Activity from JohnnyGunn

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A behind-the-music style look at the people behind embarrassing internet video memes
Seems to me that Radar is not just reporting the phenomena, but perpetuating it. They are dog piling on the rabbit. Posting it here too is just giving wider distribution to videos that weren't meant to be seen. (Except for the first one whose son posted it.)

I love schadenfraude, but this is simply mean spirited. It is one thing to be secretly happy your obnoxious neighbor didn't get the job, but to post a video of his hideous interview on the net is wrong.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 7:06 PM on February 19, 2007
I disagree. The few more people who would see the videos is counterbalanced by the fact that people actually get to hear these people's "sides of the story". The reporter went out of his way to actually find out how people felt about their fame, and get "their side of the story".

Some of these folks are willing to talk and are trying to leverage their YouTube fame into something good. Others refuse to be contacted, yet their… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 7:22 PM on February 19, 2007
On the other hand, a lot of these other videos are just people being themselves in public. Like the overweight woman on the beach. Yes, she was making a spectacle of herself, and yes, I suppose it must have been rather funny to watch it. Ten years ago, though, it woud have ended with her being embarrassed when she realized what she was doing and that everyone was watching her. Now, because some mean-spirited jerkoff happened to have a digital camcorder with them (which is ever more… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 8:57 AM on February 23, 2007

I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter
Interesting, but seems like a lot of work to get my grandmother a keyboard to her liking.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 11:40 AM on February 22, 2007

Who's got my bore snake?
Really liked the site. Necessity is the mother of invention. It is amazing what a person can come up with under trying conditions.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 10:58 AM on February 15, 2007

The End of the Internet
If y'all don't think that Schneider from One Day at a Time is a comic genius, then you have no sense of humor.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:21 PM on February 12, 2007

Teach a Man to Fish...
Maybe its just my cold heart, but I thought the pictures were perfectly average, at best. It's a good story and I applaud the person who gave the kid the camera for trying to do something good for this kid and the community, but I thought the pix were just ok. Sorry. Thanks for the post Tylermoody.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 6:25 PM on February 11, 2007
What I find interesting about this thread is the fact that after a long string of posts lauding both the photographs and the thread, as soon as the first "Eh, these photos are only ok" post was added, the whole thread turned critical, and then skeptical. I'm not a sociologist, but it's probably a common, plottable curve with a "tipping point."

I think I was the first person to say "meh". FWIW, as a point of information,… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 6:29 AM on February 12, 2007

Missed Connections
Longshot: Halloween 1972, You were dressed as a hippie.
I think I am that son. Dad is that you?
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 6:55 AM on February 7, 2007

Sabbath Filter
I second danb's assertion that Gov't Mule does a great version of War Pigs.
Also, smedleyman makes a great point songs being set in stone after a certain standard has been set.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 10:46 AM on February 2, 2007

Digital Charity
I love this country.
I am going to start raising money for a sock puppet account.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:40 AM on January 30, 2007

DVD Rewinder!
To quench your thirst while rewinding.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 3:12 AM on January 24, 2007

JUMAH AL-DOSSARI is a 33-year-old citizen of Bahrain.
While I have no reason not to believe what the prisoner writes, I have no reason to believe it as fact either. I do not dispute the inhumane treatment nor do I condone it (in fact I condemn it) , but to simply believe this man is innocent of all wrongdoing because he says so or because he is treated harshly is a bit much.

What if this man is right about the treatment, but he is guilty of plotting terrorist acts against other humans? Give the guy a trial and if he is… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 12:45 PM on January 12, 2007
I said we should give him a trial to establish his guilt or innocence. My point was that he may be guilty of crimes that deserve punishment. Even harsh punishment. Let us find out if he is innocent before we feel sorry for him and free him.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 1:00 PM on January 12, 2007
Max, No. It is not ok. If you read my original post I condemned it. My point is that just because he is being treated poorly does not mean he is innocent. I do not think that he should be treated like shit before we establish his guilt or innocence. Only if he is found guilty.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 1:28 PM on January 12, 2007
Languagehat, I reread my post and you are right in what I said. It was poorly written. I do feel sorry for anyone held without a speedy fair trial. Guilt or innocence.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 2:30 PM on January 12, 2007

Bring your glove and Pepto-Bismol
I foresee a lot of thrown hotdogs onto the field.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 12:26 PM on January 12, 2007

Fantasy Sports Gone Wild
Maybe there should be some sort of fantasy Meta game. Flameouts score maximum points. Requests for the < .img> tag lose points. Complaining to Metatalk about a post and having it deleted gets points while not getting it deleted loses points. Starting a thread that gets over 100 posts scores points and additional points for every 50 posts thereafter.

First game is AmbroseChapel v. Stavros. Stavros is clearly a first round draft pick.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 8:28 PM on January 5, 2007

A big puck up!
Pink, I got that link to the Naughty Santa. Is that what they think a hockey fan is thinking about? How right they are.

The missed open net is only significant because it is coupled with an amazing play afterwards to get the length of the ice and score with 2 seconds left. Did you see the goalie's reaction after the goal?
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 8:16 PM on January 5, 2007

Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Now the rush is on to complain of double posts in MetaTalk.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:22 PM on December 26, 2006

Gerald Ford Passes Away
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:18 PM on December 26, 2006

Bad Ink, Bad Man/Boy
I guess you get to a point where there is no turning back...
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:32 PM on November 5, 2006

You're Doing a Great Job, Rummy
He saves face by Rummy falling on his sword and resigning tomorrow.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 9:29 PM on November 3, 2006

Will It Blend?
The blends they didn't show from the intro seem cool. A can of coke with the can? The entire bottle of whiskey? What was he trying to do with that crowbar? Blend it? Break the blender?
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 5:53 PM on November 2, 2006
thecaddy, I think they were blending firecrackers or something that was causing a flash in the intro.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 7:56 PM on November 2, 2006

who's blogging next door?
Lincoln Park Chicago Interesting idea. Would help all the AskMeFi folks on the green who are wondering what to do in Chicago this weekend. Or any citytownvillage whenever.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 5:07 PM on November 1, 2006

Dewey, Cheatem, and Weiss
Why does this not surprise me?
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 12:18 PM on October 31, 2006

Starving to live
Hey, maybe it works. I hope I live long enough on my pizza, hot dogs, beer and assorted crap diet to find out if one of these cats lives real long AND thinks it is worth it. I have a 96 year old great aunt who is not particularly thrilled with her life at this point. She is not suicidal or anything like that, but all her friends are toast and she has more aches and pains and issues than she wants. She is alive, but she sure ain't living.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 1:42 PM on October 24, 2006

"We Wrote this one back in 1444"
Thank you for turning me onto WFMU. I just spent the better part of an hour looking through their site and listening to the live stream. Excellent stuff.
posted to MetaFilter by JohnnyGunn at 7:35 AM on June 30, 2006

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