he consumes their ghost costume but not their eyeballs. it's roughage
April 19, 2008 4:16 PM   Subscribe

posted by juv3nal

Homophonically eponysterical.
posted by The Michael The at 4:22 PM on April 19, 2008

This is ridiculous. They're making their estimates based on the idea that the dots are solid food with lots of waste. The dots are clearly energy-based dots. It's like calculating how much poop you'd make from eating a ton of sugar-cubes by doing the calculations assuming the sugar cubes are fiber instead of sugar.

Pac man dots are not fiber dots!
posted by Justinian at 4:26 PM on April 19, 2008 [9 favorites]

oh, very eponysterical

i dunno if this is what they call the best of teh intarwebs but i laughed (not lmao, definitely not rotflmao, maybe just mmcsgab = made me chuckle, snort, giggle a bit)

posted by jammy at 4:28 PM on April 19, 2008

posted by Roman Graves at 4:28 PM on April 19, 2008

Nothing like a poo thread for a rainy weekend. I shall sit back with my beverage and enjoy, until the inevitable deletion.
posted by Mcable at 4:37 PM on April 19, 2008

This is why we have an internets.
posted by Pope Guilty at 4:41 PM on April 19, 2008

This is easily - easily - the most asinine thing I have read in a long, long time. And yet, nonetheless, I find myself mildly impressed by the thought that went into it.
posted by kaemaril at 4:42 PM on April 19, 2008

I couldn't read any further past the improper use of "beg the question". I assume that it was full of fail.
posted by ten pounds of inedita at 4:45 PM on April 19, 2008 [4 favorites]

I suck at Pac Man. Maybe I should eat more fiber.
posted by not_on_display at 5:02 PM on April 19, 2008

I think this thread about pacman fecal volume makes some seriously wrong assumptions about the density of pixel representations of real-world objects.
posted by blue_beetle at 5:06 PM on April 19, 2008

If I wanted pixels of poop, I'd download a 2G1C video. Do not want.

Although it would be more challenging if Donkey Kong standing on the top of the scaffolding occasionally pooped or peed on Mario...
posted by wendell at 5:18 PM on April 19, 2008

Two Pac Mans, one cu.. uhhh.. Oh, hi wendell!
posted by loquacious at 5:39 PM on April 19, 2008

Yeah that was pretty dumb.
posted by delmoi at 5:58 PM on April 19, 2008 [1 favorite]

Are we assuming pacman extends into the third dimension?
posted by Artw at 6:49 PM on April 19, 2008

Pac Men.
posted by ColdChef at 7:07 PM on April 19, 2008

Are we assuming pacman extends into the third dimension?

If he doesn't, presumably he has to poop out of his mouth. A two dimensional organism can't have a two-orifice digestive tract.
posted by Mr. President Dr. Steve Elvis America at 7:08 PM on April 19, 2008 [5 favorites]

I enjoyed it, so there.
posted by empath at 7:37 PM on April 19, 2008

I'm not sure about that, actually. Couldn't Pac-Man be permeable like an amoeba? The food could be absorbed into Pac-Man at his mouth, move around inside him in some kind of vitreous gel (like inside your eye) and then be excreted on his opposite, two dimensional, side. Technically he wouldn't even have a "digestive tract", but there's no reason he has to have one.
posted by Justinian at 7:38 PM on April 19, 2008

"People checking their power pellets for fiber content—you have too many freaking free cycles on your hands."
posted by Eideteker at 9:11 PM on April 19, 2008

10:06:18 AM Fletch: do we assume Pac's GI tract is reg'lar? Getting enuf dietery fiber?
10:06:22 AM Owen: this is for mature, healthy, nonsmoking male pac-adult

I don't care what you say. That's damn funny.
posted by DecemberBoy at 9:27 PM on April 19, 2008

Do they give a Nobel Prize for dumb?
posted by mazola at 10:30 PM on April 19, 2008

Do they give a Nobel Prize for dumb?

posted by Freon at 11:01 PM on April 19, 2008

Next they'll be saying 'wakka wakka wakka' is some sort of language
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 3:35 AM on April 20, 2008

posted by randomination at 3:42 AM on April 20, 2008

>Next they'll be saying 'wakka wakka wakka' is some sort of language

Fozzie seems to comprehend it ...
posted by kaemaril at 9:21 AM on April 20, 2008

It's cute, but not really Metafilter-post-worthy.
posted by pixxie at 10:23 PM on April 25, 2008

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