Activity from hippybear

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Displaying post 1 to 35 of 35 from meta

MetaFilter has a real problem with voicing class genocidal attitudes

There have been two threads i've bailed out on in the past while. One was a thread about how small communities are becoming less economically viable which I'm unable to find right now because I can't find the right keywords. The most recent is the one about the submarine that is currently lost in the ocean. In both of these threads members of this community, a community I dearly love, have expressed either a desire for the extinction of people living in rural communities, or a bloodlust for rich people to perish doing activities only they can afford. Neither of these are acceptable and both of them make our community look shitty from the outside. I don't know if this is a reduced moderation hours problem or an issue where this group of people is becoming actually worse, but it is becoming more unappealing to me with every iteration.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 1:15 PM on June 20, 2023 (658 comments)

MetaFilter, SCOTUS, and Section 230

So, there are a couple of big cases coming up before the Supreme Court in the next week or so that might lead to the overturning of Section 230 of whatever law it's part of, I think the 1996 Digital Millennium Copyright Act. I'm wondering if the powers that be at MetaFilter have been looking at this and what the implications might be for our little community if this does end up getting overturned. Members of the community might have further insights.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 12:13 PM on February 20, 2023 (32 comments)

Dec 10 2021 Tornado Swarm Check-in Thread

The video I've seen of the disaster at Mayfield, KY is horrific, and there are a lot more places hit, too. I hope mefites are okay and are receiving the help and support they need. I'd love to hear from people in this thread to know their situation and that they are okay enough to post on the interwebs.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 12:43 PM on December 11, 2021 (19 comments)

MeFi Mall 2021

Maybe since shipping is being slow this holiday season, the Metafilter Mall should be refreshed and reopened early this year? I always peruse the mall, and i've spent the past year trying to spend money directly with artists, so I'd love to see a call-out for creators to refresh or add their listing to the mall. I bet a lot of other MeFites would like this too! Please, no NFTs!
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 11:50 AM on November 6, 2021 (7 comments)

Hey, like wow, thank you all!

Can I just say that the Blue has been amazing lately and I've been having a lot of fun with the diversity of posts. And by diversity, I can't even begin to describe, but if you've been watching the Blue you know what I mean. Thank you, all of you, for your posts! I'm sure I'm not the only member who has felt delighted by something unexpected... So yay!
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 9:43 PM on September 4, 2019 (19 comments)

"Hey, oh, so THAT happened!

Hey, let's do something fun. Today, driving in to work, I managed not to speed in the 25mph zone of the main street of my little town by a police officer when we drove up to one of the 3 (three) lights in town. It turned red right as we pulled up to it, but a car coming the opposite direction came through after the red. The cop behind me turned on his lights and pulled into the left-turn lane to do a U and go after the car. Have you had any sort of "Instant Karma" little moments you've witnessed happen in your life lately? Or if not negative, then also positive? Life is full of tiny moments we all mark when we see them happen, I'm eager to hear about those things where you went "hey, oh, so THAT happened" for whatever reason.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 9:53 PM on August 14, 2019 (49 comments)


I’m here to propose that we pursue a season of fun and non-controversial posts on MetaFilter. Let’s fill up the Blue with the interesting, the comedic, the curious, the lengthy disclosure… the topics which are posted to share something groovy and/or interesting and not posted to stir up the grar.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:25 AM on May 26, 2019 (44 comments)

Simply Stupendous Sidebar!

May I just take a moment to say that whoever has been doing the sidebar on the front page of the Blue has been just fuckin' KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK lately? I love the grouping of similar posts, I love the themes that have been played with, I just love how creative and how engaging it has been lately. Today's Women's Work grouping was so great that it brought me here to make this post. This is just a shoutout and a thank you for what you're doing!
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 1:32 PM on August 4, 2018 (12 comments)

New Post Counter?

