Activity from Tell Me No Lies

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Dear Mom, I am writing to you to provide some clarification surrounding the events of Jan 27, 2012. On the aforementioned date at approximately 1PM our family vehicle was traveling northbound on the main city road when it became apparent that... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 169 times

A friend of mine spent a year in Butha-Buthe, Lesotho teaching junior high school students. There's a test at the end of junior high in Lesotho that's a very big deal. If you scored high enough you could get a scholarship to a high school in the... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 130 times

"Hello. I got your review, but I'm having some trouble following it and I'm wondering if this was the final draft you meant to send? Thanks.... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 119 times

Now now, be fair. They did keep the trains running on time. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 112 times

It is kind of amazing that it was easier for dances with sneetches to get in touch with thousands of strangers scattered around the world than the security guard in his own building. Having worked night security I can guarantee you this... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 101 times

I really wish I could remember who made this observation: DC: "We can't make a Wonder Woman movie, her origins would be too confusing for the audience!" Marvel: "Here is a raccoon with a machine gun.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 96 times

not-at-all-prone-to-failure software industry wants to provide insight into an industry that's (previously) been held up as the standard to which software should aspire, well… Have no fear. His basic message is that the MAX failure is a... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 88 times

Please don't try to justify attempted murder here. Please do not confuse compassion with approval. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 88 times

On preview: This ain't no Rosa Parks shit Really? Because guess who is most affected by the burden of having to supervise children of every minute of every day? Clue: It ain't rich white people.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 82 times

There's a story told about Hilbert that he once told conference planners that he would be presenting a paper on his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. He showed up at the conference and gave an entirely different talk; When asked about it later he... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 80 times

I will not find warranted until something that actually STOPS this man happens. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the felonies. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 76 times

The fact that I'm not "allowed" to say "Who cares" shows we have a long way to go. That you think your speech has been restricted instead of simply having your "Who cares" question pre-emptively answered... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 75 times

"Look, I just got object permanence down. Don't fuck with me." [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 74 times

What kills me about Sears is that, at the start of the dot-com boom, they had the potential to out-Amazon Amazon. They had the logistics infrastructure for catalog sales and shipping figured out, they just could tie it into online sales.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 72 times

Nobody knows how to write software. Really, it's not like building a house where the methods have been around for hundreds of years and just iterate as better materials become available. Every few years the entire practice of writing software is... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 71 times

Speaking as an obese old guy, this is exactly why I code naked. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 67 times

It feels like such a ghoulish enterprise to go down to a shipwreck that is essentially a mass grave. There are a lot larger mass graves that millions of people visit. A very sparse sampling of Europe provides the fields of Verdun (160,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 67 times

God damnit, would someone buy the staff of Boston Dynamics some movie tickets? [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 65 times

Just flat shutdowns of everything we're trying to talk about is cluttering up the conversation. The Internet has been facing bad actors since before there was an Internet. The particular issues faced by Metafilter are in no way unique,... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 64 times

"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." — Marcus Tullius Cicero ~40 BC [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 63 times

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