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I saw from a previous question in your history that your parents and my parents come from similar cultures. So - and please tell me if this is unhelpful - maybe it would help you to know how my parents thought about supporting their daughters'… [more]
favorited 43 times
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I really shouldn't read anymore of this thread, because I see books that I want. Reminds me of some expensive old threads that gave me several useful pointers (mostly nonfiction): the 2007 Ask "What single book is the best introduction… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I sympathize A LOT and will be interested in answers! I asked a question last month where someone mentioned The Smith in the East Village, 55 Third Avenue (between 10th & 11th Street). I called them in January and verified that they do have… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

My spouse and I the other day discussed the fact that "Tell Her About It" and "How Will I Know?" are about the same problem. [more]
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MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Oh thank you so much for telling us about this. I have enjoyed Billy Joel's work so much for so much of my life, and it's such a pleasure to get more of his work, oh and there's a signature intricate piano bit at 2:30. And the melancholy and hope and… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

You asked about "what I would look to do" and mentioned that you are "not great at meeting new people". You absolutely do not have to set any goals about meeting and making friends with people at a convention if you don't want to… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I am grateful for his work "The Book on the Edge of Forever" (also known as "Last Deadloss Visions"), which helped me better understand the context and controversy over Harlan Ellison's unpublished Last Dangerous Visions anthology… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I'm on the board of the Otherwise Award. Thanks for asking. We had a number of delays come up in our efforts over the last few years since the pandemic started. I'm right now leading an effort to get fresh plans in place for the future of the… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

You are really into food. The way you are into it is different from how some other fans are into it, but you love novelty in your food experiences. You are low-key into a lot of other things. It is easier than it used to be to learn a lot about an… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

"Laxman" is a common South Asian name, pronounced "luck-shmun". Sometimes you'll see it as "Lakshman." Transliteration of names into Latin characters sometimes leads to spellings that can include sequences like… [more]
favorited 27 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

He brought so much joy and education into so many lives .... What a magnificent legacy. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

chavenet, this is a fascinating article, as is the original Reuters report it links to. I am glad to have read it so thank you for bringing it to our attention. The cyberespionage firm and its offshoots and descendants have, in particular,… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

On what the different forms of assisted living are ("One of the potentially confusing things is that a given institution or organization have more than one of these facilities, sometimes even under the same roof..."). and on questions… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I just read and ADORED this. I cried multiple times: Mrs. Mandelstam's speech to Wanda about not abandoning her!! Miryem being told, no, seriously, what you did is magic! And I cannot remember the last time the last lines of a book left me with such… [more]
favorited 4 times
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

This sounds incredibly rough. Big congrats to you for being ambitious, early in your life and career, in spite of your parents' less supportive attitudes. Do any of your siblings or spouse ever stand up for you or argue back when your parents… [more]
favorited 15 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Lars's PyCon US keynote speech from a few years ago An amazing spectacle of code and story, memoir and math and music. 52 minutes long. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Some things to think about, some of which others have already discussed: low-cut necklines, or a polo shirt or button-up shirt where you unbutton several buttons for cleavage and chest access fabrics that feel slinky and fun on the… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Mesh is a great idea! Another way to think about this is: look at what butch fashion looks like, and consider versions of those garments you would enjoy feeling as they move on your and your partner's skin. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Viewers might be interested in some background on a particular location shot from this episode. The sewing shop is indeed between 35th and 36th Streets on Broadway, and we see a green "35th Street" street sign in the background. But we… [more]
favorited 17 times
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

Thank you Aznable and lampoil for the test subject collections! And it made me SO HAPPY to see Ambedkar on that list. More people should know about Ambedkar! Glad to learn about more people who did very good things. Toyohiko Kagawa has a great… [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

I think the post you're looking for is probably the one mochi_cat linked to, but it might be my Project post "Eldercare, Family Caretaking, and End-of-life Logistics: Stuff I Learned", which was a front page post in December. [more]
favorited 7 times
MetaTalk comment - 4 months ago

Based on this plus your previous question about expressing your needs and having them met at your workplace, I suggest you might have an interesting situation here where you have grown over time and the relationship with your workplace has been a… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

