Activity from brundlefly

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The California man who hid for 6 months in a secret room inside Circuit City
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:43 PM on April 30, 2024 (38 comments)

‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza

"The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 6:37 AM on April 4, 2024 (64 comments)

I wonder if it has a goatee.

The invisible substance called dark matter remains one of the biggest mysteries in cosmology. Perhaps, a new study suggests, this strange substance arises from a 'dark mirror universe' that's been linked to ours since the dawn of time.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 10:03 AM on February 18, 2024 (29 comments)

I Found David Lynch’s Lost Dune II Script

"David Lynch’s 1984 sci-fi epic Dune is—in many ways—a misbegotten botch job. Still, as with more than a few ineffectively ambitious films before it, the artistic flourishes Lynch grafted onto Frank Herbert’s sprawling Machiavellian narrative of warring space dynasties have earned it true cult classic status. Today, fans of the film, which earned a paltry $30 million at the box office and truly bruising reviews upon its release, still wonder what Lynch would have done if given the opportunity to adapt the next two novels in Herbert’s cycle: Dune Messiah and Children of Dune."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 11:50 AM on January 10, 2024 (67 comments)

The Puritanical Eye

The disappearance of the sex scene in American cinema, the suppression of the body under the moral imperative of commodities in neoliberal capitalism, and Verhoeven as antagonizer.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 11:29 PM on November 26, 2023 (139 comments)

What Bit the Ancient Egyptians?

"How much can the written records of ancient civilisations tell us about the animals they lived alongside? Our latest research, based on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus, suggests more than you might think. A much more diverse range of snakes than we’d imagined lived in the land of the pharaohs – which also explains why these Egyptian authors were so preoccupied with treating snakebites!"
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 1:53 PM on October 30, 2023 (4 comments)

The Corpse Can’t Play

The Twisty Tale of the BBC Show Supposedly So Terrifying That It Was Destroyed
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 10:15 PM on October 28, 2023 (8 comments)

"a scorpion disappeared, reappeared in the sky and fell on my head"

This Fallout 4 no-hit 100% permadeath run took more than 2 years, 415 attempts and over 2,000 hours: 'this is by far the most challenging Fallout 4 run that will ever be completed'
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 8:46 AM on October 28, 2023 (8 comments)

Scholastic's "bigot button"

'[T]his year, facing pressure from right-wing ideologues, Scholastic is facilitating the exclusion of books that feature people of color and/or LGBTQ characters. Scholastic has grouped many of these titles in a collection called "Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice." School officials are then given the option to exclude the entire set of books from the book fair. Scholastic has, in the words of one librarian, given schools a "bigot button" to exclude these books and mollify intolerant pressure groups.'
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 9:34 AM on October 16, 2023 (66 comments)

Top science journal faced attacks from Covid conspiracy theory group

"One of the world’s most prestigious general science journals, Nature, was the target of a two-year-long sustained and virulent secret attack by a conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists with high-level political, commercial and intelligence connections, according to documents and correspondence examined by Computer Weekly and Byline Times."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:48 AM on October 6, 2023 (30 comments)

It turns out we've been suffering from stand-up comedy for centuries.

"By me, Richard Heege, because I was at that feast and did not have a drink."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:30 AM on September 29, 2023 (19 comments)

Stone-age Hominids Invented Lincoln Logs

Half-million-year-old wooden structure unearthed in Zambia
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:02 PM on September 21, 2023 (20 comments)

She likes to have her belly rubbed. Figs are one of her favorite treats.

San Francisco has the world’s oldest aquarium fish. Now we know her age.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 6:20 PM on September 19, 2023 (20 comments)

Judge rules in favor of Montana youths in landmark climate decision

‘This is a monumental decision,’ said a lawyer for the young plaintiffs, and could influence how judges handle similar cases in other states [previously]
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:37 PM on August 14, 2023 (13 comments)

Marvel VFX Workers Vote to Unionize with IATSE

A "supermajority" of Marvel's 50-plus visual effects crew signed authorization cards with the union.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:44 AM on August 8, 2023 (21 comments)

Candy Williams and Jackie Ferris, v. John M. Lester, Jr. et al.

