Activity from Tell Me No Lies

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iPad with iAnnotate PDF would be my solution. Probably with an Apple Pencil. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Winnie the Proust, scantee
Ask MeFi comment - An hour ago

How can I reframe my thinking about this? Invisible disabilities are still disabilities. You got a crap roll of the dice when you were born. If, for example, you were born blind you also would not be able to drive. Would you blame… [more]
favorited 30 times, recently by Mrs. Rattery, In Your Shell Like, Jabberwocky, crw, third word on a random page, muddgirl, heatherlogan, Gorgik, zachlipton, mdonley, teremala, Lady Li, creepygirl, rhiannonstone, Sparky Buttons, CtrlAltDelete, BostonTerrier, shock muppet, gudrun, jenfullmoon, warriorqueen, evilmomlady, unknowncommand, Serene Empress Dork, raccoon409, latkes, BlahLaLa, samthemander, XtineHutch, kate4914
Ask MeFi comment - 2 ½ hours ago

I imagine it's possible to have a therapist who sees right through you but I've always been able to outsmart them. A good therapist would never even make the attempt to outsmart you. Therapy is not a game of chess. A therapist is not… [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by queenofbithynia, stoneandstar, clew, augustimagination, slidell, jenfullmoon, SageTrail, A Terrible Llama, music for skeletons, bizzyb, obliterati
Ask MeFi comment - 9 hours ago

Just for the record: Long-term solitary confinement is torture even when they do it to bad people. Yes, but convicted felon Trump's Supreme Court doesn't think that's worth talking about. Not that we should be taking our moral lead… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by emf
MeFi comment - 10 hours ago

An extra note on invisible disabilities: I was 46 before my hand was forced and I had to admit to myself and others that I was going to have significant problems without an accommodation from my workplace. The fact that I had made it that far… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by kate4914, heatherlogan, mdonley, eirias, jenfullmoon
Ask MeFi comment - 14 hours ago

EAnd reluctantly I am forced to concede that's how it should probably work. I dunno. Certainly for a first time offender with an E felony I would expect the baseline to not be jail. However, the defendant shows absolutely no remorse, has… [more]
favorited 13 times, recently by rifflesby, meinvt, May Kasahara, Death and Gravity, caviar2d2, jenfullmoon, the_dreamwriter, wenestvedt, Reverend John, emf, TrishaU, DirtyOldTown, DoctorFedora
MeFi comment - 14 hours ago

’Trump Is Finally Done, Trump Is Finally Done,’ Says Strait-Jacketed Opinion Columnist Babbling To Cup Of Applesauce [more]
favorited 32 times, recently by my-username, JHarris, iati, jokeefe, Fiberoptic Zebroid and The Hypnagogic Jerks, Laura Palmer's Cold Dead Kiss
MeFi comment - 19 hours ago

From the CDC: The spread of bird flu viruses from one infected person to a close contact is very rare, and when it has happened, it has only spread to a few people. However, because of the possibility that bird flu viruses could change and gain the… [more]
favorited 48 times, recently by shrimpetouffee
Ask MeFi comment - 20 hours ago

Of course, if he just gets a fine then he once again plays the "Illegal for a fine is legal for a price" card and walks off. [more]
favorited 12 times, recently by duende, selfmedicating, TrishaU, suelac, rifflesby, The Card Cheat, emf, Death and Gravity, miratime, DirtyOldTown, Artw, Kato
MeFi comment - 20 hours ago

The important thing is that he had his wife at his side throughout the trial, demonstrating his family's steadfast American values. [more]
favorited 15 times, recently by Fiberoptic Zebroid and The Hypnagogic Jerks, TrishaU, rifflesby, The Card Cheat, essexjan, May Kasahara, Reverend John, ButteryMales, cooker girl, emf, jenfullmoon, Joey Michaels, mygothlaundry, hydropsyche, mazola
MeFi comment - Yesterday

Today, he did an about-face and stated he didn't want anyone to come at all. I feel hurt and misled, That’s because you were hurt and misled. And while he didn’t directly abandon you, he did abandon plans he had with you. This is a… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by oywiththepoodles
Ask MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Some heroes don't wear capes. Some don't wear anything at all. And still others strap-ons. [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by introp, ButteryMales, PistachioRoux, snsranch, Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted, Reverend John, dr_dank, tonycpsu, Melismata, mumimor
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

I am POSITIVE that there will be a bit of a festive mood there tonight The local Irish pub burned a Trump shaped piñata the day Trump left office. I may go over there just to see what they’re up to. [more]
favorited 30 times, recently by introp, The Outsider, blueberry, snsranch, KGMoney, dr_dank, Bella Donna, jenfullmoon, Iris Gambol, Fiberoptic Zebroid and The Hypnagogic Jerks, Suedeltica
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

She was saying all of this pretty aggressively - honestly, I would say she was yelling at me. This topic needs to be broached immediately in your next session. If you are not comfortable breaching this topic with your therapist then you… [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by decathecting
Ask MeFi comment - 2 days ago

