Activity from suburbanbeatnik

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A QUESTION OF TIME has been published!
Thanks, Johnny! I've learned that opinions are opinions, and even bad reviews will sell books, so there you go. Not everyone will like/dislike the same things.

Here's a few more reviews I forgot to include in the post-- this one is very positive, while this one is mostly positive, but with a few reservations.

I'm still doing a blog tour-- so if anyone would like to feature AQOT on their site, just drop me a note! Thanks for the votes, everyone. :)
posted to MetaFilter Projects by suburbanbeatnik at 2:08 PM on December 20, 2012
Oh and A QUESTION OF TIME is now available on Barnes and Noble, so if you have a Nook, you're in luck!
posted to MetaFilter Projects by suburbanbeatnik at 9:42 AM on December 22, 2012

Dark Valentine Magazine
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I hope you enjoyed issue #1. We're all hard at work on issue #2, which is going to be packed with fantastic stories from writers like Kaye George, Eric Stone, Nigel Bird, Chris Dabnor, David Perlmutter, and more!

In addition to artists returning from the first issue, we have Alena Lazareva, Sarah Vaughn, Leanne Hannah, Mark Satchwill, Shannon van Muijden, and many others.

The second issue will be live on… [more]
posted to MetaFilter Projects by suburbanbeatnik at 10:02 PM on July 9, 2010

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