Dear Counsel: Scientists have found that the octopus is bizarrely adept at navigating mazes. [PDF]
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:13 PM on August 2, 2023 (11 comments)

Zenith’s original ‘clicker’ remote were a mechanical marvel

The Zenith Space Command, one of the first wireless television remotes ever to exist, is a monument to a time before we took the remote for granted. It also just so happened to contain one of the most influential and intriguing buttons in history.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 2:34 PM on July 30, 2023 (77 comments)

Dinosaur vs. Mammal: Dawn of Justice

An extraordinary fossil captures the struggle for existence during the Mesozoic.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 11:39 PM on July 18, 2023 (12 comments)

Anger in Japan as report reveals children were forcibly sterilised

Between 1948 and 1996, about 16,500 people were operated on without their consent under a eugenics law, triggering long campaign for redress
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 1:04 AM on June 22, 2023 (2 comments)

Daniel Ellsberg, April 7, 1931 – June 16, 2023

Daniel Ellsberg, former military analyst and leaker of the Pentagon Papers, has passed away at the age of 92
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:23 PM on June 16, 2023 (69 comments)

DOOM maps to SVG to laser cutter

"I’ve heard a lot about classic Doom’s data format and decided to write some Rust code to extract its maps and convert that to vector graphics I could laser cut."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 3:28 PM on June 11, 2023 (9 comments)

Irritator challengeri fossils may have been illegally removed

A large predatory dinosaur related to Spinosaurus may have scooped up prey "like a pelican" by extending its lower jaw, European researchers propose in a new study. But the findings have upset some paleontologists who contest that the fossils were illegally taken from Brazil and should be returned to their country of origin.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:38 PM on June 4, 2023 (8 comments)

With friends like these, who needs anenomes?

Discovered in the deep: the superbuilder sea anemones that make verandas
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 1:13 PM on May 1, 2023 (8 comments)

"Do pink fairy armadillos exist?"

How the Enchanting, Elusive Pink Fairy Armadillo Became One Scientist’s Obsession
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 8:12 AM on April 25, 2023 (21 comments)

beef beef beef

"one time in college a professor spent 90 minutes talking about an example scenario that involved beef and i thought nothing of it until several weeks later when i found out that my classmate had made a minute long compilation of all 125 times he said "beef" in one lecture"
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 4:44 PM on November 13, 2022 (69 comments)

Vote for the Crook. It’s Important.

Edwin Edwards, the charismatic, famously corrupt four-term governor of Louisiana -- the man who soundly defeated David Duke, Grand Wizard of the KKK* -- has passed away at the age of 93.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 9:37 AM on July 12, 2021 (24 comments)

Fansubbing BookStory

A Japanese bookstore simulator is collaboratively translated into English after 24 years.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:45 AM on May 20, 2021 (15 comments)

Il Maestro

Federico Fellini and the lost magic of cinema, by Martin Scorsese
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 2:42 PM on February 16, 2021 (23 comments)

The Journalist and the Pharma Bro

Why did Christie Smythe upend her life and stability for Martin Shkreli, one of the least-liked men in the world?
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 7:58 PM on December 20, 2020 (108 comments)

Common Descent

Common Descent, an utterly charming and fascinating podcast hosted by paleontologists David Moscato and Will Harris, recently posted their 100th episode. The topic? The origin of life on Earth.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 6:20 PM on November 23, 2020 (2 comments)

Alternative Timeline Dinosaurs

Alternative Timeline Dinosaurs, the View From 2019: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3: The Dinosauroid and its Chums
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 8:54 AM on December 16, 2019 (8 comments)

The Anthropocene Is a Joke

"The idea of the Anthropocene inflates our own importance by promising eternal geological life to our creations. It is of a thread with our species’ peculiar, self-styled exceptionalism—from the animal kingdom, from nature, from the systems that govern it, and from time itself. This illusion may, in the long run, get us all killed."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 10:40 AM on August 14, 2019 (31 comments)

Once and future cats

Sabercats were magnificent, powerful predators – what does their extinction tell us about the future of life on Earth?
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 10:00 AM on August 20, 2018 (26 comments)

Shark Mystery

Where Have South Africa’s Great Whites Gone? "The world’s most famous sharks are the great whites off Cape Town, featured in the popular “Air Jaws” series. But now these sharks have mostly gone missing, and some experts blame a fishery for depleting the smaller sharks that the great whites feed on."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:15 PM on August 9, 2018 (12 comments)

Inside ‘Roe v. Wade’

"Conservative actors Stephen Baldwin and Kevin Sorbo were initially cast as Supreme Court justices but left upon receiving the script."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 1:43 PM on July 10, 2018 (75 comments)

Number Three Will Surprise You!