So many of us in this thread have been talking about the difficulty in getting doctors, nurses, and similar medical experts to listen. One part of that is: Sometimes one takes pains to ask them a specific, deliberately-worded question, and they don't… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

kristi made a front page post about this project. Glad you and others found it valuable. [more]
favorited 1 time
Projects comment - 4 months ago

Mystery in a box recommendation: the noir murder mystery "Post Mortem LA: Lucha Muerte", which I think they now call "Death Match". My spouse and I liked all 3 of the Post Mortem LA games. I believe we liked "Death in La-La… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

BTW I hope people in this thread who wish they had more gaming companions consider posting proposed events to IRL. And check out whether games you like are available on Board Game Arena to remotely play with friends and/or strangers! They have… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

A few of you have mentioned dismay that it is difficult to persuade some friends and family to play games with you, or to persuade them to learn complicated rulesets for the sake of playing a game you have proposed. In the world of librarianship… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Hogshead, thank you for co-designing Once Upon A Time. It's a game I've enjoyed for a long time. I have a very fond memory of a night nearly 20 years ago -- dinner with a few friends and a friend-of-a-friend, playing four games of Once Upon A Time,… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

happyroach asked: OK, leaving aside the whole antisemitic stereotyping, is anyone else going to tackle the elephant in the room? The hyper capitalist approach of the Ferengi doesn't work in a world with replicators. In August 2000, I was… [more]
favorited 16 times
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

Followup tip: if you are marginalized because of your disability, gender, race, etc., try to bring with you a patient advocate against whose whose appearance, demeanor, etc. there's less systemic discrimination, if that's possible: It can be… [more]
favorited 13 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

favorited 127 times
MeFi post - 4 months ago

You used the word "casual" - what parameters might you have? Length? Difficulty? I liked the Coast-to-Coast walk across England, and you can do just a bit of it, such as the Lake District, and stay in B&Bs and use a luggage service. [more]
favorited 5 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

c3rvida3 writes: Apparently there are a bunch of hoops you can jump through to get all of your medication completely covered that my new psychiatrist was able to do and my old psychiatrist wasn't, so if you're struggling to cover your medication,… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Yes, it's obvious from the context in my opinion. This is a principle that individuals can use to help themselves be more relaxed about solo art and hobby projects. [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

For many months I've been off-and-on working on a front page post about finance writer Daniel Davies. One interesting thing he's done a couple times is write a CYOA-style interactive fiction experience to put you in the shoes of an expert trying to… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Apologies. Link should be and I've used the Contact form to ask mods to fix that. [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Over the last few months I've started watching Taskmaster UK and I enjoy it SO MUCH! Grateful that it's free to view in the US via YouTube on the official Taskmaster channel. (BTW, for those who aren't caught up on past series, the linked article… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

For Taskmaster fandom commentary I look on Fanfare after finishing a series, but also, the top ~30 YouTube comments on each video are honestly fun and educational and happy. And that's how I found out about Kongen Befaler (the Taskmaster Norway… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I enjoyed this film and I enjoy quieter or at least non-maximalist cinema as well (Newton, Born Bone Born, Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project, Booksmart, The Lost City, and The Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See Titanic are recent examples). I do… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

More on-topic regarding this thread (and speaking entirely for myself; I assume at least one or more other people on the BIPOC Board disagree with me): I'll share some of my own personal beliefs. I am trying to describe my own stance and not to… [more]
favorited 29 times
MetaTalk comment - 4 months ago

For Saturday night, consider setting up a low-key IRL MeFi event to meet locals! This list of possible cafes and bars might help. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Rosemary Kirstein's "Steerswoman" novels. Here (self-link) is an explanation of why they're great and where to start. No on-page sex, and nearly no romance also. [more]
favorited 14 times
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

This episode to me felt like generic science fiction; watching it made me reflect on what I was missing that I usually enjoy in Trek. I am assuming that most of these characters are adolescents, based on the voice acting, and the ragtag group has… [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - 5 months ago

I second those here who suggest you find ways to be genuinely curious about the pleasure that one can obtain from this particular leisure pursuit. In your question you use the word "somehow" to indicate that it is a mystery to you how she… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

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