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February 4, 2005 8:16 PM   Subscribe

What do Captain Marvel and the dad from "My Three Sons" have in common? This guy knows. In fact, he knows more about The Captain (not that other Captain Marvel -- there is a difference) and his entire superheroic family than anyone else on the planet. You may think your obsessions are impressive, but you've got nothing on Walt Grogan.
posted by grabbingsand (7 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
And to think, I was once impressed by the seemingly thorough research on this Fantastic Four page. Amateurs.
posted by grabbingsand at 8:24 PM on February 4, 2005

I don't trust that Uncle Marvel. Even Mary says that he's a "lovable old fraud". And he drinks with the devil. Apparently.
posted by graventy at 10:47 PM on February 4, 2005

I don't know why, exactly, but Captain Marvel triggers something from my childhood -- and I'm not just talking about the SHAZAM! kiddie show in the mid-70s. I may have had Captain Marvel toys, or read some of the comics...but clicking around on that site definitely makes me want to keep on reading. Good stuff -- thanks, grabbingsand.

Of course, the real question is: Superman or Captain Marvel? I know, I know...there is no doubt that Superman would win -- he is the undisputed King of All Superheroes. But still -- I think that Captain Marvel is the only superhero who could even put up even a passable fight.
posted by davidmsc at 11:15 PM on February 4, 2005

Of course, the real question is: Superman or Captain Marvel?

Or Master Man!
Introducing to the readers of the world's biggest comic book -- the world's greatest hero: Master Man! Stronger than untamed horses! Swifter than raging winds! Braver than mighty lions! Wiser than wisdom, kind as Galahad is Master Man, the wonder of the world! As a boy, young Master Man was weak until a wise old doctor gave the youth a magic capsule, full of vitamins, containing every source of energy known to man! The boy becomes the strongest man on earth! Upon the highest mountain peak he built a solid capsule made of solid rock! From there he sees all evil in the world and races to destroy it instantly!
Except for the evil of copyright lawyers.
Once National saw how similar Master Man was to Superman, the company threatened litigation. Fawcett Publications dropped Master Man after the first six issues of Master Comics.
posted by pracowity at 11:37 PM on February 4, 2005

Aw, there used to be an obsessive list of Captain Marvel imitators, chronicling just about every comics character whose M.O. is an ordinary person who gets replaced by a different, super-powered body (it was broad enough to include Thor.) But it's gone 404, with no love to be had at the Internet Archive or Google cache.
posted by Zed_Lopez at 10:59 AM on February 7, 2005

This Comics 101 article eventually mentions my favorite use of Captain Marvel, the JSA bit where teenager-in-a-grown-superhero's-body Billy Batson starts a romance with another teenaged hero, making everyone wonder what sort of cradle-robbing perv he is.
posted by COBRA! at 11:51 AM on February 7, 2005

Actually, while I'm pimping Comics 101, here's the article on Captain Marvel.
posted by COBRA! at 11:59 AM on February 7, 2005

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