"I spent out my faded web/old Ahasuerus of unrevealed destiny"
October 30, 2022 7:30 PM   Subscribe

Four Poems by Dennis Brutus. 'Cold' (YT), 'Train Journey', 'I must conjure from my past', ' Still the Sirens'

'Dennis Brutus: South African literary giant who was reluctant to tell his life story' though here is Studs Terkel and Brutus in a conversation about activism. (1975). 'How One South African Poet Reformed the Olympics to Combat Apartheid.'
Part of the 'Playwrights Against Apartheid, with letters from Dennis Brutus and Samuel Beckett' from the British Library. Alas, 'Poetry and Protest.'
posted by clavdivs (1 comment total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Frost Pist!!!!!!!!!
posted by pee tape at 8:11 PM on November 1, 2022

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