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"Alexa, are you listening?" describes how to trivially root an Alexa and rootkit it, given physical access. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Davenhill writes "state residents would then have a greater incentive to pay attention to their state governments and keep them tolerably honest" Couldn't this also be formulated as "state governments would then have a… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

As a Kah-li-FOR-ni-an, one of the few institutions that I hold in lower regard than the house of Representatives is my state legislature. With a few exceptions, it seems to be made up entirely of oily hacks who have instituted such charming… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I like the movies but there is definitely more to LOTR than what happened in them, and I agree they haven't aged well - also I'm not sure I'm able to forgive Jackson for having David Bowie express interest in playing Elrond, but reject him in favor… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

What's the money on Dart being a baby demogorgon? I'm only up to this episode so far, but my theory is that the pollywog is the nascent form of the giant tentacle-monster in the Upside-Down, and that the Upside-Down is actually just a… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Yeah, not sure if tu quoque misinformation is really helping anybody at this point. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

It's perfectly understandable that Sanders wouldn't have entered into a "JFA" when his whole campaign was predicated on broad-based small-dollar donations (so was less in need of $353,400 checks), and his studied disconnection from the… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Interestingly, the Sanders campaign put out a press release on April 16 2016 complaining that the JFA "raises serious campaign-finance concerns," just prior to the "money-laundering" Politico story Brazil talks about (that phrase… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Ach, it looks like the 2016 version was signed around June 9th, so I suppose there's no way to tell from that alone, as Dacey would have been CEO for both documents. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Are we supposed to be clear he's a separate human being, not a third aspect of Eliot/Mr Robot? I think we're definitely supposed to be clear about that at this point, yes - I thought when the show went back to the scene where Eliot meets… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Yeah, this season went out with a whimper. The sudden introduction of the fencing Strong Female Protagonist reminded me of that move they do in sitcoms where the ratings are flagging so they introduce an adorable moppet. I will say I was surprised by… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I love this band. I them at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco back in the the mid aughts and Jello Biafra was in the (small) audience. It's a mystery to me that they don't get more hype than they do, but on the plus side it's usually not hard to… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I wish there was a way to get the rest of the world to ignore twitter. I used to just find it an annoying bad idea, but now I hate it with a burning passion and am pretty convinced it's had a profoundly negative effect on the web, and on the whole… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I'm actually hoping Eugene did turn coats, if only because I don't like the character much so any change will probably be a net positive for me. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

It's interesting how many of the characters in this show have powers that involved confused identities of some kind - Syd switches bodies, the science guy has a different identity inside himself, the Eye is able to present himself as another person,… [more]
favorited 5 times
FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Mantlo's Hulk run featured Dr Strange very prominently, so it was fairly Defendery. I never did follow the actual Defenders book very closely, so beyond that my knowledge runs out. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Honestly, the Lannisters can't spare a few guys to hold Dragonstone? There isn't some minor Baratheon lord who wants to live in a big castle? It's only the historical site of the first invasion of Westeros by Targaryens with dragons. [more]
favorited 9 times
FanFare comment - Over five years ago

They really have to have changed out fight coordinators from the first season of Daredevil to now. I definitely noticed that too. In this season when someone got punched they would spin three times in the air instead of just falling down… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

It was a pretty good year for rock music generally; apart from the stuff that was already mentioned, Smog, KARP, Blonde Redhead, American Analog Set, Songs: Ohia and Nick Cave all had solid-to-great releases releases that year. But none of them were… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Lumberjacks have no opposite career. Conclusion: eventually we'll all be lumberjacks. [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Not sure how I feel about this episode. The extended intentionally-slow bits, like the phone call, seemed like epic, Lars von Trier levels of trolling the audience, and it seemed to be composed of about 90% reaction shots. At the same time, the scene… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I reread the comics recently, and I have to say I'm getting a lot more enjoyment out of the show than I did reading the books. Most importantly, Tulip seems to be an actual character instead of just an obstacle Jesse has to deal with / thing he has… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

As far as the original article goes, it's a totally self-selecting sample of people who happened to be reading Stack Overflow while they were running the survey and decided to take the time to fill it out, but programmers love to argue about dumb… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

