Activity from doctornemo

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So very cool. I love uncovering early human history. Plus I fooled around with making drystone walls. Man, that takes time. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by HearHere
MeFi comment - 3 ¾ hours ago

I was saddened to see no mention of Traveller. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by bonehead, faceplantingcheetah
MeFi comment - 4 ¾ hours ago

I would love, love, love to see this: At the presentence interview, a psychologist or social worker working for the probation department may also talk to Mr. Trump, during which time the defendant can “try to make a good impression and explain… [more]
favorited 32 times, recently by The Outsider, ZakDaddy, Jane the Brown, KGMoney, srboisvert, Pouteria, Sublimity, AsYouKnow Bob, Iris Gambol, marxchivist, lukemeister, camyram, jedicus, TrishaU, marlys, corb, wenestvedt, Faint of Butt, nofundy, May Kasahara, NotLost, graymouser, Joey Michaels, umbú, runincircles, Jacqueline, hydropsyche, knotty knots, coffeecat, The Card Cheat, rum-soaked space hobo, clawsoon
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Came here to recommend The Lives of Others. So many great scenes, like the one with the ball. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by The Outsider, chavenet
MeFi comment - 2 days ago

Gift link to NYTimes piece. [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by TrishaU, SeedStitch, Jacqueline, Bella Donna, Mister Fabulous
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

Thank you for the alternative link, Lanark. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by bq
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

someone should tell MeFi I'm gone, the way one tells the bees. MetaFilter: the told bees. [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by LobsterMitten, nofundy, theora55, limeonaire, mersen, mygothlaundry, MonkeyToes, d-no, mollweide, hototogisu
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

That was fun. Brought back some memories of playing in an arcade, wondering how this new tv show Battlestar Galactica would turn out. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by The Manwich Horror, Reverend John
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

From Frankenstein: When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by emf, HearHere
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

Against being age-specific: But almost without exception, if you ask an American when times were worst, the most common response will be “right now!” [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by clew
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

Thank you, Zumbador, Jacen, and nanny's striped stocking. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Bella Donna, Zumbador
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

The names remind me of classic Puritan ones. [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by Bella Donna, The corpse in the library, salix, hototogisu, thivaia, wenestvedt, Kattullus, lesbiassparrow, Apocryphon
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

Splendid post. Hurrah, Dalkey Archive! [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by joannemerriam
MeFi comment - 6 days ago

an NYT gift link is like a paper bag full of shit, afire, on the doorstep, and posting NYT is like ringing the doorbell. Can we not? I just wonder. Actually, I want to thank box for this link. Not everyone has a NYT subscription, so I… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by adrienneleigh, Barbara Spitzer, clavdivs
MeFi comment - 7 days ago

Now my wife and I are thinking hard about this for ourselves. She had two (2) heart attacks last year and now feels very close to death, so she buys nearly nothing physical and wants to get rid of stuff. For me, the big issue is my book… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by nofundy, BeBoth, May Kasahara, dutchrick
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

One of the decent things my father did before he died last year was to get rid of most of his stuff. To be fair, my brother and I did most of the grunt work of hauling, boxing, etc. But when he passed there wasn't much there. Furniture was the… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by nofundy, May Kasahara, corb, The corpse in the library
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

scolbath, a book appraiser is a very good idea. When I worked for a used/antiquarian bookstore, the owner used to do some of that. Man, there were some stories. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by scolbath
MeFi comment - 9 days ago

7 hours? I'm not hating I'm pretty close to hating. There is no way I have time for a *one* hour video, much less freaking four or, blessed Cthulhu, seven. The most I can do now is 30 minutes, if the visual content doesn't matter much… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by d-no
MeFi comment - 12 days ago

Ah, memories of making ASCII art on dumb printer terminals around 1980. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by AsYouKnow Bob
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

Well obviously it was painted that way to appeal to Queen Carmilla For cstross: The grave of the Countess Mircalla was opened; and the General and my father recognized each his perfidious and beautiful guest, in the face now… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by GenjiandProust
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

My wife also saw Han Solo in carbonite, gottabefunky. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by chavenet
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

very good title. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by chavenet, languagehat
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

“global weirding” is a phrase I like very much, and want to see in greater circulation. [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by madcaptenor, The Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, AsYouKnow Bob, DiscourseMarker, hydropsyche, elkevelvet
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

posted by The_Vegetables Eponhysterical! [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Foosnark
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

Thank you for this detailed post, Rhaomi. I'm traveling today and can't do the kind of research you did! [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by Nelson, JHarris, TheophileEscargot
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

Excellent catch, chavenet. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by chavenet
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

I admire his Poe obsession. So many adaptations. And this bit of inspiration: The group meet Edgar Allan Poe, who throughout the film drives around on a motorbike with Lenore on the back and a raven on his shoulder, commenting on the action… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by adrienneleigh, jettloe
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

