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am I crazy or does Sunak just not want to be prime minister, and doesn't want to resign. Why even call an election so early when you know Labour is destroying you in the polls? Then do dumb shit like leave Cameron to hang out with Biden and Macron?… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by msbutah, RakDaddy, May Kasahara, Martha My Dear Prudence, Wordshore
MeFi comment - 16 hours ago

except we don’t raise animals as part of a fertilization cycle, we raise billions of them just to eat and they require far more food than could be produced by the yield from their manure. i’m not vegan, and have no objection to using animals as part… [more]
favorited 14 times, recently by Hactar, salix, rog, humbug, rosiroo, fader, eckeric, hydropsyche, lesbiassparrow, caviar2d2, tofu_crouton, sagc, mumimor, MiraK
MeFi comment - Yesterday

My only question here is what the boys from Knowledge Fight are going to get up to once the Alex Jones show is finally gone for good. By the way, if you want to enjoy hearing an absolutely shitfaced alex jones cry and whine and scream on air as he… [more]
favorited 18 times, recently by salix, wowenthusiast, cendawanita, tula, sucre, zardoz, baltimoretim, DavidHogue, Countess Elena, donatella, Sparky Buttons, nofundy, GenjiandProust, charred husk, Shepherd, snuffleupagus, ishmael, MiraK
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

> But he's been responsible for so many bangers ! The thing about Alex Jones (and something that distinguishes him from most of the other heir apparents right wing talk show freaks out there today) is that, despite being a genuinely wicked… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by not just everyday big moggies, GenjiandProust
MeFi comment - 4 days ago

I was completely baffled by the new character living in the wasp world's refusal to use the box to go somewhere better. You'll be dead soon lady, you live in the wasp universe!!! If you are that resigned go and get eaten by wasps. I feel like… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by confluency
FanFare comment - 4 days ago

I don't know that this is about "dog owners" writ large. Lots of dog owners (like myself) respect the leash laws. But if a dog owner does NOT respect leash laws, they will not, in my experience, ever, EVER, be open to hearing about it… [more]
favorited 16 times, recently by litera scripta manet, peperomia, In Your Shell Like, M., GrimmblyTuna, teamnap, shw, wheatlets, suelac, wintersweet, Kriesa, weathergal, swheatie, Text TK, limeonaire, theora55
Ask MeFi comment - 4 days ago

Weird! Does it count as vegan? Truly confused by what a parfait is and why it needs "quail cells" (I thought a parfait was an ice cream treat, which I guess would use eggs, but eggs aren't meat, exactly). They're being so incredibly… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by zardoz
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

Whether lab grown meat takes off or not, the future is definitely one where there will be a kid in school that brags about how they can buy a real turkey for thanksgiving and everyone will hate and or envy them. Well either that or we're all dead. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by symbioid
MeFi comment - 5 days ago

I suppose our notion of community and social cohesion has degraded so much that the only way to imagine a politician can communicate with the electorate is through a broadcast medium. but then again, political ads are banned in the UK and they still… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by introp, ob1quixote, mumimor, corb
MeFi comment - 6 days ago

This is such a fantastic movie. It blew me away when I first saw it (on DVD, in maybe 2002?). All the performances are fantastic, the script is a perfectly cut diamond, the editing and cinmetography are great. Great fucking picture. [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by porn in the woods, amphitrite, supermedusa
FanFare comment - 7 days ago

scalia is long dead, so i’m guessing you mean alito. insert sopranos screenshot: it’s anti italian discrimination! [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by wenestvedt, oc-to-po-des, JoeXIII007, adrienneleigh, ob1quixote, Celatone, corb, joannemerriam, sotonohito
MeFi comment - 7 days ago

the funniest thing is definitely trump locked up in county, getting knuckle tats, in an a-shirt surrounded by secret service, watching the election results from a tv mounted in a plexiglass box and winning from prison. that would be the apotheosis of… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by emf, wenestvedt, Jacen
MeFi comment - 11 days ago

I legit did not think this would happen, i thought for sure there would be a hung jury. damn, it has become impossible to expect the correct thing actually happening in our current system of justice. But I'm also scared, a bit, of the backlash. Yet… [more]
favorited 12 times, recently by clew, dr_dank, AsYouKnow Bob, jenfullmoon, hollisimo, UltraMorgnus, marlys, steadystate, a fish out of water, adrienneleigh, miratime, queensissy
MeFi comment - 11 days ago

this is on streaming now so, I finally watched it and It's incredibly well made, but utterly incoherent. i have no idea what it's trying to say about journalism. like all antiwar movies, it's actually a pro war movie. i think the lesson at the end… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Tom-B
FanFare comment - 12 days ago