So, I have a tab open with a MetaFilter post in it, and it will give me an indication if there are new comments. Can I have the front page tab/page open and have an indication about how many new FPPs are awaiting my viewing? I have no idea what kind of server load or technical problem that might pose, and am certainly willing to forego it for either one of those reasons if they are burdensome, but I always have a tab of the front page of MF and I refresh it a lot but maybe I wouldn't refresh it as often (reducing server load) if I had a "X new posts" or a "see new posts" there instead of a black box that only reveals new posts if I click. I don't know what the community feelings are about this, and I'm only suggesting it, but maybe it would be felt to be generally useful?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:33 AM on July 11, 2018 (8 comments)

Winter Storm Riley check-in post

I've got three friends who I've been trying to get in touch with to see how they are enduring Winter Storm Riley and haven't heard from them. I thought maybe others might have the same thing going on. So, here's a post! If you're in the path of the current nor'easter, check in here and let us know if you're okay!
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 4:09 PM on March 3, 2018 (31 comments)

Metatalktail Hour: I want to get those stories recognized

Inspired by the post about furries being a community that helps each other out, I want to pose this here: Tell me about a time MeFites reached out and helped you. I wan to get those stories recognized.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 3:57 PM on December 16, 2017 (99 comments)

October Showers bring November Flowers

What we plant, we sow. The flowers we have during the summer* can be of our choosing. How about we take from whenever this is posted until November 1 to create as many simply happy, joyous, silly, or positive posts as possible to The Blue? Animal videos that are happy! "News Of The Weird" as long as the weird is wonderful! World Events News posts that bring a smile! We can use it right now! More explanation points! I mean, really, I'm looking at the front page right now, and it's not a happy place overall. Let's pull the nose up on this negativity train.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 8:55 PM on October 13, 2017 (22 comments)

Hurricane Harvey Check-In Post

With a major storm about to hit southern Texas and then linger around southeastern TX for nearly a week, I thought maybe having a check-in / status update post here might be a good idea. I hope everyone stays safe and sane during these next few days.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:47 AM on August 25, 2017 (156 comments)

What is my Country-nymic?

Okay, so I'm from the United States Of America. More than once now I've been typing a comment about a topic that has to do with Mexico or Canada or somewhere in this hemisphere, and I start to type "American" to describe myself, but then I stop, because we're all Americans over here. I think I remember that USian fell out of favor a while back. So... what do I call myself? Most recently I used the awkward term "US person". Is there any descriptor for someone who is from the USA that doesn't has cultural superiority assumptions ("I'm American, none of the rest of you from the Americas get to say that!") or the negative associations that I remember this site associating with USian? I don't have any answer, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone here has a good word to use. Because I'd use it.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 12:41 PM on July 21, 2017 (123 comments)

April Showers Bring May Flowers*

What we plant, we sow. The flowers we have during the summer can be of our choosing. How about we take from whenever this is posted until May 1 to create as many simply happy, joyous, silly, or positive posts as possible to The Blue?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 3:25 AM on April 11, 2017 (32 comments)

Amazon referral links in FPPs

So, today I posted about the upcoming new Santana album. It's amazing. It comes out next week. It is available for preorder on Amazon and I have preordered it. Also was a Carly Rae Jepsen link about a single off her new album. It was amazing. I preordered it. Should we, when we compose posts like these, include a link to an Amazon order page so MeFites who want to also purchase these things can give MetaFilter a bit of a kickback? Or is that too commercial?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 5:14 PM on April 8, 2016 (40 comments)

Dead MetaFilter Radio

So, I tried to share the MetaFilter Radio app with someone recently and found it was no longer in the App store. And I tried to run my MetaFilter Radio app and it was an utter failure. Are there plans to update this and continue to make it useful and fun, or was it a one-off project and is now dead?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 11:49 AM on November 3, 2015 (4 comments)

Pony request: IRL Regional Meetup tools

At a recent MeFi regional campout, there was some discussion about the need for the ability to post campouts that can somehow be regional. As in, it would have been helpful for this campout to be announced to IRL-interested folks who live in Portland, Seattle, and areas of eastern WA and OR, people who might not have their IRL radius set very wide because they mostly want to do local meets, but a big annual thing like this might be of interest even if it involves travel.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 9:22 AM on October 16, 2015 (53 comments)

The Side Bar is open and damn do I love the drinks there!

