Activity from brundlefly

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Welcome Kirkaracha: Our New Web Development Team Member
Huzzah! Congrats!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 11:49 PM on February 9, 2024

RIP boo_radley
Oh, no! Such a fixture here and a good guy. I believe he joined around the same I did so his name has always been part of MeFi for me.

posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 7:11 PM on September 4, 2023

shoesfullofdust passed away June 16, 2023
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 7:16 PM on August 8, 2023

MetaFilter has a real problem with voicing class genocidal attitudes
Okay, I'm trying to catch up on this thread. However, I have to say I find it amusing that I did a quick browser window search and got this.

(For the record, I am uncomfortable with laughing about these rich guys getting drowned/squished, while also knowing that I would go out of my way to piss on Kissinger's grave once he finally kicks it.)
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 10:20 AM on June 26, 2023

I only met a Gately once....
My full name is Shannon Ellery Hubbell, which isn't exactly strange but sort of unique, and a bank teller once told me that my name sounds like it belongs to a novelist.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 12:49 PM on May 28, 2023
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:41 PM on June 11, 2023

eotvos memorial service details - May 13
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 12:31 AM on May 7, 2023

Open Gaming Thread: What are you playing right now?
I'm finally properly playing WITCH3R. I had several false starts where I got distracted and had to restart later because I had forgotten all the controls and story.

This game rules.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:00 PM on February 19, 2023

Fanfare critical standards
I don't think the "Fan" in "Fanfare" is supposed to be taken literally.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 12:24 PM on November 16, 2019

Small pony: ongoing word count on Mefi posts
As in tags, Kattullus?
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:20 PM on November 5, 2019

Famous on the internet
Me boasting that I had registered Alas, I no longer have that domain. For a while it was redirecting to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:10 PM on December 10, 2018

State of MetaFilter, 2017
Thanks for the update, cortex, and big thanks to the whole MeFi team for all the great work.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:08 PM on March 22, 2017

"for some people, the trainwrecks are their favorite."
*clears throat*

*stands up*

*raises finger hesitantly*

I... I was told there'd be, um, favorites here? Are there any left?
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 11:31 AM on May 10, 2016

Direct your gopher client to gopher://
This makes perfect sense in a world where Super 8 is making a comeback!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 11:46 AM on February 24, 2016

2015 Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread!
Thanks to my Secret Quonsar I now have a lovely Tupuxuara to fill out my prehistoric menagerie, along with a big container of Garbage Bag Candy. I didn't know garbage bag candy was a thing, but it is and it's delicious!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:27 PM on December 15, 2015
Thanks so much, Mister Moofoo! The little guy has an honored place in my collection. I didn't have any pterosaurs yet!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 3:29 PM on December 15, 2015
You're welcome, Annabelle74!

I believe the MeFi name of my benefactor is brundlefly, if I'm reading their handwriting correctly.

I can certainly understand how my handwriting would be an issue.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 7:44 PM on December 16, 2015

edgeways has passed away
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 5:21 PM on July 21, 2015

The Great Mefi Merchandising Wishlist
Stickers. My laptop needs some MeFi bling.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:24 PM on June 15, 2015

Tell Us A Fascinating Thing About Yourself
I have a history of accidentally making celebrities uncomfortable in restaurants.

One time I was eating dinner with my mother, telling her how great the movie Matinee is and how great John Goodman is in it. When I left the table to use the facilities I realized that Goodman himself was seated at the table next to ours and was looking at me rather suspiciously.

A few years later I was at another restaurant and gave the… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 5:09 PM on April 1, 2015
I have never: gone on a date, driven a car, rented an apartment, or had a job interview

Oh, right. I've never had a driver's license for reasons I used to have trouble articulating. Luckily for me I was diagnosed as epileptic a few years back (I don't think I've ever mentioned that here.) which makes for a quick explanation that shuts people up.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 5:14 PM on April 1, 2015
"I made a small mechanical bird prop for Tilda Swinton to use in an ambitious but crap movie. The entire effects team was never paid."