One of the main arguments for tabs is that viewers get to choose their own tab stop. That's the thing, though. If you ever need to indent something to, say, the 17th column in order to line up parts of an argument list up with the… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Someone reminded me yesterday of the scene from early in the series when Cooper and Truman are at the shooting range, and Cooper manages to put one bullet through each eye of his paper target; the constant eyeball-shootings in this new season are… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I think there's a pretty good chance that I would notice a new/different gas cap on my car. That's true, but since they'd need to physically mess with the gas cap in the first place, and since they're tracking both of Mike's cars, they… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I don't mean to be an apostate here, I loved Hannibal and I think Ian McShane is amazing, but I thought this first episode was kind of ...bad? The CGI looked it was from a midrange video game from three years ago, I'm surprised that there was any… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I'm only two episodes in, so will probably try to avoid this thread, but I'm a little on the fence about continuing with the whole series. The narrative structure is cool, with the tapes gradually filling in back-story and a general paranoid sense… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

The torrentfreak link makes for interesting reading. The Dark Overlord wrote up essentially a little extortion contract which they claim the production company signed and returned, though there's no evidence of that. The ransom they demanded was 50… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I expect there'll be very few guns allowed on spaceships, or anything that easily makes holes in the walls For what it's worth, in the books they do talk about how there is special ammo designed for in-ship shooting which is designed to… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

But I'm not the target audience for this because I'll never buy comics at a comics shop. Would that it were so simple. As detailed in the excellent The Problem With Comics that Halloween Jack linked above, Marvel measures demand for its… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I haven't delved into this sort of thing at all, but I've seen a few demonstrations / talks about Overtone, which is music processing in Clojure, and it looks really cool. Clojure isn't hard to learn if you know Ruby. There are some interesting talks… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

If someone's taste doesn't match yours, THAT'S FINE That's my take-away too. If assholes are annoying you recommending Infinite Jest, stop hanging out with them, or just ignore their recommendations as you would ignore a lot of… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I'm still not entirely sure whether Chuck's outburst/confession to Ernesto at the very end was a completely self-aware put-on in order to set Jimmy up for a trap, or whether it was just a kind of self-sabotaging reflex born out of internalized guilt… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

It was good to see Avasarala let herself off the leash in this episode, and the actor playing Amos continues to steal the show. That was a great expression when he he told Prax he couldn't leave "because the captain said so" - like a… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

As somebody who has played a ton of RimWorld and really enjoy it, I was pretty disappointed to read Sylvester's comment on RPS (which I also read frequently and tend to enjoy). It was quite defensive, and he really didn't do himself any favors by… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

This was definitely one of the more stylishly-directed TV premieres in some time. I always thought the comics character was kind of boring in kind of a "grab bag of powers" way, but I'm definitely hopeful based on this first episode. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Given data science's recent performance in the field of electoral politics, I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a bit leery of putting the awful weight of the criminal justice system behind it. About the clearance rates that are in decline, I wonder… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Without wanting to give away any book spoilers, I've been impressed by how closely this series is hewing to its source material, right down to little details like the cheese cartel. [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

it's clear that Joanna is pretty much identical to Lady Macbeth Yeah, I liked the "out, damn'd spot!" bit where she's at the sink trying to get her dress clean. [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I think Bernard being a copy of Arnold makes some sense, but a major hole is that some people should know what Arnold looked like. In this world, Arnold would be like Woz to Steve Jobs: maybe a little less famous, but the board of Apple would… [more]
favorited 4 times
FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Tell me more about I want a full refund. [more]
favorited 16 times
MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I hadn't heard of Newsbroke before and checked out a few sketches, they're a lot more pointed than I would have expected from Al Jazeera (who I like, but they seem to go out of their way to do Serious Journalism). Eg, How To Protect White People's… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - Over five years ago

The 5 off-loop hosts were Ford's "family" in the cabin. Something that just occurred to me is that I counted four obvious hosts in the cabin: Young Robert Ford, his dad, a brother and a sister. Unless I missed one, that's one… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

Unlocking Westworld’s 7 Most Baffling Mysteries This is well-done; I'm on board with the three-timeline theory, having already bought into the Bernard = Arnold theory. (Synopsis: the third timeline is the interrogations between Bernard… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I think I'm beginning to buy the two timelines / William = Man in Black theory, though it raises a lot of questions as well. If it holds up, I'm guessing that at some point in the season we'll have William run into the CGI'ed young version of Anthony… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

I really want to like this show, it's got a lot of actors I like in it, but between the clunky dialog, the affectless performances and the glacial pace I just can't seem to get into it. The tooth monster was creepy when I first saw it, but the effect… [more]
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FanFare comment - Over five years ago

A narrative of "those people are too PC" or "those people are too nit-picky" or "those people turn off allies" is embellished with this new evidence that ignores the response of the person targeted and the mildness… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I'm also a big fan of the CircleCI article that inspired this, having recently decided to move away from Docker for deployment: So I just need to split my simple CRUD app into 12 microservices, each with their own APIs which call each others’ APIs… [more]
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MeFi comment - Over five years ago

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