"Old Man, take a look at yourself, I'm a lot like you."
February 4, 2015 9:33 AM   Subscribe

In the grand tradition of John Belushi and Joe Cocker, we now have Jimmy Fallon and Neil Young.
posted by AlonzoMosleyFBI (33 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Saw this last night and it was pretty great.
posted by snuffleupagus at 9:34 AM on February 4, 2015

I was expecting something like that, but that was even better than what I'd hoped for. And Neil sounds great.
posted by Halloween Jack at 9:42 AM on February 4, 2015 [2 favorites]

Fallon with Crosby, Stills, and Nash
posted by 1970s Antihero at 9:47 AM on February 4, 2015 [5 favorites]

I'm always so utterly thrilled for Jimmy Fallon when I see these bits.
posted by ThatCanadianGirl at 9:59 AM on February 4, 2015 [4 favorites]

Fallon does an amazing impression. Well done.
posted by zuhl at 10:02 AM on February 4, 2015

I will never be famous enough to imitate a celebrity in front of a crowd, or to be imitated in front of a crowd, but I would somehow love to know what it feels like to stand next to the person you're imitating or that is imitating you.

I'm sure it's different depending on whether the imitation is flattering*, such as this one, or somewhat unflattering, such as Will Ferrel doing Janet Reno, when the real Janet Reno storms in.

Yes, I know imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery but I'm not sure it always feels that way if you're being imitated.
posted by bondcliff at 10:05 AM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

And Neil sounds great.

I was blown away at the quality of Neil's voice last night, he actually sounds better now, I think, than when he was younger.
posted by Cosine at 10:11 AM on February 4, 2015 [5 favorites]

All my life I have done an amazing Leon Russell, and nothing else. Finally at age 53 I am in a band and we have a piano player and I am going to be doing my Leon Russell for the people. None of whom may know who Leon Russell is, but that's OK.

(I do Neil every time I sing, unfortunately)
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 10:27 AM on February 4, 2015 [4 favorites]

Crying at 11:43, heavens how time creeps up on me!
posted by Oyéah at 10:44 AM on February 4, 2015

that Belushi/Cocker duet was excellent. And Stuff backing them up! Holy hell.
posted by GrapeApiary at 10:45 AM on February 4, 2015

Well yes, Neil Young is really Neil Young. But can Neil Young also do Jim Morrison??
posted by Naberius at 10:48 AM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Awesome song. Written for the caretaker on Neil's ranch. Poignant lyrics. The original.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 10:49 AM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Wow Jimmy does a good Neil Young. And the both sound great.
posted by MrBobaFett at 10:57 AM on February 4, 2015

Awesome song. Written for the caretaker on Neil's ranch. Poignant lyrics. The original .

That BBC performance (in full) is wonderful. He was at the height of his songwriting ability then.
posted by juiceCake at 11:10 AM on February 4, 2015

I had the pleasure of seeing Young do this song on one of his early solo acoustic tours, before it came out on (whatever) record.

The only other thing I have to add is that Fallon has yet to jump the shark on his impersonating celebrities.
posted by Danf at 11:16 AM on February 4, 2015

This sort of transcends comedy and moves into something moving and almost painful. That makes it, in my world, the best comedy.

There's this term from Noh theatre - yugen. Yugen is a sort of ephemeral beauty - the metaphors most frequently used to describe it are "viewing moonlight in a pan of water" and "an old woman pining for her lost beauty." The idea is you catch a glimpse of something glorious through its absence or, perhaps, dilution. In Noh, its also beautiful in its own right but the emotional depth is only hinted it - you create the rest of it in your head.

I'd argue that the moment where Fallon looks over at Young achieved yugen.
posted by Joey Michaels at 11:20 AM on February 4, 2015 [24 favorites]

Cosine: And Neil sounds great.

I was blown away at the quality of Neil's voice last night, he actually sounds better now, I think, than when he was younger.
Saw him live (with CSNY) circa 2004-5, and that was my distinct opinion then. I think age is actually making his voice more melodic and listenable.
posted by IAmBroom at 11:27 AM on February 4, 2015

I loved it, but it appeared to me to be a deal made with Fallon to promote Pono. The interview was about Neil's Pono music player. Fallon had one on his desk. I get that all the celebrities that come on these shows are promoting something, but it was weird to see Neil shilling.

Regardless, Neil sounded good and fake Neil as good. Jimmy Fallon does a great musical impression.
posted by 724A at 12:23 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

I thought Fallon was pretty good, and then Neil came on and made it brilliant. Nothing really flashy, just 30 more years of experience shaping a voice for the microphone.
posted by CBrachyrhynchos at 12:26 PM on February 4, 2015 [4 favorites]

Did they play another song after that one, or is their detuning at the end a joke on how Neil Young spends a lot of time in concert changing his tuning?
posted by Cheezitsofcool at 12:35 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

724A: Agreed, Neil has been shilling the up and coming Pono (now released) on late night tv for years, not sure what got him hooked on it, the device seems very snake-oil to me.
posted by Cosine at 12:46 PM on February 4, 2015

Neil Young is one of the co-founders of Pono, so he is shilling for his own company. In fact, almost every mention of Pono is preceded by "Neil Young's".

But yeah, snake oil. No one is going to buy this thing.
posted by sideshow at 12:53 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Also, I love the song "Old Man" so much that I also love this Redlight King rap that samples it extensively.
posted by Joey Michaels at 1:26 PM on February 4, 2015

I hope Fallon keeps doing these because they're a great excuse to plug my friend's outstanding tribute band, The Neil Young'uns.

March 21 at the Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth, Toronto.
posted by bonobothegreat at 1:43 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Fallon did Young a couple years ago (Heart of Gold, maybe?) and was even better then than he was in this clip.

I love Neil Young so much. And his voice sounds superb. (Compare to the others in CSNY now.)
posted by persona au gratin at 1:49 PM on February 4, 2015

This was fantastic and I actually did tear up and Neil sounds incredible Fallon sounds great and was respectful and it was all around wonderful. To those of you saying Neil sounds better now than he did when he was younger, he does. His voice has aged beautifully and right now it's much better than it was 10 or 20 years ago and he's clearly in full command of his game, at least for short performances. But go back and listen to a good recording of Harvest. He's 27 years old. It's fucking transcendent.
posted by The Bellman at 2:37 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Obligatory Simpsons reference:

"I'm seein' double here! Four Neil's!"
posted by Green Winnebago at 2:55 PM on February 4, 2015

Really a good performance by Fallon. I never see him except on YouTube, but he seems to be doing a lot of nice things these days.

p.s. This post amuses me because, when they appeared on the scene – and not that they cared at all – I could barely stand either Cocker or Young. But both won me over over time. Especially Cocker. And I loved Neil when he completely blew away Pearl Jam on MTV in 1993. Nice job, old man.
posted by LeLiLo at 5:21 PM on February 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Fallon's in LA this week so they are pulling out all the stops. Doc Severinsen sat in with The Roots last night which was pretty great. (My apologies for the dodgy YouTube link, it's about 8 minutes in if you have access to Hulu)
posted by Gary at 6:40 PM on February 4, 2015

Here is David Pogue's review of Pono. He is not a fan. The emperor has no clothes according to him.
posted by 724A at 7:17 PM on February 4, 2015

Here is David Pogue's review of Pono. He is not a fan.

In fairness to Pogue, it's not an Apple product.
posted by The Bellman at 2:03 PM on February 5, 2015

That was lovely.

Re: Pono, here's Ars Technica: A tall, refreshing drink of snake oil.
posted by Shmuel510 at 2:06 PM on February 5, 2015

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