A foggiest notion
November 17, 2006 2:28 PM   Subscribe

Emerging from the Mist: The Museum of the Haar. (being Friday, requires Flash)
posted by Rumple (2 comments total)
I think the Evil Sea Gulls live on my roof. Interesting stuff - thanks
posted by Staggering Jack at 5:00 PM on November 17, 2006

With all the hoops you have jump through just to get in the front door, I can see why the Haar's Crew posted the death or injury disclaimer on the splash page.

I haven't the foggiest notion why creative people continue to creatively create creative web sites that creatively force visitors to creatively wander through creative virtual environments so they can creatively experience still more creatively-designed creativity. It's quite creative, though.

Can they bring some of the exhibits (and a few umbrellas) out onto the sidewalk?
posted by cenoxo at 5:21 PM on November 17, 2006

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