Meryl Streep has been omitted
August 15, 2014 9:01 AM   Subscribe

....I don't get the premise behind this article (what is it the stars are ostensibly "winning" and "losing"?), but it does give an excuse to post "favorite random fun moments from past Inside The Actors Studio shows over the years" stories. Like Daniel Radcliffe's response to "what's your favorite curse word", because he looks so gleeful when he says it because he knows it won't get bleeped in the U.S. There was also a really adorable moment when they got to the point when Lipton opens the floor to questions, and - as is tradition - gets up to leave Dan alone on the stage. Dan did not know he was going to do that, and visibly freaks out for a second when he does.

And then there's the best answers to the questionnaire clip collection.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:10 AM on August 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

Try to be more wrong somehow than
He is asked what his favorite curse word is and he says "bollocks" which means vagina apparently.
from the comments on that Daniel Radcliffe video.
posted by Wolfdog at 9:15 AM on August 15, 2014 [9 favorites]

Try to be more wrong somehow than

He is asked what his favorite curse word is and he says "bollocks" which means vagina apparently.

Yeah, right? I mean, everyone knows "bollocks" means "vulva."
posted by yoink at 9:19 AM on August 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

because he knows it won't get bleeped in the U.S.

"Bollocks" wouldn't get bleeped on a kids show in the U.K. It's a very low-grade curse word.
posted by yoink at 9:20 AM on August 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

They didn't even mention the interview with Dave Chappelle. One of my favorites.

Eh. I don't expect much from Gawker.
posted by discopolo at 9:21 AM on August 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

This is pretty great:
I love that even facing down James Lipton and an adoring audience, Roseanne Barr couldn't give a shit. So Roseanne. That's really the thing here, that like a really fond sponge she just scrubs and scrubs at you and it's painful but not unpleasant. "I'm really proud of it," she says about her long-running and iconic sitcom. This whole fame thing, what a crock. Which is just another way of saying: Barr beats Seinfeld, every time.
She is all out of fucks to give.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 9:30 AM on August 15, 2014 [5 favorites]

What is the noun for when a handsome man is telling a good story and then he kind of flashes a smile at you in the middle, like an em-dash for the face?

That's an awesome line. An em-dash for the face. Love it.
posted by xmutex at 9:34 AM on August 15, 2014 [8 favorites]

Found it - one of my favorite moments from the Billy Joel one, where he tries to illustrate the importance of how words sound in songwriting by discussing vowel sound use in The Rolling Stones song "Start Me Up". He even does a very brief Mick Jagger imitation at 0:35.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:53 AM on August 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

I've always enjoyed the time Lipton went on Da Ali G Show (including the rap he wrote himself). As opposed to most guests, he clearly knew what was going on and wasn't going to put up with any crap, while still being willing to ply along. This may have more to do with how the threatened to sue the show's editors if they made him look bad, but still, an impressive accomplishment.
posted by zachlipton at 10:10 AM on August 15, 2014

I don't understand why "Meryl Streep has been omitted".
posted by boo_radley at 10:35 AM on August 15, 2014

I believe in the Gawker continuum Ms. Streep is Hors de categorie
posted by JPD at 10:43 AM on August 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

Dave Chappelle was an incredible interview.
posted by Chuffy at 11:42 AM on August 15, 2014

Executive Summary: Gawker contributor spends weekend watching a random selection of ItAS episodes (possibly while drinking heavily), then bangs out a string of stream-of-consciousness quips that manage to convey almost no factual information, in a desperate bid to beat back an approaching deadline (possibly while badly hung over).
posted by belarius at 12:06 PM on August 15, 2014 [5 favorites]

Audience, I say, are fawning, whooping and annoying.
posted by GallonOfAlan at 12:32 PM on August 15, 2014

I can't remember who did it, but someone one described being interviewed by James Lipton as a "warm tongue bath", which seems fairly accurate.
posted by DWRoelands at 1:00 PM on August 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

Executive Summary: Gawker contributor spends weekend watching a random selection of ItAS episodes (possibly while drinking heavily), then bangs out a string of stream-of-consciousness quips that manage to convey almost no factual information, in a desperate bid to beat back an approaching deadline (possibly while badly hung over).

Or, as they call it, Tuesday.
posted by Celsius1414 at 2:42 PM on August 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

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