>One thing taken into account is whether a convict is repentant. Yes, but only as a mitigating factor, not an aggravating one. On the other hand a staple of the Jan 6 sentencing has been the judge mentioning people being unrepentant,… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by The Outsider, Pouteria
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

I suppose I shouldn't mention Rule 34, but I'm unable to help myself. Dude. [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by snsranch
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

For example, any remorse that he shows post-sentencing Wait, what? Who are we talking about again? [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by hydropsyche, Jane the Brown, Cecilia Rose
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

"STOP THE (34) COUNTS!" "STOP THE SENTENCE” may work better. Trump’s core supporters are working with a limited set of tools. Wouldn’t it be interesting if they tried to do the same thing on 7/11 as they did on January 6?… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by From Bklyn, NotLost
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Samsung provides a lovely follow-up. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Bella Donna
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Since Google results are now fully in the "deep-fried-shit" phase of enshittification, anyone here know what a normal sentence for this kind of offense would be? You know, for us shitmunchers who aren't part of the oligarcy, at least… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by AsYouKnow Bob
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

Since Google results are now fully in the "deep-fried-shit" phase of enshittification, anyone here know what a normal sentence for this kind of offense would be? You know, for us shitmunchers who aren't part of the oligarcy, at least… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by andruwjones26
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

(He was already a felon, wasn't he? The conviction in the E. Jean Carroll case was sexual abuse. Is that not a felony?) That was a civil suit. Criminal penalties did not apply. [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

I can’t see him getting prison due to the logistical difficulties. If there is detainment, I suspect it will be house arrest. [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

That’s really cool. I’ve been meaning to do it with my Metafilter comments. She does bury part of the lede by not mentioning until the end that they were both 17 when the conversations took place. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

It has been established that, around the age of 12 years, adolescents decrease their reliance on concrete thinking and begin to show the capacity for abstract thinking, visualization of potential outcomes, and a logical understanding of cause and… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

I don't seem to have any trouble parsing it. For example, seventy years before I was born, I think that TV wasn't very good. :) :-) I think the problem is that the left arrow says “Years before birth” and the right arrow says “Years… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Good Place. While it does involve people navigating the afterlife, it contains a negligible amount of god or religion. It does have moral philosophy though. The series hit the ground running and the… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 5 days ago

As the OP I will go first: image search, particularly by description kickstarting investigations of new topics coding suggestions translating medicalese into simpler terms translating text from Spanish [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 5 days ago

This is all truly terrible. The last time we had a major shift from paid workers to machinery we were forced to cope with our work hours being cut to 40 hours a week and children being forced to go to school instead of a job. In the face of… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

Point being that we're not too far away from that. I have to admit that I am a greedy brat about all this. In my lifetime I’ve been: Astonished and amazed I could fit an entire translation dictionary into a Palm Pilot. Deeply… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

comforting people with dementia, Japan is already doing this with very promising results. Frankly, dealing with people with Alzheimer’s or dementia can require inhuman patience. Humans may not necessarily be replaceable by AI in this… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

i would be stoked to have a black woman president in my lifetime She's half Indian, one quarter Irish, and one quarter African. I know she embraces being known as "black" in the United States, but I'm really looking forward to… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

Tom Lehrer taught for thirty years at the university I attended. He taught a math for non-math people course and also one in musical theater. As you can imagine getting into one of his courses was difficult due to over-subscription. A couple of my… [more]
favorited 19 times
MeFi comment - 6 days ago

The Martian, although I imagine you've already seen that. [more]
favorited 12 times
Ask MeFi comment - 6 days ago

You need to learn what the technology can and can't do, where it is reliable and where it presents complete fiction. Not necessarily because you'll be using it but because a *lot* of the content you will be seeing will be (is) produced by AI and… [more]
favorited 14 times
Ask MeFi comment - 6 days ago

This leads to a lot of informal communication because we are so small. We all each lunch together almost every day. You don't talk about your other interactions with Laura. In a group that small it seems likely there would be other… [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 6 days ago

Do you know that part in the horror film when the lights go out and the one person says “No problem, I’ll just go down the creaky stairs into the pitch black basement to fix it”? That is exactly how I felt when you said you would be staying in the… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 6 days ago

I'm not sure who maintains the infodumpster page but it doesn't seem to be working for recent posts/comments. That’s okay, nothing in the last few years has even approached what went on in the 2000’s. [more]
favorited 1 time
MetaTalk comment - 7 days ago

I would be more concerned by the fact that the slats are made of pine. Regardless of the central beam the common report of constant creaking is very believable. The 1500 lbs thing sounds close to plausible, but only if the weight was spread out… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 7 days ago

I would go with Prime. You’re in the prime of life. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 7 days ago

I also stated that I'm not really sure that people can truly change, and she told me I was "horribly wrong." Personally, I felt like she was judging ME, which is deeply upsetting. I'm not sure she was judging you in this, but if… [more]
favorited 12 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 days ago

Firesign Theater, not Fireside Doh. You are absolutely correct. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 days ago

Metatalk territory I know but I don't advocate deleting this thread. I do. There is more than enough Covid disinformation in the world and Metafilter doesn't need it on the front page. Not everyone reads the comments. Also, if there… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 10 days ago

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