Activity from showbiz_liz

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No one in power ever says "we can't afford to arrest all these people." Or "we can't afford to try all these people." Or "we can't afford to detain and imprison all these people." But when it comes to defense lawyers... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 259 times

I wrote this for my Facebook (thus why it reads more like a blog post), but I thought I'd share it here too, because I've been thinking about it a lot. "I’ve seen a lot of people asking why Hillary Clinton’s suits are referred to as... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 235 times

"I bet this guy is white and I bet he is still alive" *clicks link* "Yep" [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 228 times

Lotta people without crippling depression in this thread apparently [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 202 times

My coworkers in Hebron (in the West Bank) haven't been permitted to leave their city for a few weeks now. No one can go in or out. I get weird reactions when I tell people that we (a criminal defense ngo) work in Palestine. The first reaction from... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 201 times

My wife thinks he should play because he made this commitment along with all the other players on the team and has to follow through on it, but I cannot get my head around the fact that this is a once in a lifetime experience. For a... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 188 times

This is classic DARVO. "DARVO refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrongdoing may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 184 times

If you have the urge to say you don't understand how rioting helps anything, you should take a closer look at the history of this country. Sometimes (oftentimes) nobody pays attention until somebody throws the first brick. Don't wag your... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 179 times

Remember Judge Merrick Garland? Because the Republicans in Congress sure don't. How in the god damn hell are we supposed to even ATTEMPT to "compromise" with these fucking people? They won't even bother to vote AGAINST the guy! They... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 163 times

But the basis of her critique was essentially affirmed by executive editor Dean Baquet. “I think of the Times reader as very well-educated, worldly and likely affluent,” he said. “But I think we have as many college professors as Wall Street... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 159 times

so basically, we're upset when they don't make female models, and we're upset when they do. We're upset when women are ignored, and then we're upset when women are treated as tit-tastic decorations. Like... duh.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 155 times

You don't need to collect evidence of physical infidelity in order to leave him. You say you HATE him. He makes your SKIN CRAWL. There's no law saying you have to tolerate that until he cheats and then you get to leave. You can leave right now.... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 154 times

The NC GOP are craven scum with no respect for the concept of democracy, and every single one of them can go straight to hell. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 153 times

In case anyone else is curious, here are a few of the names that came up: Mike Crapo. Chuck Grassley. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Mitch McConnell. Jeff Sessions. All VOTED that THE PRESIDENT needed to be REMOVED FROM OFFICE for lying about sexual... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 147 times

So, the House. The reason the House is so incredibly unfavorable to Democrats is because of gerrymandering. But it's possible that in the next four years - IF we take the Senate and are able to place a liberal justice on the Supreme Court - we could... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 147 times

My most surprising takeaway from this essay is 'wait, that dude who wrote that humorous essay about a cruise is the same guy who wrote that massive brick that white dudes love?' Somehow I never put that together. No one has ever actually... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 141 times

Still, I sometimes feel like I can't get through a day without harming the planet or exploiting people. Getting individual people to accept blame for the fucked-upedness of global capitalism is a manipulative tactic used by the gigantic... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 140 times

I know that they are somewhat associated with a lot of brodown-ing at the brodeo and overall douchiness It's actually more subtle than that. The stereotype is more like this: there is a type of guy who really, really wants to be suave and... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 139 times

1. “Unaccredited” and “fake” are not synonymous. 2. I am racking my brain to try to figure out why you think fucking with absolute strangers’ livelihoods based on a single scrap of information is a good and noble use of your time.... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 139 times

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