The blending of pop culture
May 7, 2006 12:52 PM   Subscribe

The cast of Battlestar Galactica drawn as Simpsons characters. (via)
posted by tvjunkie (37 comments total)
posted by brain_drain at 1:12 PM on May 7, 2006

Damn funny. Although, having not seen Season 2.1, I fear I might have seen a bit of a spoiler with Dualla. Hopefully not.
posted by teece at 1:14 PM on May 7, 2006

I was kinda like "meh" when I clicked on the link to check it out but I only got as far as Boomer before I started cackling. Funny stuff.
posted by furiousthought at 1:16 PM on May 7, 2006

Not enough overbite. But otherwise pretty good.
posted by SirOmega at 1:24 PM on May 7, 2006

Funny stuff, but the one of Starbuck is a bit too butchy. She's way hotter than that.
posted by brundlefly at 1:48 PM on May 7, 2006

Sharon's picture was inspired. :)
posted by Malor at 2:22 PM on May 7, 2006

i love the baby toster. Excellent stuff.

She's way hotter than that.

Yeah, Six and Boomer are hotter than that as well, but that's the fun of Simpsons style artwork.
posted by quin at 2:23 PM on May 7, 2006

Yeah, I realize that. But Starbuck looks likes a haggard 50 yr old, here. (The toaster is great.)
posted by brundlefly at 2:41 PM on May 7, 2006

...waaaait, I knew someone was missing. Agathon! Where's Helo?

They could have extended the Boomer picture and just put him on the far right edge, staring uncomprehendingly. I demaaaaand this!
posted by furiousthought at 2:55 PM on May 7, 2006

to be fair, only the 'real' simpsons characters have the overbite. all the guest star characters are drawn in such a way that any reasonable person would recognize them. so, for what it's worth, i think they look fantastic.
posted by StrasbourgSecaucus at 3:44 PM on May 7, 2006

Why can't I see this in Firefox? IE works fine.
posted by randomstriker at 3:48 PM on May 7, 2006

Just in case anyone hasn't seen the new season, there is a spoiler or two in there...
posted by Dr. Zira at 3:53 PM on May 7, 2006

"tvjunkie" indeed. Thanks for this. Really, fantastic.
posted by donpedro at 4:15 PM on May 7, 2006

She's way hotter than that.

I beg to differ.

posted by seanyboy at 4:30 PM on May 7, 2006

What on earth is this image supposed to represent?
posted by delmoi at 4:30 PM on May 7, 2006

What on earth is this image supposed to represent?
Bzzt. Sorry, you've failed the B.G.Nerd entrance exam. Please reapply next year.

They're all the copies of Sharon we've seen, and her baby toaster.
posted by Popular Ethics at 4:47 PM on May 7, 2006

delmoi, that's Pregnant Sharon, a couple of the Naked Sharons from the enemy cap ship, and Assassin Sharon.

She's just, um, sharon herself around, I guess. :)
posted by Malor at 4:56 PM on May 7, 2006

The style is a bit rough, as noted above, but certainly familiar from a simpsons standpoint and not bad.

It's all about the toaster!
posted by mystyk at 4:56 PM on May 7, 2006

lol. 'nuff said.
posted by tiamat at 5:26 PM on May 7, 2006

Assassin Sharon being dead, hence the pallor.
posted by heresiarch at 6:02 PM on May 7, 2006

The baby toaster is what did it for me. Funny!
posted by Space Kitty at 6:49 PM on May 7, 2006

Wonderful job, and a great show! Highly recommended to even those snobs who hate sci-fi.

And yes, Starbuck does look a little like a slightly more masculine Macauley Culkin.
posted by newfers at 7:07 PM on May 7, 2006

Spectacular. My latent Adama-Roslin 'shipping is sated.
posted by Isabeau Sahen at 7:22 PM on May 7, 2006

I love the sorta bashful "we're not really holding hands" look on Adama's and Roslin's faces.
posted by hooray at 7:43 PM on May 7, 2006

I thought I heard tell of the Lost cast drawn as Simpsons characters somewhere. I'd like to see that.
posted by NemesisVex at 8:03 PM on May 7, 2006

I love the sorta bashful "we're not really holding hands" look on Adama's and Roslin's faces.
And the filename: "battlesimpsons-parents.gif." Love!
posted by Isabeau Sahen at 10:11 PM on May 7, 2006

Assassin Sharon being dead...

FRACK!! Please, no more spoilers, people! Have a heart for those of us outside of N. America and the UK, 'kay?
posted by rob511 at 10:26 PM on May 7, 2006

These are spectacularly good. I thought the Dualla picture was pretty clever, too.

Pst, rob511, I'm told that all the eps are up on them internets, but you didn't hear it from me.
posted by Drunken_munky at 10:50 PM on May 7, 2006

La la la la not listening la la la la la.
posted by chemoboy at 12:49 AM on May 8, 2006

FRACK!! Please, no more spoilers, people! Have a heart for those of us outside of N. America and the UK, 'kay?

Why not just BitTorrent now, and watch some commercials later to make up for it?
posted by monaco at 12:50 AM on May 8, 2006

Is "Why not just BitTorrent it?" the new "Area Man Constantly Mentioning He Doesn't Own a Television"?
posted by Justinian at 1:39 AM on May 8, 2006

These are great. Thanks.
Funny stuff, but the one of Starbuck is a bit too butchy. She's way hotter than that.
Not really. Looked spot on.
posted by geekyguy at 3:35 AM on May 8, 2006

Thought they all were pretty on the spot.
posted by Atreides at 6:33 AM on May 8, 2006

posted by chunking express at 7:49 AM on May 8, 2006

FRACK!! Please, no more spoilers, people! Have a heart for those of us outside of N. America and the UK, 'kay?

If you want to get revenge on American sci fi geeks, ask them how they like the new Doctor Who with Christopher Eccleston that's just started showing here. Then ask them if they're familiar with this man's work.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 9:11 AM on May 8, 2006

*asks very, very nicely for snail-mail copies*
posted by Space Kitty at 9:37 AM on May 8, 2006

FRACK!! Please, no more spoilers, people! Have a heart for those of us outside of N. America and the UK, 'kay?

Geez, how far behind is the UK? That event happened a long time ago. Beginning of season 2, I believe. If you guys are that far behind, you must be in some serious pain.

So say we all.
posted by butterstick at 11:34 AM on May 8, 2006

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