meaty matters
January 5, 2008 8:19 AM   Subscribe

posted by synaesthetichaze at 8:22 AM on January 5, 2008

ooh, cannibalizing your own posts to Blort!! That's a paddlin'.
posted by Henry C. Mabuse at 8:24 AM on January 5, 2008

That meathouse doesn't look half bad once it's cooked! (Looked rather disgusting as it was constructed though.)
posted by jamstigator at 8:26 AM on January 5, 2008

And now, I would like a pair of shoes made out of TUMS.
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 8:28 AM on January 5, 2008

I would like a pair of panties made out of Pepto-Bismol.
posted by Henry C. Mabuse at 8:34 AM on January 5, 2008

Can't argue with the tag selection.
posted by kingfisher, his musclebound cat at 8:39 AM on January 5, 2008

But where is Meatbomb?
posted by misha at 8:43 AM on January 5, 2008

Yo, standing by.
posted by Meatbomb at 8:54 AM on January 5, 2008

Ah, Dr. Marbuse, you found me out! But in my defense, many of these links are fresh cuts, never before seen on the blort.

Plus, you must admit that the meathouse could make for a good Sunday dinner craft project for our fellow mefites. I see future "meat up" potential here.
posted by madamjujujive at 8:57 AM on January 5, 2008

Love the meatscape collages and the first of your meat art links.

Adding to the meatfilter carnifest, think you'll love this one, yikes, The Meat Gallery -- A Garden of Surrealist Sculpture l bacon bandaids l more ordinary minced meat sculpture l A Belgian artist has covered part of a building at Ghent University with ham - hoping that the rotting meat will attract swarms of flies. l eewww, Animatronic Flesh Shoe l people seem to like making stuff of meat, meat chessboard l and bizarro art statements like this one, Emilio built several human corpses from poultry meat and placed them in cars that had been involved in traffic accidents l Variety Meat Pencil Toppers and shower curtain l Top 10 Coolest BBQ Grills (And Then Some!) l and the very last invention on this delightful list, the noodle eater’s hair guard included because it's a meat broth with noodles.
posted by nickyskye at 8:57 AM on January 5, 2008

GCU Grey Area
posted by Meatbomb at 8:58 AM on January 5, 2008

oh wait, one more, The Museum of Burnt Food, the last entry.
posted by nickyskye at 9:04 AM on January 5, 2008

Meat Puppets
posted by jdfan at 9:05 AM on January 5, 2008

Dr. Mabuse: How about a thong made of Pepto-Bismol tablets? Methinks we have a winner!

But seriously, all this meat needs a salad. It reminds me when I was a kid and would spend hours designing dresses made out of chocolate.
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 9:23 AM on January 5, 2008

I believe you forgot Hats of Meat
posted by miss lynnster at 9:45 AM on January 5, 2008

Roast Meat Hill Road.
posted by ZenMasterThis at 9:48 AM on January 5, 2008

I for one cannot think of a better way to start the morning than with a hefty serving of meat links.
*Scurries off to eat a piece of fruit*
posted by heatherbeth at 10:05 AM on January 5, 2008

posted by carsonb at 11:06 AM on January 5, 2008

posted by Koko at 11:56 AM on January 5, 2008

In the mid 90s I went to see a band play in some dude's warehouse in Mission. The first act was a drunk as fuck dude screaming into a microphone while wearing nothing but a meat loincloth. At some point he fell down and left a big meat skid-mark on the concrete floor.

Years later and on the other side of the country, buying a cd from the same band after a show, some woman next to me was shouting "You guys played at my friends place in San Francisco years ago. He was wearing meat! Nothing but meat!"
posted by aspo at 12:18 PM on January 5, 2008

Meat the Beatles.
posted by pracowity at 12:28 PM on January 5, 2008

Dear confused people,

Meat is for cooking and then eating. Any other use is purely mastubatory and no, I don't want to see your pictures of that, either.

Thank you,
A meateater
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 1:28 PM on January 5, 2008

Wear vegetables.
posted by pracowity at 1:46 PM on January 5, 2008

They're made of meat.
see Meatbomb's post above.
posted by louche mustachio at 6:28 PM on January 5, 2008

Bacon mints
posted by louche mustachio at 6:31 PM on January 5, 2008

Nicholas Lampert, the artist behind the "Meatscapes" link, was one of the most enlightening college (collage?) professors I ever had the pleasure of having. I had such a crush.

Top notch. Thanks for the flashback!
posted by macrowave at 7:31 PM on January 5, 2008

And I mean "had" as in "took his classes". That looked dirty to me upon re-read.
posted by macrowave at 7:35 PM on January 5, 2008

Does anyone else remember a documentary about David Lynch and the rotten meat paintings he used to do? Did anyone else ever see that? I keep hoping I imagined it, but I seem to recall a scene where he stood over one of his meat paintings, loudly & visibly upset because there "weren't enough maggots." Freaked me the Hell out.
posted by miss lynnster at 7:57 PM on January 5, 2008

I saw a show of his once that featured dead bird "paintings". There were disclaimers warning that the works may not be archival.
posted by macrowave at 8:29 PM on January 5, 2008

Wow, macrowave, that must have been fun to have Lampert as a professor - very cool!

miss lynnster, re David Lynch:
David's relentless artistic experimentation and his drive to convey the neuroses and paranoias that plagued him during his upbringing led him towards the development of an innovative, live-textured multimedia painting style. Rotten meat and dead insects became an intriguing feature of his work, and one that led to his interest in developing 'moving paintings'.

Thanks to all who added such fun in-thread links - especially miss nickyskye's heaping platter of wacky links!
posted by madamjujujive at 9:00 PM on January 5, 2008

im gonna puke
posted by petersn1 at 9:49 PM on January 5, 2008

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