kindall at 2:42 PM on October 3, 2001

Phooey -- When Buffy momentarily "died" a few seasons ago, Faith was called as the new slayer. Thanks to CPR (or something, I didn't see the episode), Buffy was revived; only when Faith dies will a new slayer be called.

At least I think that's how it works.
Now that I'm thinking about it, what was the deal with Kendra? Oh, where is the shooting script site when you need it...
posted by mimi at 2:46 PM on October 3, 2001

Pschye's Transcripts now has the shooting scripts, and appears to be updating them. Joss has stated that the slayer line now goes through Faith, after Kendra was killed by Drusilla.
posted by scottst at 2:56 PM on October 3, 2001

Okay, so that means that Faith is actually the Slayer, not Buffy? Where is Faith? Why was the Key given to Buffy and not Faith, then? And who is Kendra? I LOVE this show and I wish I had started watching it from the beginning. Is there some kind of summary that covers all of this? BuffyUPN.com only gives a brief summary.
posted by phooey at 3:40 PM on October 3, 2001

So, willow is supposedly the big bad every year. I know over at AICN they have all sorts of juicy spoilers, but I've been staying away. I would like to know if she's confirmed for it, however. It seems Tara is as good as dead, seeing as how she still hasn't made it into the main credits, and that could certainly set her off.
posted by dig_duggler at 3:41 PM on October 3, 2001

Anyone think that the episode was darker and more violent than any previous Buffy? The parts with the quartering of the buffy-bot and then the later bits about the demons planning to gang-rape and mutilate the girls were way over the top for me.
posted by amanda at 3:41 PM on October 3, 2001

amanda, i thought the mentions of the gang raping and mutilations were a bit much, too, especially since this show is geared towards the younger audience, right?

dig_duggler, it has not been confirmed who the big bad is this season. there are rumors of course but they're not always right. aicn was right on with the season premier spoilers, though.
posted by phooey at 3:50 PM on October 3, 2001

Would have preferred Buffy cancelled rather than dead..what tripe.
posted by tetsuo at 3:53 PM on October 3, 2001

1. faith is in jail, and sometimes angel visits her.
2. kendra was the slayer who appeared when buffy was breifly dead and had an out-of-body experience. she was cute, black and irish (I think)
3. tara was in the credits this season, for the first time.
4. yes, this episode was disturbing! god so dark! baby deer death! gang rape with evil antonomy! freaked out slayer!
posted by christina at 3:53 PM on October 3, 2001

danO - Let's just say that wifeHawk is a big fan of Buffy and just couldn't wait to the point where she couldn't eat last night :-) hehe

Phooy - Buffy died for a few min in the first season (or was it second?) Becuase the slayer died, a new one got the call, Kendra from Africa. Kendra becomes "the slayer" and She comes to Sunnydale, is around for a few eps, and is killed. When she is killed the next slayer is called, which is Faith (who is currently in prison and last seen in Angel). Faith is now the keeper of the Slayer lineage. A new slayer won't be called until she meets her end. This is pretty much Joss' way of realizing that he had too many "multiple/new slayer" storylines in the first 2 seasons :-) In reference to the key question, I am of the opinion that Buffy is "The One", which is different that the slayer.. or of course, the monks made the same mistake te vamps make and think B is still the only Slayer.

Tolkhan - I agree with the Angel thing - that's kindof what I got out of it...

ON Willow turning dark.... I think that could be interesting - there is a tenant in witchcraft (or Wiccia if you want to call it that) that no matter what one's intentions are, permission is generally required to perform magick for someone. WIllow has been steadly doing things that she beleives is right but ultimatly serve her own will (ie she raised B because of her guilt. She kept assuming that B needed/wanted to be rescued, and the thought that she was at peace at her reward for it all never occured to her). I cannot wait to see how it turns out, and I for one, hope it involves leather ;-) (grrrr - Vamp Willow in Leather hehe)

posted by niteHawk at 3:59 PM on October 3, 2001

Just started waching the repeats on FX and was amazed on how season 1 Willow is so different compared to season 6 Willow.

Am I the only one who suspects that there might be a power struggle between Buffy and Willow later on in the season? Will didn't seem to be pained by her position of power, if you know what I mean...

And yeah -- that was definately the most graphic ep I have ever seen. I think it might be due to the fact that they are all "adults" now. As a teen you are still kinda shielded from the true horrors and struggles of life (or it is assumed that you are) Maybe the new level of graphicness is meant to reflect that?