I loved living in Pittsburgh but a couple things probably await you: 1. Pittsburgh has more cloudy and rainy days than Portland or Seattle. It can be dreary there. 2. You can't exaggerate how hilly it is. Still a great biking city. 3. It's not… [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by annieb, Text TK, willpie, neroli, foodmapper, bendybendy, clew, miratime, jon1270
Ask MeFi comment - 12 days ago

you know i really thought i was just getting older and perceiving things differently or losing my sense of taste or something but i never thought that they were just making them less spicy [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Nancy Lebovitz, Kattullus
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

This is basically unobjectionable as a list of good albums but objectionable as a proper ordering of the absolute best albums, missing tons of stuff, and really emphasizing middle class white suburban late-millenial taste, but not the edgy side of… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Devils Rancher, blairsyprofane, atoxyl, TwoWordReview
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

> Can Jeremy Strong be sleazy enough to pull off Roy Cohn? Because Cohn's sleaze makes Trump look like a choirboy. Cohn's was so sleazy the ducks back slid off him. Cohn was so sleazy he's make deSade blush, and not in a sexy way. I've never… [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by camyram, skoosh, mmoncur, nofundy, adrienneleigh, Selena777, CostcoCultist, From Bklyn, GenjiandProust
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

> have you been to a goth club lately? > they exist? Last I heard the Senator and the Shoe Licker are still showing up to the Castle in Tampa, but then again Tampa is, strangely, a kind of Goth capital. You might think the central… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by chavenet, EvaDestruction
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

i guess in the end the alien thing kind of works. there's really only one other possible explanation for the existence of such a creature as sugar, not just his ability to block bullets but his kind of buddha nature, perfect level of tact, and… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by cowlick, d-no
FanFare comment - 3 weeks ago

> That's debatable. The info under health effects here is awful. link the health effects here are literally entirely “potential”, “under investigation” and “mixed results”. we know that nicotine has cardiovascular effects, although they’re not… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by younggreenanne, haptic_avenger
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Having watched the Maggie Mae Fish video now, I can confidently say it's a bunch of bullshit. Sure the anti-vaping ads may not be effective. But the video continually conflates vaping and smoking as if they're the same thing, uniting them under the… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by younggreenanne
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Nicotine by itself is not carcinogenic, and at normal doses is well tolerated. It raises blood pressure and the chance of a heart attack, but it's probably not as bad for your heart as, say, vyvanse or adderall or other ADHD meds. It has positive… [more]
favorited 10 times, recently by younggreenanne, grobstein, travertina, ovvl, The Manwich Horror, justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow, showbiz_liz, Sphinx, mittens, coffeecat
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

Seinfeld has been on this bullshit for a while, and the weirdest thing about it to me is that Seinfeld's standup has basically never been "edgy" or "provocative" comedy. His best jokes are about like, doing laundry, shopping for… [more]
favorited 13 times, recently by ishmael, The corpse in the library, bunbury, ovvl, nofundy, adrienneleigh, rifflesby, marxchivist, mmoncur, Pouteria, fleacircus, Garm, Lexica
MeFi comment - 4 weeks ago

I think this ad would have played perfectly fine just 2 or 3 years ago. Nobody would have even thought twice about it. The intention is clear: everything someone needs to make art and music fits in this extremely thin device. Indeed, one of my main… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Bella Donna, glhaynes, torokunai, EmpressCallipygos
MeFi comment - 4 weeks ago

For a long time i regarded The Conversation as the greatest film I'd ever seen and still think that it's one of the best things to come out of Hollywood in the 70s and on that strength i made myself watch all his films. Everything after Apocalypse… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by clavdivs
MeFi comment - Last month

SuperCard is a direct descendant of hypercard (and even supports hypercard conversion). However, it's a 32 bit app and it looks like they have no plans to transition to 64bit, so you can't run it on modern macs. Something in a similar vein,… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by SaltySalticid
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

It's upsetting to me how much I'm enjoying this incredibly pretentious, implausible, and overwrought, confusing jumble of a show about a man who seems like he might be a fallen angel (except with a dark past?). Glad we're still making challenging… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Pedantzilla, mmoncur
FanFare comment - Last month

My father being one of those boomers who think the Beatles were the last great band, because he was 11 when Help! came out, and him generally being unable to consider anything else good (like you're the same age as david byrne but you couldn't even… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by kozad, chavenet
MeFi comment - Last month

