Good Marketing Strategy?
November 9, 2005 3:30 PM   Subscribe

A filmmaker and festival director goes on a morning news show to promote his local theater and a traveling flim festival. Totally routine interview until - d'oh! A good reason not to go on tv when you're either super nervous or hungover (Quicktime movie). (via)
posted by billysumday (30 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Flim festival? Sorry. Film festival, obviously. Oh, and hopefully this isn't a double. I looked but didn't find nuthin.
posted by billysumday at 3:31 PM on November 9, 2005

posted by VulcanMike at 3:43 PM on November 9, 2005

Actual footage? Or film-student creation?
posted by KirkJobSluder at 3:46 PM on November 9, 2005

Looks staged, but I've got no audio at work.


the siamese twins jump out around the last quarter, sorry my QT doesn't have a timecode.
posted by tzelig at 3:49 PM on November 9, 2005

Never mind, found the station and the anchor. (Now just watch, metafilter will probably make her into the newswoman who interviewed the puking man ruining her career.)
posted by KirkJobSluder at 3:50 PM on November 9, 2005

This has done the rounds before - and IIRC, it's staged.
posted by davelog at 3:54 PM on November 9, 2005

What? - he sat there with a reservoir of congealed custard in his mouth and spoke reasonably coherently, for most of the interview and then faux vomitted?

I'll have to try this at christmas.
posted by strawberryviagra at 4:04 PM on November 9, 2005

His coming back up to answer her next question as if it were completely natural is the best part.
posted by dhartung at 4:07 PM on November 9, 2005

posted by sexyrobot at 4:10 PM on November 9, 2005

If it was staged, my guess is when it looks like he's coughing into his fist he's actually sucking something up through a straw in his fist.

*looks again*

Yup! That's definitely what's happening. Look what his cheek is doing while he has his fist to his mouth -- definitely filling up with something.

Of course, I guess you could say he was throwing up into his mouth at that point, and he's simply coughing it up. I don't know.
posted by Deathalicious at 4:21 PM on November 9, 2005

re: the anchor and her profile -
Michelle and her husband, Mark, have two Chihuahuas, Jack and Tinkerbelle, a 3-year-old nephew, Chase, and a 2-year-old niece, Zoe. When she’s not working, Michelle enjoys traveling.

Why does she enumerate her siblings children? That's really odd - it's a good job she doesn't come from Irish catholic stock, else her mini bio would be considerably longer...

posted by dash_slot- at 4:36 PM on November 9, 2005

It's definitely staged. Too poor production value to not be. And no tv show in their right mind would let an unknown in his condition on live television.
posted by Manhasset at 4:39 PM on November 9, 2005

Staged? Doesn't seem staged to me at all. I've known people that get that nervous. And he looks so defeated at the end...
posted by billysumday at 4:44 PM on November 9, 2005

no tv show in their right mind would let an unknown in his condition on live television.

Umm... sure they would.
posted by billysumday at 4:45 PM on November 9, 2005

Damn, it was better when George the First did this in Japan and it wasn't staged. But still, anytime you mix puke (or mock puke) with, well, anything else, you're going to make a splash (literally).
posted by fenriq at 4:45 PM on November 9, 2005

Bonus points! I know I've heard that intro music before -- I think on a game? Anyone know where they jacked it from?
posted by symphonik at 5:03 PM on November 9, 2005

Heh.. that clip is hosted on my account!

That's my friend Tyrone, who puts together the Free Form Film Festival.. The film festival was touring through Columbia, MO, and he went the local news to promote it. What more can I say.

Tyrone is way ahead of his time. Future generations will either recognize him as a great director or the *greatest* director.
posted by rajbot at 5:46 PM on November 9, 2005

odinsdream: Awesome! That's it...

Now, where's my copy of Snes9x?
posted by symphonik at 5:47 PM on November 9, 2005

I'm posting for my brother, rajbot, who is currently on the train. This is only one in a long line of Tyrone stories. Tyrone is one of our great friends who we grew up with in Missouri. I can assure you the vomit is real. Tyrone has the ability to vomit on command. This is more useful than you may has gotten him out of some particularly boring situations. The reason the vomit looks blue is because it consists mostly of Blue's Clues ice cream that he was eating in preparation for his stunt. The news team had no idea....they eventually realized he did it on purpose and were pretty pissed. You can't say Tyrone wouldn't suffer for his art...check out his festival if it ever comes through your town.

btw, it would be great if you could limit clicking on the link for the next couple of hours until my brother can get home and deal with the traffic.
posted by rajbot at 6:03 PM on November 9, 2005

That was awesome. Tyrone is on my directors to watch list.
posted by birdherder at 6:18 PM on November 9, 2005

NEWSFLASH: MAN SETS FOOT ON MOON. Full story to follow.
posted by fire&wings at 6:24 PM on November 9, 2005

This was on eBaumsworld about 18 months ago and wasn't even worth posting then.
posted by fire&wings at 6:28 PM on November 9, 2005

Really? I didn't see the watermark. What, he's stealing content from the future now?
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 6:34 PM on November 9, 2005

Um. A little warning would have been appreciated, by the way. I'm not at work, I just have a strange aversion to seeing people vomit.
Carry on.
posted by hoborg at 7:03 PM on November 9, 2005

Is vomitting on purpose ~ fake vomitting on purpose?
posted by shoepal at 9:01 PM on November 9, 2005

Am I the only one who thinks that this is awesome? Apparently.
posted by craniac at 6:55 AM on November 10, 2005

meh. if you're going to faux vomit on television, try and make it looks real. or exciting.
posted by NationalKato at 7:28 AM on November 10, 2005

hoborg...seriously? That description was quite sufficient as a warning of what was coming up on that link.
posted by Shfishp at 7:51 AM on November 10, 2005

tzelig, do not steal my jokes or I will make you puke.
On TV!
posted by Outlawyr at 2:54 PM on November 10, 2005

Make that --> my jokes
posted by Outlawyr at 2:57 PM on November 10, 2005

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