Back On My Beat
November 1, 2018 9:38 AM   Subscribe

Carly Rae Jepsen has at long last returned with a new single and video (content warning for sex toys).

The Canadian singer spent Halloween dropping teases for the new song. The clip, directed by Bardia Zeinali, references (if not outright features) viral Instagrammers Breadface and professional wig-snatcher Mark Kanemura.

Lars Gotrich of NPR Music, (in line with NPR's almost bafflingly thoughtful Jepsen coverage) compares the track to Steve Reich, Stereogum points to an upcoming 2019 release, and Buzzfeed captures the inevitable internet freakout.

Happy Carly Day, everyone!
posted by Maaik (20 comments total) 18 users marked this as a favorite
This tweet embedded in the Buzzfeed article perfectly captures my feelings about this news

new carly rae jepsen today, now I understand why straight people set cars on fire for sports
posted by Automocar at 10:11 AM on November 1, 2018 [17 favorites]

I'm going to need to see her paperwork because I think she is attempting to illegally violate her one-hit agreement with the devil.
posted by GoblinHoney at 10:14 AM on November 1, 2018

Ah the correct analysis is allready in.


“The video for Carly Rae Jepsen’s latest bop “Party for One” shows a hotel full of lonely ppl coming together to have a weird dance party after the power goes out, which is clearly a commentary on the struggle to overcome capitalist alienation in order to build a socialist future, The power going out is clearly a metaphor for the crisis of capitalism and impending ecological disaster. Carly very deliberately shows us the power of solidarity, dance, and vodka cocktails in the pursuit of collective liberation. CRJ gives us the answers. We just need to listen.”
posted by The Whelk at 10:26 AM on November 1, 2018 [24 favorites]

MetaFilter: (content warning for sex toys)
posted by ricochet biscuit at 11:09 AM on November 1, 2018 [6 favorites]

100 percent here for carly channeling margot tenenbaum in y-fronts
posted by kerning at 11:13 AM on November 1, 2018 [3 favorites]

this is only relevant because of Carly Rae Jepsen but i wanted to expose more people to Call Me America
posted by numaner at 11:20 AM on November 1, 2018 [4 favorites]

100 percent here for carly channeling margot tenenbaum

Oh yeah, one of the tease photos she posted to Insta this week goes hard at this look
posted by Maaik at 11:30 AM on November 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

Fun song, hope she got paid well for those product placements. If you need me, I'll be dancing in my CKs . Does Postmates deliver Absolut in MN?

(Who am I kidding? I'm more the bathtub spaghetti type.)
posted by advicepig at 11:46 AM on November 1, 2018 [6 favorites]

(Who am I kidding? I'm more the bathtub spaghetti type.)

Hey, man, I'm eating dinner over the trash like a rat.

Also, I love Carly.
posted by OnTheLastCastle at 1:38 PM on November 1, 2018

God but I needed this.
posted by parm at 1:56 PM on November 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

I enjoyed this song and video about masturbating! I, too, enjoy masturbating!
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 2:01 PM on November 1, 2018 [4 favorites]

...was that the Hotel Penn?
posted by brennen at 2:19 PM on November 1, 2018

I absolut-ly loved it, and in the same week as Robyn’s new album too
posted by Middlemarch at 3:06 PM on November 1, 2018

I dug this. Like a lot. And I didn't ever like that other song she did.
posted by greermahoney at 6:26 PM on November 1, 2018

Holy cats! Mark Kanemura is an absolute doll of a human being and if he's working with CRJ, she must be a pretty awesome person too. Awesome by association.
posted by Joey Michaels at 6:31 PM on November 1, 2018

Previously in self-love pop songs: "She Bop", "Pump It Up", "Pictures of Lily". (No "Turning Japanese" because, come on, really.)
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:06 AM on November 2, 2018

Oh, and almost forgot, because it was so obvious, probably.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:08 AM on November 2, 2018

I can appreciate the statement, but the product placement is super clumsy. This is an ad for underwear and vodka. Delivered.
posted by snuffleupagus at 11:39 PM on November 2, 2018 [1 favorite]

I unabashedly love CRJ and am not afraid to say it. I think she's this perfect distillation of everything I love about dancy pop music, stemming back to the days when Janet and Paula were dominant on the charts. Her tone and production are exactly perfect to fill me with joy and delight. It's inexplicable but I'm not even looking for a reason. I just love her. Emotion is still in regular rotation for me (after being the only thing in rotation for about a month after I first got it).

Love this new song, too! Can't wait for the new album, which I will buy, plus all the remixes and etc.
posted by hippybear at 2:51 PM on November 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

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