Are you ready to be heartbroken?
October 25, 2013 4:01 PM   Subscribe

In which Anglo-Scottish golfer and sometime singer-songwriter Lloyd Cole is interviewed by the Italian leftist tabloid La Repubblica. Features a gorgeous, solo version of his early masterpiece.
posted by tigrefacile (14 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Ah, nice. Haven't thought of dear Lloyd in a while. As an erstwhile Bostonian, I was intrigued to see that he'd worked so much with former members of the Dambuilders in recent years. I think it's time to catch up.
posted by mykescipark at 4:54 PM on October 25, 2013

Soundtrack of my last year in college. Lovely, thank you.
posted by Cocodrillo at 4:56 PM on October 25, 2013

Very cool. I've got Brand New Friend and Lost Weekend on a mix or two at work. Also My Bag. Must look into the newer stuff.
posted by Glinn at 5:41 PM on October 25, 2013

Terrific stuff. I kind of lost touch once he broke up the Commotions. I also really liked Camera Obscura's answer song "Hey, Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken" more than twenty years later.
posted by Fnarf at 5:43 PM on October 25, 2013 [2 favorites]

That was nice. (Could've done without the irritating camera work, though. Plus, aack, he's a year younger than me.)
posted by Bron at 6:35 PM on October 25, 2013

I love, love Lloyd Cole. I've seen him the last few times he played the ArtsCenter in Carrboro, NC. He's a gracious and funny guy, and his shows are great. (Although I could do without that same. damned. woman. who always shows up and yells, "LLOYD YOU ARE SSOOOO HOOTT.")

One of the times we saw him play, we got in the line to talk to him afterward, and he said to us, "Wow, there are some really young fans out here tonight." My husband helpfully exclaimed, "I was born the year '2cv' came out!" ("2cv" was in the setlist, for context.) And the man smiled at my husband like, "Yes, I guess you must have been, hoo boy."

A few years ago, my husband bought a vinyl copy of Broken Record from Mr. Cole's website's store, and asked him to sign the sleeve with a happy birthday greeting for me. Which he did. The guy is so freaking agreeable. Anyway. Yes. I love this guy.
posted by Coatlicue at 6:43 PM on October 25, 2013 [1 favorite]

I highly recommend his Music in a Foreign Language album.
posted by davebush at 6:53 PM on October 25, 2013 [1 favorite]

I was not expecting much from an album called Don't Get Weird On Me, Babe when I first popped it into my CD player back in the early 90s. Definitely did not expect to be reduced to a puddle of tears. I've since recovered -- well, almost -- nice to see the man still at work.
posted by vverse23 at 6:54 PM on October 25, 2013 [2 favorites]

Mainstream is one of my desert island discs… from "My Bag" to "Jennifer She Said" to "Hey Rusty" (not to discount any of the other tunes)… yeah, listened to that album a lot when it came out.
posted by Lexica at 8:59 PM on October 25, 2013

I have always loved his No Blue Skies.
posted by padraigin at 9:09 PM on October 25, 2013

posted by srboisvert at 6:49 AM on October 26, 2013

Leftist. You have been warned.
posted by cmastro at 7:50 AM on October 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

This was great, thanks! I've mostly listened to his Commotions stuff, this is reminding me to look up his more recent work. There doesn't seem to be much Lloyd Cole love on MetaFilter, someone should put together a megapost sometime to better introduce people to his stuff.
posted by oulipian at 7:50 AM on October 26, 2013

Leftist. You have been warned.

Fair play, that was probably redundant, but I was excited that such a thing existed.
posted by tigrefacile at 10:31 AM on October 27, 2013

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