Activity from lalochezia

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hybrid car kept outdoors - will battery need replacement sooner?
Kia Niro Hybrid (not PHEV) parked outside in NYC for 4 years, -5C to + 38C. Battery performance unaffected in my experience.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 5:01 PM on May 26, 2024

Why don't you get smart with me
If you like the Martian, and are willing to go to sound rather than vision, the Audiobook of Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary is great.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:40 AM on May 25, 2024

Please just tell me what kind of use hybrid vehicle to purchase
Kia Niro, pre 2019 fits your bill nicely. If you can get the EX model (now discontinued- not the "EX premium").... it has a lot of the bells and whistles of the higher end models while keeping the rims at 16" which make the ride and fuel economy better than those with the bigger wheels.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:24 AM on May 23, 2024

Seeking advice on upcoming meeting with financial advisor

I'm not eager to move the money out of that account altogether. The current financial advisor was very good to my father-in-law and fixed a bunch of messes that were created by the previous advisor (who continued working even after he became ill and developed cognitive issues).

Buy this guy a $500-$1000 gift for all he did for your family, and move your business elsewhere, ideally by formally requesting a transfer to low cost vanguard… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 1:37 PM on May 8, 2024

Should I work in the cryptocurrency industry?
do you want to tell your kids, or your friends kids, that you worked for an industry that proudly and deliberately burned fossil fuels (or energy that could have been used for other things?) at an astonishing and intentionally increasing rate?

furthermore, this industry had NO actual output, like travel, or manufacture of physical goods,or keeping beople warm or cool, but the industry itself was concocted from whole cloth, to solely solve… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 8:12 AM on May 4, 2024

what is an anti-inflammatory diet (esp. for long covid)?
Can you ask the doctor what they meant and ask them to give examples or resources?

I can't speak for all "anti inflammatory" diets, but like most things in the diet:health nexus there is a TON of unproven (and unprovable!) woo out there.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:34 PM on May 2, 2024

Which UK city should I visit?
Frankie Boyle has written a lot of standup and political commentary from an anti-colonial, anti-oppression, liberatory perspective. He's from a long tradition of Glaswegians with a similar perspective; I think you'll like the town!

see his twitter for example
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 11:58 AM on April 19, 2024

You're single and you own a house. How do you make it weird?
a superblack void room (for the screaming into)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 7:50 AM on March 20, 2024

Auto camera backup of a wall scheduler+replacement software for same
I know it would be possible to code it in excel. .....Is there an existing, debugged, robust excel template that does this kind of thing:

Have 1) a sheet of COURSEX where each course number has a section, has a time it runs, and a course credit
And a 2) a sheet of staff PERSONX where each person has a set number of credits that they can work

And allows a scheduling sheet to be populated with cells of PERSONX for COURSEX and not allow scheduling clashes or credit overloads?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:54 AM on March 14, 2024

Travel insurance for chateau rental for 1 week?
from my friend:

"I’m mostly interested in insurance in the event we can’t make the trip because of illness, accident, or other US or global event that would keep us from getting to France (eg, another global pandemic)"
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:33 AM on March 8, 2024

OK you Trader Joe's obsessed people...
lots of classics in the thread

* sparkling coconut/yuzu soda 4 packs

* mango ice/vanilla icecream bars

* precooked thai wheat noodles (perfect for stirfrys for one)

prev mentioned but essential

*unexpected cheddar/parm hybrid : our "house cheese". equally good in sandwiches cold, melted or on a cheese board

all the snacks.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 3:24 PM on March 5, 2024

Service line insurance? Sewage pipe? Did it happen to you
nthing: HELOC for this amount unless insurance is significantly less than ~500/yr.

Paying 500/yr for insurance for this kind of thing.....In 20 years you'll have spent half the cost of the repair!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 8:34 AM on February 21, 2024

Stock trading as future self employment?
Please don't do this.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:42 AM on February 17, 2024

Using a US cell phone overseas
Get a google fi account with a sim or eSIM. No roaming charges ever, no daily charge, data same cost as US ($10/GB), calls 20c/min anywhere in the world from the UK from phone (and obviously, much cheaper over whatsapp if just voice). Just turn phone on in UK and bang. it works.

