The Art Colony in Charlevoix
January 3, 2024 4:51 AM   Subscribe

Perhaps more than any other town in Canada, Baie-Saint-Paul understands the appeal of its artistic side for tourists interested in hanging out where so many painters have found inspiration.

Art colonies are organic congregations of artists in towns, villages and rural areas, who are often drawn to areas of natural beauty, the prior existence of other artists, art schools there, or a lower cost of living. One such, Baie-Saint-Paul, had to deal with floods in 2023. It is located in Charlevoix, a cultural and natural region in Quebec that is a UNESCO-desginated Biosphere Reserve. Note that Baie-Saint-Paul is also where the Cirque du Soleil got its start as a troupe of street performers.

The First Nations were in what is now Quebec long before the foundation of Baie-Saint-Paul or Charlevoix, and they remain today. You can learn about Indigenous art in Quebec via the Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, among other places.
posted by cupcakeninja (1 comment total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
This post brought to you by a trip to Quebec last year, including visits to Baie-Saint-Paul and, closer to Quebec City, Wendake and the marvelous Librairie Hannenorak.
posted by cupcakeninja at 4:54 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

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