And Anya, with her "shrewish-money grubbing-bossy" ways is getting a little old. She's a cool character, but the joke's been done. Explore her character a bit, you know?
posted by Windigo at 9:39 PM on October 3, 2001

Just started waching the repeats on FX and was amazed on how season 1 Willow is so different compared to season 6 Willow.

Am I the only one who suspects that there might be a power struggle between Buffy and Willow later on in the season? Will didn't seem to be pained by her position of power, if you know what I mean...

And yeah -- that was definately the most graphic ep I have ever seen. I think it might be due to the fact that they are all "adults" now. As a teen you are still kinda shielded from the true horrors and struggles of life (or it is assumed that you are) Maybe the new level of graphicness is meant to reflect that?

And Anya, with her "shrewish-money grubbing-bossy" ways is getting a little old. She's a cool character, but the joke's been done. Explore her character a bit, you know?
posted by Windigo at 9:39 PM on October 3, 2001

Just started waching the repeats on FX and was amazed on how season 1 Willow is so different compared to season 6 Willow.

Am I the only one who suspects that there might be a power struggle between Buffy and Willow later on in the season? Will didn't seem to be pained by her position of power, if you know what I mean...

And yeah -- that was definately the most graphic ep I have ever seen. I think it might be due to the fact that they are all "adults" now. As a teen you are still kinda shielded from the true horrors and struggles of life (or it is assumed that you are) Maybe the new level of graphicness is meant to reflect that?

And Anya, with her "shrewish-money grubbing-bossy" ways is getting a little old. She's a cool character, but the joke's been done. Explore her character a bit, you know?
posted by Windigo at 9:39 PM on October 3, 2001

Try this site:

posted by Irontom at 4:52 AM on October 4, 2001

Anyone who can't get Buffy/Angel until 2002 (like me) can get VCD (or DivX, sometimes) versions in the newsgroup alt.binaries.multimedia.buffy-v-slayer. At the moment there's the first part of Buffy season 6 - the second part will be posted today or tomorrow sometime. There's also the second episode of the new Angel season in the same group.

Also, the second Enterprise episode is in alt.binaries.startrek - it seems that the poster made a bit of a screwup with the numbering, though.
posted by smaugy at 4:52 AM on October 4, 2001

windigo - i loved what they did with anya's character last seasons, specifically in the episode about joyce's funeral and the very last episode. i think they need to keep developing her like that. she's a strong actress and the character has been developed to handle so much more than money jokes.

irontom: thanks so much! i know what i'll be doing today :)
posted by phooey at 5:42 AM on October 4, 2001

I was just going to recommend www.buffyguide.com too - it's far and away the best of the Buffy sites that I've checked out.

Digressing a little - I've never joined in an online Buffy discussion before, so I've never really got what the problem is people have with Tara. Can anyone enlighten me? (Offline will probably hack off fewer people here....)
posted by jonpollard at 9:22 AM on October 4, 2001

i'm not sure what people's problem with Tara is, but my biggest problem with her (and i am someone who loves the character) is that her role is usually nothing more than as Willow's Girlfriend. look at all the spells she and Willow have cast. most of them seem to require the pair to hold hands. she needs to stand on her own more, which i think she did in the season 6 opener.
posted by tolkhan at 2:22 PM on October 4, 2001

I dunno. I saw this UPN season premiere, but I really haven't watched Buffy with any regularity, except the time when Willow had a werewolf for a boyfriend. I forget his name. He was cool. Then he left and I kinda shrugged and I left too.

So I have absolutely no idea what's going on with the BuffyBot and Spike not being a bad guy anymore and Willow actually having chutzpah. Oh, and now she's gay? That's a nice curve ball. I don't have the slightest idea what's going on but it looks like the switch to a new network might actually breathe new life into the show. It might actually be worth watching again.
posted by ZachsMind at 9:46 PM on October 4, 2001

Kendra was from Haiti

People are upset that Tara is willow's GIRLfriend (and they try to disguise it with comments like, can't act)

Spike has a chip in his head that prevents him from causing physical harm to anyone, and he has fallen in love with buffy.

Sarah Kuhn writes really good reviews of buffy, worth checking out.

That's all for me for now...
posted by goneill at 10:33 PM on October 4, 2001

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