Activity from cortex

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(i ended up being a few minutes late to my therapy video call because I was having fun writing that and my therapist agreed with me that that was probably an okay use of that time) [more]
favorited 15 times, recently by eckeric
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

Ha, this is delightful. I was primed to be suspicious (this is post-worthy, this is deliberately unexplained, the title of the paper is about perception of rhythmic patterns, ALRIGHT BABY LET'S PERCEIVE SOME FUCKIN' RHYTHMIC PATTERNS IN LANGUAGE)… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by eckeric
MeFi comment - 3 days ago

And here I thought, we were the hoi polloi. I've seen hoi polloier. [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by vrakatar
MetaTalk comment - 2 weeks ago

The lyrics: MiHail liked the portobellos Became a legend, rest in peace jonmc's the Everyman [2, 3, 4] He talked a lot, to say the least Ethereal Bligh's a feminist [2, 3] Who spoke in lengthy paragraphs [2, 3] loquacious was some other… [more]
favorited 38 times, recently by madamjujujive
Music comment - 2 weeks ago

Ew. That tiny fluttering ribbon of benefit of the doubt just got caught by a stiff westerly wind. [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by Two unicycles and some duct tape
MetaTalk comment - 2 weeks ago

Linked up mine and griphus' podcast about this in the recap widget thing, but per what we talk about in that, a big part of this movie for me was looking at it right next to Coscarelli's earlier work on Phantasm; things about the direction and design… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by DirtyOldTown
FanFare comment - 3 weeks ago

Take even a single shrimp, give the tail a half twist, and tape it to the head, and in closing this strange loop we've created a topologically non-orientable entrée we can refer to as a "möbius shrimp". This satisifies in at least one… [more]
favorited 25 times, recently by birthday cake, bendy, Stacey, neuron, Two unicycles and some duct tape, wenestvedt, May Kasahara, mrgoat, h00py, waving, rosiroo, mmoncur, el_presidente, emf, The corpse in the library, jedicus, gingerbeer, Richard Daly, gaybobbie, Foosnark, Hairy Lobster, skycrashesdown, surlyben, biogeo, moonmilk
MeFi comment - Last month

It's refreshing to see purpose-built audiospatial safety solutions display a comparable level of thoughtfulness and craft as what we've come to associate with the industrial and food-grade glycine production of Donghua Jinlong. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by biogeo
MeFi comment - Last month

Final update from the OP:Found it! It was Once Upon a Giant by the comedy duo Wayne and Shuster -- and it's amazing. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by pracowity
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

started the game, was like "why does it say 'oh no' tho", put together a nice clean clear, immediately said "oh no" to myself A+++ would be plunged immediately into despair again [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by col_pogo, JHarris
MeFi comment - Last month

I picked the wrong week to stop responding to masto threads about dystopian tech scams Petit theft le petit mart [more]
favorited 9 times, recently by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow, JHarris, figurant, mollweide, porn in the woods, toodleydoodley, Greg_Ace, bookwo3107, Artw
MeFi comment - Last month

A shot that never leaves the player’s hands is called an “orb”, and the rulebook declares this a kind of technical foul called a “pondering”. It can lead to a suspension from both the game and consensus reality, depending on the player’s saving… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by grubi, mollweide, taz, Artw
MeFi comment - Last month

Every time I see someone play the hurdy gurdy I think to myself "I should get a hurdy gurdy" and then I manage to distract myself long enough to not actually do that, but I worry one of these days I will stare too long into that particular… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by SageLeVoid, Pallas Athena, Kattullus, evilDoug
MeFi comment - Last month

I really gotta try this one out; Zach Gage makes good games. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by lisa g
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

[This is a response from an anonymous commenter.] Look, I've been in your shoes. I was in a more-or-less comfortable marriage with somebody who shared my interests, but we were not igniting each other's fires. Our sex life was gone, I had lost… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by (bra)
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

yesssss [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by SaltySalticid, scruss
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Silent Night
favorited 4 times, recently by Pallas Athena
Music post - 2 months ago

Just had a thought, rereading the bit where Liet-Kynes is dying in the desert and seething at the lecturing, disembodied voice of his father: it can be explained away as just dying delirium, but it could also be seen as a spontaneous, naive… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by bombastic lowercase pronouncements
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

And one thing I'm also curious about, for this and for the rest of the books: I've developed this impression in retrospect of Herbert's writing in the novels that it is almost uniquely humorless. Like, my early thoughts about the story were of… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by bombastic lowercase pronouncements
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

Which just comes back to "why not have a staffer do a brief photo/video session that isn't a fucking paparazzi mess" which brings us right back to conspiracy theories vs. incompetence/stubbornness. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Tehhund, The corpse in the library, edithkeeler, Silverstone
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Why is the TMZ video so blurry? Every picture of Middleton has been in 4k, then TMZ gives us early 2000’s era video? Make it make sense. This by itself is one of the least weird things to me: covert photography/videography is done at range… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by eirias, The Shoodoonoof
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

