experiencing diaspora as an unexpected concentration of connections
December 6, 2023 3:52 PM   Subscribe

There are foods I don’t associate with a specific memory so much as with the act of remembering. If all my favourite breakfast foods were laid out before me—smoked salmon and capers, ful mdammas, soft goat cheese and honey—I would reach for labaneh and zaatar first.
posted by curious nu (5 comments total) 24 users marked this as a favorite
Such a talented writer, and what a fantastic essay. Thank you for posting, OP.
posted by wicked_sassy at 4:03 PM on December 6, 2023

Thank you!
posted by psylosyren at 4:41 PM on December 6, 2023

This was highly recommended elseweb, and I'm not surprised to see it here. It's one of those pieces that's going to stay with me.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 5:31 PM on December 6, 2023

wow, this is wonderful
posted by DoctorFedora at 10:30 PM on December 6, 2023

I came to zaatar and labneh [and keep your food of King's give me megadarra every day] as a (young) adult because beloved had a Lebanese G-father. He and all his brothers left their home place and headed West. Selim paused, and was snagged, in W Africa; but at least two of the brothers went on to Brazil. When Selim's widow died ~10 years ago, the extended family came into a share of the Lebanese farm. My MiL, Selim's daughter, would not hear of it. Do NOT go there, she insisted, it will only bring grief and hardship; and we have enough of that here.

Lovely essay - a lot shorter and to the point than Proust and his madeleines; for which much thanks.
posted by BobTheScientist at 5:50 AM on December 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

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