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Russian police detained Lyubov Sobol amid a crackdown on activists seeking to draw attention to the nerve-agent poisoning of the opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

You are 0% basic. Have you considered there's a reason nobody listens to Half Film? Yeah, cause they all have bad taste [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

This whole story is astonishing, but getting Navalny himself to get the admissions out of his antagonists is the cherry on top. I don't feel a lot of sympathy towards them, but it will not surprise me if all of these operatives are dead within a… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

"Did we just run out of money to finish this?" [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I can't get over Dress: The Vampire's Wife [more]
favorited 44 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I loved this. It's kind of an NYC version of Joe Pera Talks with You. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

we can lament that the story focuses on Yet Another Privileged Dude, but it takes him down a few pegs, and maybe that's the part to focus on? Does it, though? Ged is poor and uncultured, at least relative to his classmates on Roke… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

This will be handy for exterminating the last remnants of humanity when we've gone into hiding after the coming robot wars. [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I actually thought this was maybe the best of the Netflix Originals™️ I've seen. I liked how easily the characters slipped in between dreamlike states and waking life - especially the shot where the dining room table melts away into an ocean scene. I… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

The 1950 Arthur Philips essay that coined the phrase "Cultural Cringe", linked at the bottom of the original post, is an interesting read. Philips makes some of the same points, more eloquently, but the context is English-language… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I'm not really sure why they couldn't just teleport a big bomb in there on a timer, since they were just going to blow the ship up anyways. Saves wear and tear on the tardigrade DNA. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

(Sorry, kind of a meta-comment here: I appreciate all the horror movies you put up during October, miss-lapin! I haven't been able to track many of them down, but I do plan to search a bunch of them out and retroactively comment later. I was a little… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

Also, to counterbalance the largely sanguine view on event-sourcing in the above talk, this blog post points out some of its downsides and seems realistic to me as someone who has traveled down that path. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

lay a useful event sourcing resource on me. I found this talk by Bobby Calderwood about event-sourcing inspiring enough that we implemented a similar system at my then-place of work. He is using Clojure and Datomic but I think he… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I second The Haunting (1963). This movie really stands up and manages to be genuinely scary mostly through excellent editing and sound design (I say this as a devoted horror fan who is not normally scared by most movies). One of my… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

These are probably the dumbest astronauts I've ever seen on TV, and the ship's interior is head-poundingly badly designed. Maybe The Expanse has raised the bar for me in terms of how ships made for interplanetary travel would look, but apart from the… [more]
favorited 4 times
FanFare comment - Over two years ago

This is possibly the only good news in 2020. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Yeah can someone explain that? It works by adding an event listener to 'fetch' events which constructs synthetic http responses out of data that it's parsed from the PNG, rather than going out to the internet as the browser usually would… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I find that balancing a plate of beans on my head works pretty well. [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

I just rewatched this, as a refresher for Darlin'. It's kind of an odd bird, there is a lot more slow motion and a larger number of music montages than I remember, and a ton of dissolves and slow fade-outs. One thing I like about it is that it sort… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

Totally on board for more plot-light, mythology-light space adventures. Surely I'm not the only person who keeps waiting for the "...step inside" every time somebody on the show says "this is the way?" [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Feeling existentially helpless about the future is the standard operating mode for a lot of people under 40 Er... I've got some bad news for you about life after 40 [more]
favorited 93 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

the only living animal life we’ve seen on this planet are carnivores I'm holding out hope that the person-sized lizard guys are actually sentient (partly due to script logic, because here at the end of episode 3 our heroes have imprisoned… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

The writing on this show was great, but it went for so long between seasons that I often found I'd forgotten about the intricate world-building and would miss a bunch of jokes and references. Still, it had a lot of great stuff - Everybody Comes… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I thought this was a well-made film when I saw it way back when and have been curious about its sequel, so thanks for posting this. I've also read Ketchum's novel about the Likens murder, which was pretty strong stuff but, like this film, didn't seem… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