I'm calling out the mod team for their excellent response over the past month to my post requesting more use of the sidebar. I've read things I never would have seen before, and they've all been excellent. Thanks so much, and keep it up! This feature makes MetaFilter even better for me, and I'm sure also for others.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 8:58 PM on January 26, 2012 (25 comments)

I keep stopping by the Side Bar, but it's never open!

Back in October, jessamyn said, "We seem to have a small but dedicated group of people who use the fantastic flag, but a much larger group of favoriters. ... [P]aying more attention to them and being a bit more active on the sidebar (which is my job, more or less) is a good idea." But we've had only 3 sidebar entries in all of December, the most recent Dec 7. Can I respectfully ask jessamyn to do more sidebarring?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 4:59 PM on December 27, 2011 (82 comments)

Fuck You Apple's Safari 5.1

I would just like here and now to say a big "FUCK YOU" to Apple's "Lion Ready" Safari 5.1, which just ate nearly an hour's worth of work on an FPP for the sake of having to randomly and nonsensically "reload all windows and tabs" due to a single non-responsive web page.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 8:26 PM on August 16, 2011 (5 comments)

New Time-Delayed Action!

Is there something broken with comments? When I hit "post", the page reloads, but my comment doesn't appear for a good 30-60 seconds, and then I have to either reload the page again or hit the Load New Comments button before my comment appears in the thread. This is decidedly not the functionality I'm used to on this website.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 2:42 AM on August 7, 2011 (56 comments)

This isn't Goodbye

After a ridiculous amount of participation, my MetaFilter presence is going to fade a bit.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 7:51 PM on June 9, 2011 (107 comments)

Internet MetaFilter Database

Just sighted in the IMDb Hitlist: a Metafilter mention! (scroll to bottom of page)
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 7:25 AM on June 1, 2011 (51 comments)

Good Evening Dusseldorf!

This is a huge Thank You to everyone who participated in and followed the Eurovision Song Contest thread.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 3:22 PM on May 14, 2011 (62 comments)

It's so... short.

With more and more websites / companies making their own URL shorteners (, etc), I guess we should talk about linking on MetaFilter and what the ideal is.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:54 AM on April 20, 2011 (75 comments)

Gimme an E! Gimme an R! Gimme an I! Gimme a C! Gimme a B! What's that spell? I can't hear you -- what's that spell?

I'm calling out ericb... for his awesome work in keeping appropriate news article links flowing into threads, sometimes even long after the activity has died down.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 11:55 AM on October 2, 2010 (51 comments)

best include every letter

Search peculiarity: MeFi searches not picking up sub-terms?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 11:06 AM on May 13, 2010 (19 comments)

Bergens to Oslo from your armchair, although even more so

Update to the Bergensbanen 7-hour train ride video story: There is a link at their website where you can download the entire 246GB HD Apple ProRes format file.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:43 AM on April 12, 2010 (25 comments)

Stop The Fly-over Hate

I'm calling out deanc and kldickson and anyone else who is trying to justify discounting everyone in a so-called "conservative area" simply because the place in which people live is not part of one of the major coastal urban zones which liberals are convinced are their sole bastion within the United States.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 5:01 PM on September 5, 2009 (327 comments)

Possible Spokane Meetup?

Is there any demand for a MeFi Meetup in Eastern Washington?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 12:14 AM on August 27, 2009 (8 comments)

Echo Echo Echo

What's up with all the double and triple posts in the comments in the past couple of weeks?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 10:22 PM on August 18, 2009 (69 comments)

Unwanted Adoption Threads

I'm frustrated about this post being deleted!
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 11:25 AM on August 9, 2009 (93 comments)

possessive pronouns

His, hers, and its. All possessive, none of them take apostrophes.
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 9:32 PM on June 12, 2009 (316 comments)

MetaTwitter? (or, Kill It While It's Young)

Is the @ tag really welcome in MetaFilter?
posted to MetaTalk by hippybear at 8:54 PM on April 21, 2009 (302 comments)

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