Source: someone who goes to the UK a lot and chose google fi so I could keep my american # with zero hassle.

EDIT: this will not help with the local phone # issue. Leaving this here for posterity.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 7:15 AM on December 30, 2023

Food flourishes
Fennel and dill pollen sprinkled over savory things make them amazing. I like dill pollen on cheese sandwiches with rye, and fennel pollen on sausage pizza (but you can think of vegan versions of these).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:59 PM on December 28, 2023

All-inclusive resort recommendations from NYC
Not top-tier expensive

define, please! there is a huge range of these places.....and top tier for you might be mid for others...or vice versa.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:50 PM on December 12, 2023

How *not* to hire movers
Also, once you have all this sorted out, bad-review the shit out of these scammers on google, yelp, facebook, with exact details of their scam.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 5:59 PM on October 8, 2023

How to talk to an 11 year old boy about sexism/racism/etc
(forgot to add: he is not exposed to any social media/unsupervised internet or youtube at all right now.)

I would push back gently on this. If he has friends with devices at school or socially..... he is exposed.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:32 AM on October 3, 2023

HOW do the British eat peas?
peaple in this thread are taking the peas
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:49 PM on September 19, 2023

Chatfilter: Weird yet Pleasant Body Sensations
This is not a particularly unusual observation, but peeing after really, really needing to go is one of life's true joys.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:54 PM on August 26, 2023

Tell me how you repaired your relationship with a hostile co-worker
I don't recommend other sites often, but this is a great question for both Ask a Manager and Captain Awkward, and those two sites' archives will have answers to versions of this q.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 12:02 PM on August 21, 2023

RecommendationFilter: Dueling powers beyond comprehension
The latter parts of Charles Stross (mefi's own) Laundry Files series has this as a large component. You don't see it upfront ..... Until you get much do.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:12 PM on August 18, 2023

What are the pros and cons of reintroducing animal powered transport?
More factors:

There are 8 billion people on earth today. The last time horses were the major form of transport was 150 years ago - there were less than 1.5 billion people alive then.

Horses were a luxury 150 years ago - only for the rich or people who could make a living from the horse (i.e. who could offload expense on to their work or others). How would this scale today?

Large swathes of the food system would need to… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 5:52 AM on July 28, 2023

ISO Ketamine troche providers in NYC, and fast.
Not adding to your woes, but what is the legal status of ketamine troches, even with a prescription, in the country you are going to?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:25 AM on June 28, 2023 marked best answer

How to apologize for a trauma response?
after chemo, show them this thread, and the responses of everyone
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 7:34 PM on June 20, 2023

Can I hire someone to look after my house better than I can?
One potential solution to this: If you get a chance, sell &move into a well-run apartment complex/coop. The super/staff/management should take care of this......"Walls-out" is not your problem.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 7:28 PM on June 12, 2023

Time for a new home office chair
in-person searching is out of the question for the next month and I'm feeling impatient.

Craigslist might have listings where they deliver the chair to you if you're in the nabe for like 50 bucks extra; they drove it to our front door and we met them there.... We bought a HM, I think for $300? $350? +delivery that way.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:58 AM on May 27, 2023

Are you someone with intrinsic motivation? Share your secret sauce.
FWIW this has helped me a bit - I'm wired the same way.

i) Action precedes motivation.

Whenever you don't FEEL like doing something, just notice your feelings, but don't be beholden to them. ACT, no matter your discomfort. Motivation will grow from that.

ii) If you need a goal, make one! I like training for skiing - even if it's just a couple of days on the hill. I'm always frustrated when I'm not… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:54 AM on May 23, 2023 marked best answer

Tell me about withdrawing from your IRA for a down payment on a mortgage
We Borrowed against a 403b thru TIAA-CREF. These may be the same as a 401k..... If it's run thru your workplace (as most are)

You may need employer authorization, and spousal waivers/authorization.
Your college/workplace HR should handle that.

