Who said what about whom?
October 13, 2003 10:16 AM   Subscribe

Chronology of Wilsongate Articles Some may scream "overkill," but I found this illuminating and bookmark-worthy even though I've been reading everything I can find on this scandal. New blogger Alex Parker has compiled links to all the relevant pieces in this story, with annotations. As the WH strategy seems to be to constantly confuse us about what facts are nailed down and who knew, or said, what, to whom, and when, this is a good BS-cutter. (via Calpundit)
posted by soyjoy (5 comments total)

For some historical perspective, here's a WarFilter post on how some of the key figures from Watergate view Wilsongate.
posted by homunculus at 11:20 AM on October 13, 2003

One of the odd things in this that I hadn't seen elsewhere is that the original TIME article from 7/17 didn't include any reference to Novak - until the 7/22 version of the same article. Nowadays commentators routinely refer to it, though, as a "July 17" article on TIME's Web site. Parker only has a posting from a forum to document the first version, but if it's accurate, you gotta wonder... WTF?
posted by soyjoy at 11:28 AM on October 13, 2003


[sorry. irresistable urge.]
posted by goethean at 11:37 AM on October 13, 2003

Actually, it's underkill, because it doesn't even have the momentous event of Wilson naming Karl Rove as the perp, couched in a certain colorful phrase. But I looked for news reports other than the audio from the event and couldn't find any until the current phase (i.e. post-9/27). Were all of our country's newspapers that asleep at the switch that they didn't even notice this, or am I just bad at Googling today?
posted by soyjoy at 12:47 PM on October 13, 2003

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