Activity from Tell Me No Lies

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Given his actions after the crash, he really doesn’t sound like someone who needs to be deported for the good of Canada. If the immigration law needs to be enforced then so be it, but I don’t know that Canada will gain from it. [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by mazola, The Great Big Mulp, mefireader, caviar2d2, clew, grumpybear69, Dysk, non canadian guy, pulposus
MeFi comment - 1 minute ago

The colonial mentality It's not just a mentality. Virtually every human alive is descended from malcontents who decided "screw this" and settled over the next hill. Expansion was a very successful evolutionary strategy for many… [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by mule98J, antiwiggle, paper chromatographologist, MattD, jeffburdges, languagehat, star gentle uterus, inexorably_forward, chavenet
MeFi comment - 51 minutes ago

that consciousness pervades the entire universe. There are a surprisingly large number of respectable quantum physicists who believe that waveform collapse requires a conscious observer. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by mule98J, Molesome, busted_crayons, chavenet
MeFi comment - Almost an hour ago

“Grar” loosely means “people displaying their aggravation in such a way that aggravates other people. [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by snsranch, philip-random, camyram, cupcakeninja, maupuia
MetaTalk comment - An hour ago

And at some point, I don't exactly know where, the decision was made that we needed moderation to become more...professional I guess? Somewhere in the early 2010s the moderation policy went from "intervene when someone is being too… [more]
favorited 33 times, recently by Aethelwulf, mstokes650, Lexica, joannemerriam, snsranch, bowline, champers, msali, steadystate, Chris4d, automatronic, Mouse Army, thebots, HandfulOfDust, /\/\/\/, Suedeltica, Charity Garfein, Mid, Paid In Full, hototogisu, Songdog, farmerd, PussKillian, samthemander, mph, adrienneleigh, ctmf, Melismata, effluvia, googly, Lenie Clarke, Alterscape, ezust
MetaTalk comment - An hour ago

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting to get different results. Noting a pattern1 and basing your responses on it is eminently reasonable. 1For example, all of these magical theories and devices quickly disappear, and are… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by sneebler, jeffburdges, flabdablet
MeFi comment - An hour ago

In the (probably literal) one in a million chance that one of these schemes eventually works out, I will be very pleased for people to point out that I was really cynical and pessimistic about it but in the end I was wrong. In the meantime I will… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by sneebler, paper chromatographologist, The Manwich Horror, flabdablet
MeFi comment - An hour ago

Of course, downvotes can also lend to other kinds of pile-ons and brigading. I think it’s bad enough that favorites has been turned into a public upvote system. I don’t think the count should be visible inthread, as they encourage people… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by a faded photo of their beloved, lisa g, tofu_crouton
MetaTalk comment - 3 ¼ hours ago

There are chairs and there are Chairs. Many a person thought they were comfortable until they sat in an Aeron. [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by bluesky78987, gudrun, trillium, olopua, JoeZydeco, xaryts
Ask MeFi comment - 3 ¼ hours ago

I used to do that a lot when I was high school age. Looking back at the nature of the lies it’s pretty clear that I was desperate to be somewhere else doing something else, and saying the alternate scenarios out loud made them feel more real to me… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by seemoorglass
Ask MeFi comment - Almost 6 hours ago

Wait, that's a MeFi word? I just assumed it was standard English slang... You and me both. I think we’ve been around here too long. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by pearlybob
MetaTalk comment - Almost 7 hours ago

There is literally no out-smarting of thermodynamics. Absolute certainty is the realm of faith, not science. Well that is not entirely true, if you stay within the abstract constructions of mathematics, you can actually prove things. But… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by flabdablet
MeFi comment - 11 hours ago

Thank you everyone. Last night I had one of those "I've been lied to all my life" realizations and it's nice to see it confirmed. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by kjs4
Ask MeFi comment - 17 hours ago

If wishes were fishes we'd all ride horses. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by chavenet, The Manwich Horror, jeffburdges
MeFi comment - 17 hours ago