*rolls up sleeves*
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 3:53 PM on April 7, 2015
I'm already working on my own thriller. It's about a boy who is afraid of cats and every day when he walks to school cats jump out at him.

Shit. I'll need to get my "nothing but Lewton Buses" screenplay finished ASAP.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 11:47 AM on April 8, 2015

I get a few links from reddit now and then, but those are mostly from reading the paleontology subs and aren't exactly part of the usual meme-spreading landscape (memescape?). Generally I find the signal to noise ratio of reddit to be way too low to be a useful source of content. I obviously can't speak to how other people find their FPPable content.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 5:51 PM on March 11, 2015

One last chance to be moderated by Matt: feel free to be extreme.

| ||||||||||||:
_/| |||||||||||||:_=---.._
… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:25 PM on March 6, 2015
xqwzts: He used to work in the mail room.

I heard he was a window washer who just climbed in.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 3:57 PM on March 9, 2015

Sixteen Years
Best of luck to you, Matt. Thanks for building one of the best things on the web.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:26 PM on March 4, 2015
Instead of "retired", why not "Moderator Emeritus"?
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:09 PM on March 4, 2015

🙈 🙉 🙊💩
How are they made?!

Well... when a box with an X in it and a pile of poo love each other very much...
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 5:18 PM on January 26, 2015
DirtyOldTown: Still the same non-italicized dancer ladies on my device. (shrug)

In Chrome for Windows I get extra-funky little boxes. Which I am satisfied with.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 10:15 AM on January 29, 2015

What do you write your draft posts in?
Sublime Text and I save to Dropbox so I can work on multiple computers.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 10:05 AM on January 13, 2015
Oh and like jack_mo I often use Markdown.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 10:06 AM on January 13, 2015

Metafilter group on Fatsecret
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 9:53 PM on January 6, 2015

Neckbeard, is this a word we need?
I've never understood objections to "mansplaining". It's a gendered term because it's a gendered behavior.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:21 PM on December 23, 2014

What is your favorite username?
I Love Tacos / Tacos Are Pretty Great
robocop is bleeding
joseph conrad is fully awesome
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 11:02 PM on December 10, 2014

New for FanFare: Podcasts
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:06 PM on December 3, 2014

Happy Anniversary
Holy crap. I just happened to look at my profile and notice my "Joined" date, so I ran here to make sure someone had already noted this. A goddamned decade! I can't believe it.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:25 PM on November 20, 2014

joseph conrad is fully awesome is fully awesome!
Hear, hear!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:26 PM on November 1, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 - We're Storming the Bastille - Are You Ready?
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 12:16 PM on October 24, 2014
This is me.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 3:21 PM on October 24, 2014

Has iOS 8 broken Metafilter commenting?
Same issues here. Chrome on iPhone 5s and iPad Mini.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 1:28 PM on October 1, 2014

Metafilter, Android, nginix or NSA bug?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 8:16 PM on September 25, 2014

A new theme for MeFi: Modern
Wow! I really, really like this! I wasn't expecting to, but it looks great. Great job!

My only criticism is that the link color on the blue in dark mode hurts my eyes for some reason. I actually prefer the professional white version.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:07 PM on September 24, 2014
On the other hand, MeTa looks great in dark mode.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:08 PM on September 24, 2014
Looks good on iPhone, too!
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 4:22 PM on September 24, 2014

Meta Slander?
Gungho: "They have suggested I take it here...Let's see over in the Blue there are 648 posts and, not so much."

You're complaining about a post's lack of comments in the post itself?
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:02 PM on August 19, 2014
And yeah, whether you like it or not, this is the place for this sort of discussion. You're not being oppressed. This is just how the site works.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 2:02 PM on August 19, 2014
Justinian: "It would be "libel" not "slander"."

I was wondering when someone would point this out.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 3:42 PM on August 19, 2014

If You Use IFTTT Then Consider Sharing Recipes
Oh! I forgot! Whenever I share something on Newsblur it posts the link to my Twitter account.
posted to MetaTalk by brundlefly at 12:15 PM on July 31, 2014

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