Today, MetaFilter is the CoolSTOP Best of Cool
January 23, 2000 10:59 AM   Subscribe

Today, MetaFilter is the CoolSTOP Best of Cool award winner. Joe Jenett says "At first, the large fonts seemed awkward to me - then it dawned on me that when you have a lot to read, the big type is kinda nice!" I just wanted to add that if you register, you can change the body text font size and family, turn off link underlining, and launch hyperlinks in new windows if you want, it's all in the preferences.
posted by mathowie (3 comments total)
that's what I call poetic justice :-)
posted by prolific at 11:32 AM on January 23, 2000

editor's note: poetic justice explanation here.
posted by mathowie at 1:16 PM on January 23, 2000

came back and registered and whataya know - the fonts ain't so large
posted by jenett at 3:12 PM on January 23, 2000

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