The real life Lady Whistledown scandalised 18th-century society
May 19, 2024 10:51 AM   Subscribe

The Guardian: Like the fictional pamphlet from Bridgerton, Eliza Haywood’s The Parrot, published in 1746 (here in , has a distinctive, mocking voice that punches up and “speaks truth to power”. Now, a new book will republish Haywood’s funny, subversive periodical, which she wrote from the perspective of an angry green parrot, and seek to raise awareness of her groundbreaking work. A prolific anti-racist, proto-feminist writer, Haywood used her transgressive newsletter to expose 18th-century hypocrisies about race and gender. It was published weekly over nine issues. posted by ShooBoo (1 comment total) 36 users marked this as a favorite
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posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 6:52 AM on May 23 [2 favorites]

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