"I will drop you like Greece's GDP."
January 31, 2015 1:59 PM   Subscribe

Several months ago, Epic Rap Battles of History (previously) decided to try something new: They teamed up with Forest Fire Films to create "Zeus vs. Thor"... in stop motion LEGO [NSFW]. Here's a look behind the scenes (Parts One and Two) for some insight into both the stop motion work and the song writing process.
posted by AlonzoMosleyFBI (4 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Winner: Thor. As it should be.
posted by scaryblackdeath at 3:28 PM on January 31, 2015

I was amused despite being skeptical.
posted by bleep at 3:43 PM on January 31, 2015

I just watched several ERBH bids with my 11yr-old daughter and was really impressed. Very well produced, great lyrics, etc. Plus, she actually reads up on some of the historical people after seeing them battle, so wins all around, basically.
posted by jmccw at 4:36 PM on January 31, 2015 [4 favorites]

Thanks for reminding me about these, I watched a good 7 or 8 last night before bed, and forgot all the guest stars and surprise battlers.

I mean they have Weird Al in there as Newton!

Also it's some pretty impressive production values for youtube shorts.
posted by sauril at 8:01 AM on February 1, 2015

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