Then Play Long
April 2, 2013 3:43 AM   Subscribe

Marcello Carlin and Lena Friesen review every UK number one album so that you might want to hear it, starting in July 1956 with Frank Sinatra's Songs For Swingin' Lovers (reviewed August 2008) and so far ending up in September 1981 with Genesis' Abacab (March 2013).
posted by MartinWisse (7 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I discovered this yesterday and have been slowly working my way through the archives ever since. So far they do very well at what any music writing should do, make you want to listen to the music under discussion.
posted by MartinWisse at 3:46 AM on April 2, 2013

[Obligatory Patrick Bateman comment]
posted by DanCall at 4:30 AM on April 2, 2013

I like how he manages to turn his review of "The Official BBC Album of the Royal Wedding" from what would have been my one word review - into nearly 6000 words that don't talk about the music. Its going to take me a while to get back to 1956 at this rate though!
posted by rongorongo at 5:02 AM on April 2, 2013

Having worked in a record shop that summer, I can confirm that The Official BBC Album of the Royal Wedding was indeed a Thing, and a top-selling Thing at that. Chas and Di were, let's see... about two years too early for the home VHS boom.
posted by Prince Lazy I at 6:46 AM on April 2, 2013

Damn you, MartinWisse! I've been keeping up with The Play Long and have been meaning to post it here.

Anyway, it's pretty much all great – I particularly recommend Carlin on Creedence's Cosmo's Factory and Friesen on The Pretenders' eponymous debut. Also, the frequent references to Escalator Over The Hill by Carla Bley are like a constant reminder that I really need to hunt that album down.
posted by Len at 10:10 AM on April 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

Then Play Long is sucking me in worse than TV Tropes. It's a interesting time machine of music and pop culture.
posted by ShakeyJake at 1:49 PM on April 3, 2013

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