languages, customs, avatars, and nasty safeguards
October 19, 2021 9:46 AM   Subscribe

"But no matter: you can be made perfect; you can put on the immerser and become someone else, someone pale-skinned and tall and beautiful." "Immersion" is a short science fiction story by French-Vietnamese author Aliette de Bodard that won the 2012 Nebula Award and Locus Award for Best Short Story. It never explicitly uses the word "assimilation," or "immigrant."
posted by brainwane (6 comments total) 19 users marked this as a favorite
Wonderful--thank you for posting!
I also liked how it played with some of the same themes as Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." With some very important differences, of course.
posted by indexy at 12:27 PM on October 19, 2021 [1 favorite]

I loved this, thank you.
posted by stillnocturnal at 12:50 PM on October 19, 2021 [1 favorite]

A stellar story. It's worth hunting down all of the stories/books in their universe of Xuya.
posted by Ber at 7:57 AM on October 20, 2021

Wonderful! And thank you for all your other short story posts as well 😊
posted by twirlypen at 1:28 PM on October 20, 2021 [1 favorite]

Ooh, the comparison to Perkins Gilman was really apt! What a thought provoking story.
posted by MarianHalcombe at 4:37 AM on October 22, 2021

This was stunning and heartbreaking and exactly what I needed to read this weekend. Thank you for posting it.
posted by Fish, fish, are you doing your duty? at 8:44 AM on October 24, 2021 [1 favorite]

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