Looks like an earlier ad from another company. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by sourcejedi, Barbara Spitzer, torokunai
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Heh - Colbert offers a nicely Gothic twist. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by Bella Donna, mazola, JHarris
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Confucius Institutes are probably the best-known elite Chinese influence project... [T]hey were welcomed by many universities because they provided cheap or even free Chinese-language classes and professors. Over time, the institutes aroused… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by clavdivs
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

I'm a lifelong horror movie fan, and this ad creeped me out. Maybe it's spending years playing a musical instrument (cello), or learning to take photos with a real camera now, or spending a lot of my life caring for books. Maybe it was the sheer… [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by kelborel, caviar2d2, Barbara Spitzer, adrienneleigh, one-half-ole, virago, lock robster, audi alteram partem, The Great Big Mulp, pxe2000
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

When 19th century people freaked out about the dangers of trains, they missed this one! [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by numaner, TrishaU, clavdivs
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

If I squint I can just make out the Mote. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by nofundy, adamg, Hairy Lobster, chavenet
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Nicolai Tangen, head of Norway’s giant oil fund. Even he has taken enough leisure time to amass a collection of Nordic modernist art Somehow I don't think it just takes time to assemble an art collection. [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by Lexica, The Card Cheat, DirtyOldTown, epj, LizBoBiz, mollweide, toodleydoodley, The Manwich Horror, chavenet
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Sometimes universities want to fly me out to talk about climate change and academia. We live on the Atlantic seaboard, so I can instead train to some locals (New England, parts of the northeast, parts of the southeast). Otherwise... I'd like to… [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by ButteryMales, caviar2d2, mumimor, adrienneleigh, knotty knots, hydropsyche, col_pogo, clew, jeffburdges, Balna Watya, mazola
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

I've been spending recent years trying to get academics to think and do stuff about the climate crisis. It's been tough work, as the overwhelming majority don't want to. But I've been seeing more interest from some quarters: individual professors,… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by ButteryMales, cooker girl, unearthed, eirias, mazola
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

The New York Times article has one good photo. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Tehhund
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

biogeo, thank you for your thoughtful response. Climate change is such a hyperobject that people often grab onto one piece of it to think through: flying, diet, cars, architecture. One college I work with spent serious money on a consultant… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by biogeo, busted_crayons, limeonaire, steadystate
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

"Kennedy brainworm parasite" is a phrase I don't think I've ever put together. Ah, 2024. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by eckeric, mollweide, gatorae, wenestvedt
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

The societal and cultural forces at work continue to put much pressure on people to have children Those pressures are increasingly failing. Nearly every part of the developed world have seen their fertility rates fall below replacement… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by limeonaire, steadystate
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

centering the discussion about climate change on this very small component of the total cause is a distraction from the real issue I can't speak for anyone else in the thread, but what you say doesn't apply to what I'm doing, nor to what… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by Press Butt.on to Check, mumimor, adrienneleigh, hydropsyche, ob1quixote, clew, Balna Watya
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Big Black played in my undergrad dorm's club around 1986. They plugged into the grid and immediately blacked out the building, appropriately. There was some technical work, and then... rock. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by whuppy, limeonaire, lasagnaboy
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

I do wonder where the “it doesn’t personally affect me” people live. In the US Parts of the midwest, it seems. (Check the series Extrapolations, which sees Miami evacuated to Duluth) [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by genpfault
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Frequent typographical errors during the age of manual typesetting This became a plot point for a Young Ones episode. [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by Jeff Morris
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Good to see more notices on university and college labor organizing. This has been building for years, despite little support from academics and ditto from media. If you're interested in this, here's a discussion we held with two leaders of… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by busted_crayons, stellaluna, lock robster, eviemath, humbug, audi alteram partem
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

What a fun world. Some of its background: A thousand years after the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz, the world has fallen into decay. Endless war has led to technology stagnating, and beautiful countrysides have been… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by my-username, mayoarchitect, kaibutsu
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

“Though thy body’s plasticene-y, thou” I said, “art sure no weenie, Penguin proud and brisk, though teeny, walking your Antarctic route Tell me what you think you’re doing, on this dark Antarctic route?” [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Harvey Kilobit
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

I started on BASIC in 1979, working on a dumb terminal hooked up to my elementary school's mainframe. I hacked the Star Trek game and wrote some of my own code. Over the next couple of years I hand copied programs from a couple of big paperback… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by TrishaU
MeFi comment - 4 weeks ago

In a college class many moons ago, I was taught that animals don't have sentience because they don't respond to mirrors and don't use symbolic language. So many people do in fact believe that animals are not truly conscious. tofu_crouton,… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by gamera, Syllepsis
MeFi comment - Last month

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