Managing Fundie Eruptions.
July 3, 2002 8:37 AM   Subscribe

Managing Fundie Eruptions. A short course on how Karl Rove manages the fundamentalists who so often disrupt the regime's plans. He gives them what they want, but secretly, kinda like fundie sex.
posted by nofundy (9 comments total)
this is a little off-topic, and I would have e-mailed you had you an e-mail listed, but I have to say that I really like the quote in your profile.
posted by mcsweetie at 8:47 AM on July 3, 2002

You know, it's actually kind of sad to me how much Christian fundamentalists are being duped by the people in control of the republican party. The GOP does best when these people are angry, so their stragety on many of these issues seems to be to talk a lot about how they wish they could change things, but those pesky liberals in the Supreme Court or congress or wherever won't let them. religious conservatives blame liberals and turn out in huge numbers to vote more conservatives into power.

think about it. if the GOP was ever actually successful in banning abortion or even just overturning Roe v. Wade, many fundamentalists would see no reason to vote anymore, let alone to grassroots organizing and fundraising (at least on the federal level). The GOP actually does much better if the leadership just talks the talk and don't walk the walk. The same analysis applies to all sort of other social issues that the fundamentalists care about but the rich, business-executive-types that run the GOP could care less about.
posted by boltman at 8:56 AM on July 3, 2002

Fundy victories would not only de-energize the right, but would re-energize the left. But it's not just a phenomenon of the right, although they seem to be playing it smart. Ascendancy politics is about striving; once you get what you want, stagnation sets in and decline is inevitable. It's part of why politics follows cycles.
posted by luser at 9:03 AM on July 3, 2002

I love the visual provided by this part of the article:

"...when you shine a light on their back-room dealings with the Leviticus-obsessed, the Bushies drop everything and scamper like roaches."

Texas has some big-ass roaches, too. I think I actually saw Karl Rove run under my fridge when I lived in Irving.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 9:09 AM on July 3, 2002

if the GOP was ever actually successful in banning abortion or even just overturning Roe v. Wade, many fundamentalists would see no reason to vote anymore, let alone to grassroots organizing and fundraising (at least on the federal level).

Issues are like Doritos to the politically-inclined. They'll make more.
posted by rushmc at 9:12 AM on July 3, 2002

They'll make more.

Sequels are rarely as good as the original.
posted by inpHilltr8r at 9:41 AM on July 3, 2002

They'll make more

there's always that pesky homosexual problem.
posted by tolkhan at 10:04 AM on July 3, 2002

there's always that pesky homosexual problem

There's our cue to enter stage-left, Wolfdaddy!

I really do hope Paul Weyrich & his cronies do go pout in the corner this fall instead of going to the voting booth.
posted by TuffAustin at 11:44 AM on July 3, 2002

Ditto mcsweetie. Glad you pointed it out.
posted by holycola at 9:06 PM on July 3, 2002

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