And just to be clear that this isn't some weird joke, yes, he is. Scott, if you wanted to sign up for Metafilter to defend your writing, that would have been fine. If you wanted to sign up for Metafilter and be incognito as just another user,… [more]
favorited 283 times, recently by khedron, sotonohito
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I wrote a tiny Othello clone on my Palm IIIc back in the bad old days of my call center temp job out of college, and I was working with such an artificially limited source code footprint that I had to jimmy in as concise a player 2 AI as I could… [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by Richard Daly, everdred, The corpse in the library, h00py, Lesser Spotted Potoroo, rifflesby, mollweide, figurant, Windopaene, AlbertCalavicci, Pemdas
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I just got around to reading this in the last few days, and dang I enjoyed it. Just finished it up and then reread the first chapter for good measure, and it's all rolling around in my head still. I really liked the narrative conceit; it was… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by supermedusa
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

> also you have the Bene Gesserit who can literally remember their ancestor's memories and so would retain knowledge of the spoken language as well, and who culturally have their claws into everything in the universe I was wondering about… [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by hototogisu, surlyben, philip-random, grandiloquiet, MiraK, cendawanita, the_dreamwriter, porpoise, whir, Strutter Cane - United Planets Stilt Patrol, adrienneleigh
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

How is it possibly constitutionally OK for a state to ban sale of a piece of software? Look, software is a kind of digital machine, right? And if you've got a machine of some sort, and—like, it's specifically designed to… [more]
favorited 47 times, recently by Pachylad
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Also, I just want to say, "Star Destroyer" and then "Death Star"? There's some weird taxonomical brinksmanship going on with all of this. Like, I realize there's a naval argument for "Star Destroyer" being just a… [more]
favorited 35 times, recently by grubi
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

This frog is excellent at jumping, we're just really terrible at minding our fucking business. [more]
favorited 32 times, recently by stillnocturnal
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I'm also haunted by the end: "pearls..." So this came up a bit in the Children thread but we didn't dig into it in real detail because it's kinda spoilery, but: one of the nice things about God Emperor is how it… [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by bombastic lowercase pronouncements
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Good piece, resonates like hell. My own trip through the heart of all this has been so central to my life that even a year and a half after stepping away from direct responsibility for it I'm still often pretty overwhelmed by feelings when I get… [more]
favorited 81 times, recently by croutonsupafreak
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I discovered Skibidi recently by doing my new favorite thing to do if I'm traveling: look at the youtube search history on the TV/roku/whatever. The results are usually mostly boring in a comforting and very human "everybody has their favorite… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by JHarris
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I'm about a third of the way through my re-read now, and I'm relieved to find myself really genuinely absorbed by it again even after what felt like a little bit of clumsiness in the opening bits (particularly that scenery-chewing introduction of the… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by Space Kitty
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Look, we can have goats on your property in under two hours, any time, any day of the year. And for a reasonable fee, we won't. [more]
favorited 144 times, recently by Mayor West
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

The thing about scams and cons (and any other form of motivated deception, really) is that the attack surface is "literally anything you might extend trust about". Every point on the spectrum of reaction to a scam story—from the… [more]
favorited 15 times, recently by Mayor West, ob, adrienneleigh, pickles_have_souls, one-half-ole, amanda, SaneCatLady, Nancy Lebovitz, Kitteh, Mister Cheese, SPrintF, Sauce Trough, dr_dank, praemunire, solotoro
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

give him the gopher repellant
favorited 38 times, recently by detachd
MeFi post - 3 months ago

I'm a nut for hex grids. I think my first exposure was the sea maps in the Avalon Hill game Jutland when I was, honestly, too young for my dad to reasonably expect for me to make a solid attempt at caring about playing the AH game Jutland. But I've… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Navelgazer, Windopaene
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Move fast and break things is a perfectly good philosophy for personal creative experimentation; at the VC scale it's eliding something important that doesn't apply here, and should be understood as "move fast and break other people's… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by thetarium, Serene Empress Dork, tangerine, bitbotbit
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I've been documenting screenshots here and there of those Hero Wars ads in a shared chat because they are so consistently someone getting paid to do Giant Woman fetish on main to a degree that strikes me as kinda fascinating. Partly because it's a… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by JHarris
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure you're just making that up. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Jacen
MetaTalk comment - 4 months ago

This is delightful; I'd heard the mashup before independently and think it's quite fun, but this hyper montage treatment feels like it fits that weird synthesis of self-serious anthemic rap with the inherent silliness of the ELO song and the… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by ASCII Costanza head, d-no, CrystalDave
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Is he blaming God? No, he's celebrating both God's mysteriousness and his own faith, however humble and imperfect, in the unknowable loving majesty of the Lord. Like Noah, he heeds the call of God to create those things which God… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by bombastic lowercase pronouncements, Neronomius, Countess Elena, howbigisthistextfield, Death and Gravity, Suedeltica, neroli
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I remember the launch and Andy talking about it at the time; I had signed up as well and used it for a little bit but never really built up a network beyond goofing with the initial rush of other MeFites who also joined up, so it was easy for it to… [more]
favorited 20 times, recently by redsparkler, tonycpsu, curious nu
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

i've heard of chiptunes but
favorited 29 times, recently by Monzz
MeFi post - 4 months ago

Hit "Publish" and walk away. Walk away! No, no, you must not fear comments. Fearing comments is the mind-killer. You must face your comments, permit them to pass over your article and through it. And when they have been posted,… [more]
favorited 16 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

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