The Real Reason You Don’t See J.T Walsh or Five Other Legendary Character Actors in Big Movies Anymore
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 10:16 AM on June 14, 2018 (55 comments)

Pity the musk ox.

The ‘Ice Tsunami’ That Buried a Whole Herd of Weird Arctic Mammals
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 11:41 AM on January 18, 2018 (9 comments)

How Vladimir Lenin Became a Mushroom

How Vladimir Lenin Became a Mushroom: The fake news that took the former Soviet Union by storm.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 2:40 PM on December 5, 2017 (12 comments)

Decades of Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Harvey Weinstein

"An investigation by The New York Times [has] found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 11:27 AM on October 5, 2017 (242 comments)


CURVE: Clinging to a smooth, curved surface high above a sentient abyss, a girl tries to cover the few feet back to safety without losing purchase and falling to her death.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 9:55 AM on June 20, 2017 (47 comments)

The Story Behind MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA's Troubled Five-Year Development

"Almost immediately, fans asked how this happened. Why was Andromeda so much worse than its predecessors? How could the revered RPG studio release such an underwhelming game? And, even if the problems were a little exaggerated by the internet’s strange passion for hating BioWare, how could Andromeda ship with so many animation issues? I’ve spent the past three months investigating the answers to those questions."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 2:49 PM on June 7, 2017 (26 comments)

1001 Rogues

1001 Rogues: a browser-playable roguelike with a new story every day. There is also a twitter account to keep you updated on today's story. [via]
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:46 PM on April 13, 2017 (11 comments)

The biggest shakeup for dinosaurs since that big space rock.

Ornithoscelida Rises: A New Family Tree for Dinosaurs
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:45 PM on March 22, 2017 (16 comments)

Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016)

The Great Barrier Reef of Australia passed away in 2016 after a long illness. It was 25 million years old.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 1:57 PM on October 13, 2016 (77 comments)

Long in the Tooth

"She was born during the reign of James I, was a youngster when René Descartes set out his rules of thought and the great fire of London raged, saw out her adolescent years as George II ascended the throne, reached adulthood around the time that the American revolution kicked off, and lived through two world wars. Living to an estimated age of nearly 400 years, a female Greenland shark has set a new record for longevity, scientists have revealed."
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 4:11 PM on August 11, 2016 (32 comments)

Tonight I've watched / The moon and then / the Pleiades / go down...

Astronomers crack the secret of this gorgeous poem by Sappho
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:55 AM on May 21, 2016 (25 comments)

Are my points safe?

Hyper-Reality presents a provocative and kaleidoscopic new vision of the future, where physical and virtual realities have merged, and the city is saturated in media.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 3:22 PM on May 19, 2016 (25 comments)

They struggled against all odds but one.

"When he was alive, Lonesome George was a captive reminder of biodiversity loss. One 2006 book called him 'the only one of his kind left on earth—a symbol of the devastation man has wrought to the natural world in the Galápagos and beyond.' After his death, Washington Tapia, a researcher with the Ecuador National Park Service, told the New York Times it was like losing his grandparents. But even for people less intimate with him did his life and demise serve as a reminder of the mass extinction of species currently underway—the sixth in earth’s history but the only one caused by humans." - Human Error: Survivor guilt in the Anthropocene
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 12:43 AM on May 11, 2016 (5 comments)


HTML form Rube Goldberg machine, with some musical accompaniment.
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 5:04 PM on May 5, 2016 (9 comments)

Lego and trains. Two great tastes that taste great together

A lego train with a GoPro on it touring 50 meters of track, indoors and outdoors. There were also horrible rail disasters
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 4:16 PM on April 27, 2016 (39 comments)

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