Large, confident male with PTSD here. While I’m not seeing signs of physical danger, the situation you describe would be absolutely intolerable. You are being forced to accept regular invasions of your physical and psychic space. You are not… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by annieb, vitabellosi, corb
Ask MeFi comment - 17 hours ago

Basic physics question
favorited 1 time, recently by Alensin
Ask MeFi post - 20 hours ago

Mass drug interaction detector
favorited 6 times, recently by hap_hazard
Ask MeFi post - 22 hours ago

In general commas are used to separate clauses. When reading aloud we often interpret them as a pause, but that has nothing to do with their grammatical usage. In this sentence a verbal pause would be appropriate, but in writing the comma is not… [more]
favorited 13 times, recently by peperomia, SeedStitch, audi alteram partem, Salamander, chasles, dusty potato, so fucking future, spielzebub, Mr.Know-it-some, gaybobbie, Glinn, ssg, telegraph
Ask MeFi comment - 23 hours ago

“I am a right thinking person because I add the 11th comment stating Pat Sajak’s rear end is hanging out” I think it’s ungenerous to suggest that people are stating their opinion for performative reasons. I mean, it does appear to happen,… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by snsranch, kensington314, adrienneleigh, paper chromatographologist, maryellenreads
MetaTalk comment - 23 hours ago

A perspective from a relative outsider (I don’t read most of the site usually) who just skimmed this thread: If you want new users and growth, you should probably get rid of MetaTalk. It certainly shouldn’t be visible to people who aren’t… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by snsranch, dg, adrienneleigh
MetaTalk comment - Yesterday

But in practice MeTa seems to mostly function as a grar factory, and the discussions leave me with few insights Fair point. It also chews through mods. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Melismata, champers
MetaTalk comment - Yesterday

Own it. You've made a moral compromise. It's real, it affects the way you think about yourself. It also affects the way you think about others. My own compromises have given me a lot of sympathy for the many people who have done the same… [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by like_neon, potrzebie, humbug, rhiannonstone, odin53, bindr, foodmapper, furtheryet, Pallas Athena, Winnie the Proust
Ask MeFi comment - Yesterday

Neat! They need to do "the fusebox is down cellar" next. It would be interesting to see the overlap. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by mermayd
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Money isn’t appropriate. A good bottle of wine, a small gift basket of fruit or cheese, or a package of sweets along with the thank you note would be a better fit. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by MiraK, mxjudyliza
Ask MeFi comment - 3 days ago

In my opinion, we shouldn't get too personal about this. That's what makes the politics threads horrible to be in. Agreed. ratio of cynical people to wise and open-minded I think (but am not sure) that we all agree that a… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by VTX, Epixonti
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

Trump is not a crook, he’s a convicted felon. All politicians are crooks. We vote for them anyway because we don’t have a choice, but we also have kind of a warm fuzzy relationship with it. It’s something our crotchety old grandpa used to say all… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by PheasantlySurprised, wenestvedt, joannemerriam
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

oh yeah there is an old “joke” among programmers in Japan Q: What language should I study first if I’m just starting out as a programmer? A: English Here in Mexico a 4 year computer science degree includes 4 years of English. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by rum-soaked space hobo, adrienneleigh, DoctorFedora, symbioid
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

There is this clip from an English children's cartoon that got the entire episode banned with prejudice in Australia. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by rhizome, AzraelBrown
Ask MeFi comment - 4 days ago

Google Voice will give you a free textable phone number. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by mdean, RedEmma
Ask MeFi comment - 5 days ago

by trying to shame him for being an immigrant? People keep referencing this and it confuses me. In the case of convicted felon Donald Trump it is very clearly about shaming him *for making statements denigrating immigrants*. Effect is… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by From Bklyn, Atreides, knucklebones, armeowda, ssg, bq
MetaTalk comment - 5 days ago