From a mortgage broker when I brought this up:

"If retirement funds are being liquidated then we would need evidence of… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:56 PM on May 1, 2023

Niagara Falls / NYC road trip ideas
Corning - Corning museum of glass is super cool.

They aren't joking. It's the most remarkable collection of glass and glass art anywhere. We were blown away (ba-dum-tiss!). Give yourself at least 4 hours for the visit.

I include as references the Met, Moma, The british museum, Louvre and pretty much any other mid-size museum one could think of.

There may be some glass-specific museum somewhere but I ain't heard of it's like.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 10:40 AM on April 4, 2023

Best recipe for creamy, smoky baba ganouj?
If you like your flesh un-singed, READ THE COMMENTS if you are gonna do that serious eats recipe!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 5:54 PM on March 27, 2023

What is a normal order at a fancy steakhouse?
so.......................the steaks weren't as high as you expected

sorry not sorry
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:18 PM on March 18, 2023

Buckling Down
The UK is going through a "cost of living crisis" so lots has been written about this:

e.g. Somewhere cold? Heat the Human not the Home

lots more advice (some UK specific, some not) at moneysavingexpert
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:08 PM on February 22, 2023

Why are people in their 50s+ all wearing big chunky glasses frames?
as a late-40 something who is kinda doing this: eponysterical?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 12:41 PM on January 28, 2023
Data point:

I've shopped, basically exclusively, at zenni for more than a decade.

Based on this thread, I decided to branch out: Both Eyebuydirect and Zeelool had interesting styles which were better and different than zenni in some way, and the optical performance - to my eyes - is identical. Eyebuy direct was maybe 50% more expensive than zenni, zeelool was comparable.

Zeelool in particular had some nice chunky things. I recommend both!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 10:06 AM on February 14, 2023

What should I add to this savory pie?
Branston pickle on the side
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 4:32 PM on February 9, 2023

Metaphors That Work
"All models are wrong, but some are useful".

posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 1:35 PM on February 1, 2023

Big chunky glasses sources
I've also been using zenni for more than 12 years....and zeelool looks interesting.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 2:14 PM on January 31, 2023

Funeral reading for a scientist
Chemist here. It's great that you're doing this. Maybe something from Uncle Tungsten by Oliver Sacks?

Poetry for scientists is hard. This might be a bit bleak, but it is bleak and hopeful at the same time. Maybe file this away for another event?

Ode to joy by Miroslav Holub

You only love

when you love in vain.

Try another… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 1:43 PM on January 28, 2023

How do you turn down an offer of friendship in a kind way?
#1. If this guy is ignoring boundaries, go no contact. Some assholes really want to negotiate their way back into your life. Don't play their game.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 9:18 AM on January 27, 2023

Other spy series like Slough House?
Alan Furst is amazing, but less humor (the humor there is is BONE dry), more grit and historical accuracy.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 3:29 PM on January 21, 2023

all vinegar all the time
Roll up, roll up!

The Salt and Vinegar Chips (crisps!) taste test

might have something for your sour mouf!

(the science behind salt and vinegar chips)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:39 AM on January 19, 2023

Dulce de what?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 3:26 AM on January 14, 2023

Considering moving to Costa Rica

needs "economic migrant" tag, this aint "travel"
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 6:53 PM on January 12, 2023

Music List: Sonic Re-creations of Deep Time + Big Science Events
Mike Oldfield's "songs of distant earth" falls in this category for sure
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 12:03 PM on January 7, 2023

Water flavor additives / enhance that aren't just citric and malic acid?
Vimto/Ribena -( the "Light" versions are much lower in sugar) are delicious, and they are imports, but often cheap imports in Indian or (other ex-UK colonial) grocery stores.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 3:48 PM on January 4, 2023

Should I buy a premium domain for my new small business?
Look on nearlyfreespeech to see if you can buy thru them?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 3:25 PM on December 30, 2022

Keep me off the streets this winter
Lockpicking for sure - watch the lockpicking lawer on youtube for inspiration and fall down a hobbyhole.....
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lalochezia at 5:28 AM on December 28, 2022

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