Lady Trieu has gifted televisions to a large number of local households. I noticed that too - "newly legalized HDTVs," no less. Along with Trieu having the mind-control ray from Will, this would seem to be setting up a… [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - Over two years ago

in Watchmen's 2019, racial justice is the fruit of a poisoned tree, and the Nazis are right I'm not sure I agree with this characterization. The Seventh K is right in that they know the truth about the EDE, but they aren't the only ones… [more]
favorited 10 times
FanFare comment - Over two years ago

I have used Logitech Flow (with the MX keyboard/mouse combo that theBigRedKittyPurrs mentioned) and it works pretty well for this purpose. It's free and works similarly to an old open-source project called synergy: you move your mouse to the left… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Movie: Sputnik
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FanFare post - Over two years ago

I'm fine with extending the deadline too, though I'm done already, slackers. One thing is I need to change my mix type from Spotify to file-sharing, and I didn't see any way to do that in the interface. (I couldn't find everything included on… [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

about how you fuck up every conversation and can never say the right thing Ha, I had the same experience with Sojourner. Now you can do it even in your pandemic-induced total isolation from other human beings! I got an ending I didn't… [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

Oh, one or two I forgot to mention: Dr. Langeskov, the Tiger, and the Terribly Cursed Emerald is maybe my favorite game from the bundle so far, it's a funny little 15-minute game with a sense of humor similar to Portal. I'm enjoying… [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

Holy shit, that scene with Katarina's mom! [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

I also liked Islands: Non-places a lot as kind of a series of calm, peculiar environments with some very limited interactivity. In a similar vein, Spring Falls is a mellow, peaceful little puzzle game about erosion and plants and running water… [more]
favorited 5 times
MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

Some reporting from Politico on Courier, the most widespread of the liberal organizations mentioned. Courier’s operations differ from the NRCC in that it is a for-profit newsroom, and election law doesn’t regulate the press due to its First… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Anxiety by the Preoccupations - one of my favorites! Also High Pressure Days by 80's synthpunk band The Units. [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I really liked this, but found it pretty hard to watch having had some real-life experience with a person descending into dementia. Some of the spatial-dislocation bits provided an interesting contrast with You Should Have Left--definitely a lesser… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

Thanks for checking, signal. I tried it in Chrome and creating and editing the mix worked fine there. Once it was created I was subsequently able to edit it in Firefox, so I'm guessing the problem (if it's not specific to my own setup somehow) was… [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Over two years ago

Showgirls is a hilarious and amazing film, though I've always wondered how much it was planned as satire versus how much Verhoeven cannily backed into the satire angle once it was in the can. One the one hand, Starship Troopers (obviously… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Our cyberpunk dystopia didn’t come in the form of Hong Kong cityscapes, it came in the form of rabid authoritarian proto-fascism I don't mean to be flippant about it, but check back on Hong Kong in a few years. [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

I thought the Bedilia stuff in this episode was fantastic, but the Great Red Dragon sex scene looked like it had leaked out of a portal to the Red Shoe Diaries dimension, and Dolarhyde's demon persona looked a lot like a Dio album cover. [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Over two years ago

I thought this was a great start. I'm staking my prediction now that Herr Köller's missing eye / missing arm will never be explained. I am also wondering whether the mysterious Alexsander Tiedemann ties these two universes together; his sudden… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

It's mostly a puff piece (and chock full of spoilers for season 2, though none for season 3) but the Guardian has an interview up with the actors playing Jonas, the Stranger, and Adam; among other things they say that they made a conscious decision… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over two years ago

I'd just like to say, as someone who has never been to Seattle but is interested in what's happening there, that I appreciate this kind of longer-form piece from a person who is obviously closely following the situation and has background knowledge… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

David Lynch in a Q&A three days ago: "Well, I'm sorta proud of everything, except Dune." [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

(Er, that's Thunderbolt, not Thunderbird.) [more]
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MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Can someone speculate what might happen to Java based apps such as ImageJ under the new regime? It's speculation as you say, but the JVM has been working on ARM chips for a long time (eg: Android phones, in their earliest incarnations),… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Over two years ago

Same here! I'm rewatching Season 2 and one thing that leapt out at me is that June 27th, 2020 is both the date of the apocalypse in the show and, in a nice bit of stunt-scheduling, the date of final season's premiere. (Assuming that a German… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Over two years ago

Movie: You Should Have Left
favorited 1 time
FanFare post - Over two years ago

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