If we're listing newish music that an officially old person is listening to (me, on the knifes edge of 40) then I'm game. If you want to be as cool as I am, you might be listening to: - Sundial by Noname - Wet Leg (self-titled), this album… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by whuppy, Artw, chavenet
MeFi comment - Last month

> 3 got middling reviews and what I've seen does look not great, but I've gotta figure it's still quite a bit better than this film 3 is kind of like what if the Zucker brothers directed a superman movie, only cheaper and with worse special… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by mubba, mmoncur, audi alteram partem, mazola, figurant, Atreides
FanFare comment - Last month

Old montreal is very crowded when the weather is nice and feels a lot like a theme park, so I wouldn't sweat not staying there. It's also not where the best restaurants are, instead it's filled with places that remind me of the bad restaurants in… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by MuChao, fruitslinger
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

i've been rewatching the Supermen a la Reeves lately and they're all so delightfully terrible. This one however is not that bad, compared to Superman 3, which is an absolutely bonkers romp (richard pryor, computer hacker!, robert vaughn, evil… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by qxntpqbbbqxl, abraxasaxarba, Atreides, davidmsc
FanFare comment - Last month

> Who puts anchovies into a salad whose original construction, never to be altered, didn't have anchovies in it. My exhaustive research (one single google) reveals that the original recipe used Worcestershire sauce, which, and I'm requesting a… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by Bodechack, Lexica, mumimor, telophase, chavenet, TrishaU
MeFi comment - Last month

I don't have any objection to coming up with new salad recipes but if it's a Caesar and you don't even use anchovies then I don't know what the world has come to. This is not that! Call it whatever you want. Call it a Pompey, call it a Mark Antony,… [more]
favorited 12 times, recently by Lesser Shrew, LizBoBiz, Artifice_Eternity, TrishaU, gimonca, Fuchsoid, Lexica
MeFi comment - Last month

i had no idea that Dalton Wilcox was a real guy [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last month

The federal loophole making 0.3% d9-thc products not illegal (but are they legal? nobody knows) has opened up a kind of wild west for these products. has, I think, a good reputation, and claims tons of lab testing, but for all… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

It's amazing we're beanplating the OJ simpson trial after all these years. It's true that one of the detectives (insanely!) took the blood to the scene. Whether or not they planted that evidence in the home, *Ron Goldman's blood was in Simpson's… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last month

In short, this corporatism – in all its iterations including the regulatory state and the patent war chest that maintains and enforces monopoly – is the core source of all the current despotism. It obtained its first full trial run with the… [more]
favorited 32 times
MeFi comment - Last month

i am also procrastinating now. you know i thought that was some of the best ventroliquism i've ever seen but then she was singing at the same time as the puppet and so I guess it's just movie magic. charming movie magic [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last month

stupid blathering. corporations have always been the primary mode of capitalist organization since the british east india company, and capitalist governments have always been arranged to their benefit. capitalists accumulate capital and corporations… [more]
favorited 24 times
MeFi comment - Last month

it's pretty bonkers how the whole country was basically mesmerized by the trial. My teacher wheeled out a television for us to watch the verdict! In the 6th grade! I think she just didn't want to miss it. the whole thing was confusing, because while… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last month

A book might be "sold out" because they've remaindered the remaining copies so they don't have to hold on to inventory that they don't expect to ever sell, in which case there's very little chance they are holding on to unpaid royalties. [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

I'm still using my 2012 Transit of Venus glasses. :) my eclipse glasses say to not use after 3 years. is that just litigation averse CYA disclaimer language or do they actually expire? [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

i do think it’s important to learn that rich high status people aren’t actually having more fun than you can have with your no status dumb friends, a rack of old style and a fire pit on a summer night (add a guitar and a rope swing over a watering… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I have not seen any "agrihoods" that are just about having community gardens worked by homeowners. They're typically more like this: Olivette, NC. A small scale commercial farm surrounded by expensive houses. As far as I can tell it's… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

this would have made a great episode of the larry sanders show (“endo?” artie, played by rip torn, would say, “in my day we smoked the hashish after the show!”) [more]
favorited 10 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

conceptually I'm not against the idea. Some of these places even look nice. But it seems like a way to greenwash having a million+ dollar home in a gated community. The "farms" do not appear to be worked by the homeowners, which hey, many… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

calling people illegal and then trying to get civil rights bona fides is cynical and gross [more]
favorited 15 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

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