She definitely remembers me! [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by unicorn chaser
Ask MeFi comment - 5 days ago

I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Good Place. While it does involve people navigating the afterlife, it contains a negligible amount of god or religion. It does have moral philosophy though. The series hit the ground running and the… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by Cremcraw
Ask MeFi comment - 6 days ago

EAnd reluctantly I am forced to concede that's how it should probably work. I dunno. Certainly for a first time offender with an E felony I would expect the baseline to not be jail. However, the defendant shows absolutely no remorse, has… [more]
favorited 16 times, recently by Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted, snsranch, Pallas Athena
MeFi comment - 6 days ago

But why would HTML use such an inconvenient character for code[?] Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML while he was in the Swiss laboratory, and thus was most likely using an ISO-type keyboard, which features this handy button next to the shift key… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by adrienneleigh, macrael
MeFi comment - 7 days ago

iPad with iAnnotate PDF would be my solution. Probably with an Apple Pencil. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by dg
Ask MeFi comment - 7 days ago

Another thing that confuses me is how the following two sets of people... Ones who believe that referring to someone by other than their chosen name is deeply offensive People who are trying to be deeply offensive to someone by specifically… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by haapsane, jenfullmoon, cupcakeninja
MetaTalk comment - 7 days ago

Something I agree with Pfeiffer about is that a lot of ground can be gained by consistently referring to "convicted felon Donald Trump." Constantly, at every turn, until even the Biden camp is tired of it. I want to be completely and… [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by Gelatin, Reverend John, snsranch, lalochezia, DirtyOldTown, joannemerriam, mmoncur, Epixonti, revmitcz
MeFi comment - 7 days ago

Breaking up with somebody is a lot of work. If this was important enough for you to go through all of that then it is something in your life that is not going to go away. So…. Sexual compatibility is important to many people, and you appear to be… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by jenfullmoon
Ask MeFi comment - 7 days ago

How can I reframe my thinking about this? Invisible disabilities are still disabilities. You got a crap roll of the dice when you were born. If, for example, you were born blind you also would not be able to drive. Would you blame… [more]
favorited 34 times, recently by Res0ndf7
Ask MeFi comment - 8 days ago

I imagine it's possible to have a therapist who sees right through you but I've always been able to outsmart them. A good therapist would never even make the attempt to outsmart you. Therapy is not a game of chess. A therapist is not… [more]
favorited 13 times, recently by Kpele, Snarl Furillo
Ask MeFi comment - 8 days ago

Anyone else want to chime in? [more]
favorited 59 times, recently by rude.boy
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

Oh yes, and careful driving. You’re at a higher risk for car accidents during and for up to a year after divorce. You don’t need the extra grief. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Suedeltica, teremala
Ask MeFi comment - 8 days ago

Of course, if he just gets a fine then he once again plays the "Illegal for a fine is legal for a price" card and walks off. [more]
favorited 14 times, recently by snsranch
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

From the CDC: The spread of bird flu viruses from one infected person to a close contact is very rare, and when it has happened, it has only spread to a few people. However, because of the possibility that bird flu viruses could change and gain the… [more]
favorited 48 times, recently by JoeXIII007
Ask MeFi comment - 8 days ago

>all politicians are crooks This is a horrible position, and in fact is part of what enabled Trump's rise in the first place, as the argument that "all politicians are crooks" allowed his outright criminality to be dismissed… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by sotonohito
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

I'm sure someone will come in here recommending more conventional sites like Khan Academy I’m that person. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 9 days ago

Three things: 1) Integrity 2) Kindness 3) When it came to physical goods, hiring a pair of moderators (one for her and one for me) to negotiate an agreement for us to sign. It’s very easy to allow integrity and kindness to slip away if you… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 9 days ago

They also don’t like situations where the police might not be on their side, though admittedly that’s 50/50 here. 174 police officers were wounded on January 6. I’ve noticed that the police can get very tetchy about that sort of thing… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 9 days ago

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