Cuban terroists
October 10, 2001 3:51 AM   Subscribe

Cuban terroists are living in Miami. Should we arrest them?
posted by the cuban (3 comments total)
Cuba should be allowed to request their extradition and, if the US doesn't agree, launch airstrikes against the USA (with the help of the UK etc).
posted by andrew cooke at 4:28 AM on October 10, 2001

If that idiotic embargo were eliminated, Cuba would conquer the entire US with its irresistible music and character. No need for airstrikes.
posted by mmarcos at 5:18 AM on October 10, 2001

These guys, especially Orlando Bosch, are folk heroes to many of the more hard-line Cuban exiles in Miami. This stuff has been going on for years, but I don't think it gets much national press, except possibly during last year's Elian saga.

I think that the younger generation of Cuban-Americans see the obvious: that the embargo and all this violent crap has accomplished nothing. However, the old-timers are still a major force.

Cuba may not practice much international terrorism, but they have a well developed domestic industry. I don't disagree with what the exiles say about Castro, I just think their hatred for the man has kept them from looking at the situation objectively.
posted by groundhog at 6:02 AM on October 10, 2001

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