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February 10, 2017 8:42 PM   Subscribe

Skaters Are Recreating Stunning Yuri On Ice Routines In Real-Life [Kotaku] This isn’t a post about people dressed as Yuri on Ice [wiki] characters. It’s about people who can skate recreating some of the anime’s most famous routines. [Previously.]

• Yuri On Ice Opening Theme/Intro [YouTube]
• Patton Chen Performing Yuri’s Eros [YouTube], Complete with Comparison Shots [YouTube]
• Patton Chen Recreating Opening Credits Sequence of Yuri On Ice [YouTube]
• Joel Minas Performing Yuri's Eros, Full Version [YouTube]
• Kenji Miyamoto (a former Japanese champion figure skater and actual choreographer for the show) Performing Some Rountines on Japanese TV [YouTube]
posted by Fizz (11 comments total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
Two things:

1. These are amazing. Such talented figure skaters/video-editing.
2. You should really watch this anime.
posted by Fizz at 8:47 PM on February 10, 2017 [2 favorites]

Fans of YOI should follow @meyoco
posted by rebent at 9:01 PM on February 10, 2017 [3 favorites]

This is incredible! I love seeing anime dances performed by fans, but figure skating routines are on a whole 'nother level. Really hope to see other characters' routines recreated as well.

Meanwhile, this cosplayer does a mean Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Plisetsky. (I love her Haikyuu cosplay the best though.)
posted by peripathetic at 9:28 PM on February 10, 2017 [1 favorite]

It's been so cool seeing ice skaters become fans of the show. When the show started airing, most people paying attention to it were not ice skating fans but sakuga/animation fans (because the director is highly regarded for great animation and storytelling). And people were wondering "How will ice skaters feel about this show and all the homages/references being made about them?" But now a lot of ice skaters are bigger fans than the sakuga crowd.

Recently Joe Johnson did "JJ style" on national television. And a while back someone threw an onigiri pillow to Evgenia Medvedeva, who is known to be a huge fan. Johnny Weir (whose image was referenced) also became a fan, and his Poker Face routine was one of the major inspirations for the director. So the fan appreciation has come full-circle, lol.

It would be amazing if YOI songs started getting used in actual competitions some day. Though unfortunately all the songs so far don't fit the typical program lengths very well. The music would have to be cut or lengthened, or used in an exhibition skate.

One thing I noticed after watching Kenji's choreography footage was the anime didn't really capture the fluidity and sensuality of his movements during Eros very well (the animation quality was starting to lose a bit of steam at this point too). So it's a bit interesting to see that between the reference choreography > the anime > fan's recreation skates, the movements become increasingly more stiff. Despite the fandom pining for season 2 ASAP, I hope they take their sweet time with it so that the animation quality remains constant.
posted by picklenickle at 10:22 PM on February 10, 2017 [6 favorites]

picklenickle: thank you so much for the term sakuga, I never knew there was a name for this (and now have many tabs open)!
posted by glass origami robot at 11:54 PM on February 10, 2017

You just can't know how happy this has made me. Thank you thank you thank you, Fizz.

Srsly crying years of joy. I needed this today.
posted by greermahoney at 12:12 AM on February 11, 2017 [1 favorite]

the blog at Sakugabooru is a great place to learn more about sakuga in English.

You can check all of the YOI blog posts at Sakugabooru as well.
posted by gen at 1:27 AM on February 11, 2017

I never knew there was a name for this (and now have many tabs open)!

Then I'm going to recommend one of the tabs be Endless Night. It's a short film by the Yuri on Ice director, Sayo Yamamoto. She also worked on the Persona 5 opening, which (surprise!) contains ice skating. You can tell she's really wanted to do an ice skating anime for a long time, lol.

What's also interesting (not to stray too far from the subject) is I've seen ice skaters comment that the step sequences and jumps are surprisingly accurate in YOI, which is probably what allows skaters to attempt performing them in the first place. In the sports anime genre, this is rare and unusual since most popular sports anime like Prince of Tennis, Eyeshield 21, Kuroko's Basketball and Haikyuu use quite a lot of artistic licence with regards to how they portray action and what their characters are capable of doing. Yet YOI was able to drum up all sorts of anticipation and excitement surrounding the sport without superpowers or gimmicky abilities (I guess Yuri has "stamina" but it doesn't really become an unbeatable trump card or anything).
posted by picklenickle at 2:27 AM on February 11, 2017 [4 favorites]

I noticed that fans of Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir -- Canadian ice dance champs -- have recognized some Yuri On Ice choreography as coming from one of their routines.
posted by BlahLaLa at 10:24 AM on February 11, 2017

Olympic gold medalist Yuzuru Hanyu skating exhibition programs choreographed by Kenji Miyamoto 1, 2

More Kenji Miyamoto choreography: Daisuke Takahashi & Stephane Lambiel together (Lambiel plays himself in the final episode of YOI, and Yuri Katsuki is supposedly based on Takahashi).

And of course Miyamoto also choreographed Endless Night mentioned above.
posted by needled at 3:55 PM on February 11, 2017 [1 favorite]

Oh, this is exactly what I needed today. Thank you!
posted by Stacey at 4:28 AM on February 13, 2017

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