Activity from suburbanbeatnik

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Book ID: a genre-breaking semi-romance historical fiction novel
I read this book 20 years ago-- I bought it at the late, great Brand Books in Glendale, CA. I enjoyed it a lot, but I hated the ending, back when I read it. I'm not sure if I would like it better now, but at the time, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 12:21 PM on April 6, 2023

Novels set in ancient Egypt that don't suck
Thanks for the amazing feedback, guys! I really enjoyed hearing all of your recommendations. Seriously, Agatha Christie wrote a historical mystery set in ancient Egypt??? I have to find it!!

Thanks especially, Countess Elena, for all of your great suggestions as well. Someone else I know online has complained to me specifically about Mika Waltari's misogyny, and this seems to align with my experience of the author (I never read one of his books all the way through, but I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 2:14 AM on January 19, 2020

Do you know why Nicole Cliffe's Twitter is gone?
I don't know her at all, but your question made me curious, so I searched for her name on Twitter and I found this thread that might have some suggestions as to why she deactivated her account.

I'm not going to say anymore given my ignorance of the situation. But I hope that helps!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 12:11 AM on July 10, 2018

Please answer the question
OMG, Cool Papa Bell, this happens to me ALL THE TIME. I think I'm just wordy when I ask questions, though I try not to be.

But even on Metafilter, I'll ask what I think is a fairly straightforward question-- "Do you know any historical romances set in the France of Louis XV?"-- and I'll get a bunch of answers which don't... actually answer the question. And it drives me absolutely CRAZY.

I have favorited this post.

You are not alone in this!!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 3:19 PM on July 9, 2018

Readable non-fiction about the French Revolution
I'm seconding the recommendation of Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcasts, if you're cool with podcasts. There's an astonishing amount of information put forward in an engaging, relatable way; after listening to it, I felt like I understood the French Rev so much more than I had before. Another plus is that it lacks Schama's appalling conservatism. (I tried to read "Citizens" several times, but it always pissed me off.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 8:14 PM on December 29, 2015

Who were the Pre-Indo-Europeans?
Well, that's interesting, but I already knew something of that.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 10:27 AM on November 2, 2014

I've been given an old iPhone. Now what?
It's a 3G, model A1241. As I stated earlier, I don't want to use it on Sprint, it would cost a bomb, and I have a perfectly good phone already. And of course I accepted it when my friend offered-- it was free, and it was generous of her to give it to me.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 9:40 PM on April 26, 2013

Romantic, but not quite there...
I also disrec Outlander for the same reasons as Tamanna. Also, her research is really bad; I have a Scots friend who read excerpts of it to her mother as a joke. So yeah.

For romances that I actually love, here's a list of recommendations I wrote on my old blog. (I'm not sure if this is kosher, so if by any chance this comment is deleted, I'll just write the list of the recs in another comment.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 1:02 AM on November 24, 2012

How do I start dressing like an adult?
When I was a twentysomething trying to figure out how to look more grown-up, I used to get ideas going to the Nordstroms' Rack in Glendale. Now that I'm in my thirties and with a better idea of how to dress, I'm willing to meet you there and give you some pointers, if you're interested.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 2:13 AM on October 7, 2012

Where should I sell my art online?
Thanks guys. I think, if I start a store on Etsy, it will be to sell original paintings only. Thanks for reminding me about society 6, Stefanie. I just remembered I have a good friend who sells prints there, and that it would probably suit me well too.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 11:27 PM on October 5, 2012
Unfortunately Society 6 does not offer calendars as a product option. Redbubble does... and it's hard for me to grok exactly what Bigcartel offers by way of products. (Plus they're a lot more expensive then the other two websites.) Hmmmmm....
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 11:45 PM on October 5, 2012
Ugh. I would have to get my own prints done if I went with Bigcartel? I can't afford that, especially since I have no idea what people are going to buy. I have zero budget for such a thing right now, which is why I'd want to find an outfit that would be a better, more streamlined and more professional version of Cafepress.

I have a website and a blog, of course, and I've had those for years, but right now it just links to my neglected Cafepress store, which is why I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 3:28 AM on October 6, 2012

Are there any good English Civil War romances out there?
Hmm... Rebels and Traitors. Thanks for reminding me-- I'd forgotten about that!

For the record, my favorite "Roundhead romances" are London in Chains by Gillian Bradshaw (what is it with former Roman historical authors being pro-Parliamentarian? Interesting...), and the more Mills-and-Boon-y (yet entertaining) Lovers and Enemies by Anne Herries. Somewhat unusually for a romance, in the Herries book both sides are given a… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 5:53 AM on September 23, 2012

Art Print ID needed
Could this be Susan Seddon Boulet by any chance?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 8:41 PM on July 11, 2012

What should 22nd century California be like?
You guys are awesome! All your suggestions are great.

Diablevert, I'll MeMail you the central conceit of the story if you're interested. Since it's so vague at this point, I'm uncomfortable posting it in public.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 7:23 PM on June 14, 2012
Don't worry, fearnothing-- I have no shame about stealing... I mean... borrowing from the best. I find all the Blade Runner references ironic because I really want to avoid that.

Oh well, I think it will be fine if I emphasize the heat and the sun, as opposed to the rain. I also don't want to make the future overly depressing and dystopian, because this is basically a SF romance and I don't to go overboard on the Crapsack World stuff.

posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 10:58 PM on June 14, 2012
And next time I will learn to close out my italics tags...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 10:59 PM on June 14, 2012

What time travel novels do you recommend?
Some great suggestions here. But if I say I found "Time and Again" incredibly boring, will you all send a lynch mob after me?

I've been up in the air for a while about whether I should read "The Time Traveller's Wife." The concept seems really interesting, but the heroine seems pretty passive... I think that would really bother me.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 3:12 AM on August 7, 2011
For what it's worth, I also love "The Sterkarm Handshake" by Susan Price and "Lost in Time" by Hans-Magnus Enzensberger.

There is, unfortunately, a really terrible sequel to "Handshake" called "The Sterkarm Kiss," which I've been told to avoid at all costs. And speaking of sequels, I know about the "Jane Austen Addict" sequel-- just the idea of a girl from 19th century England travelling to modern day LA doesn't grab me… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 3:16 AM on August 7, 2011
Thanks Bri. I actually liked "Hitchhiker's Guide" quite a lot, which surprised me, because usually I don't like British comedy writing. But the first three Adams books verged on sublime-- I think I should include "Restaurant at the End of the Universe" as part of my favorite time travel book list.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 3:26 AM on August 7, 2011
Wow, so many more amazing suggestions!

Many-Legged Creature, about ten years ago I tried to read "The Tale of Time City," but there was something about it that I disliked so much, that ever since I've avoided the rest of Wynne Jones' work. Re: Terry Pratchett, I'm not sure if I would like him or not. My attempt to read the humorous writings of Tom Holt, and then "Making History" by Stephen Fry, turned me off so much to British SF/fantasy comedy… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 1:34 PM on August 7, 2011
Rhaomi, thanks so much for recommending "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate". That was one of the best stories I've read in ages!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 6:34 PM on August 7, 2011
ManyLegged Creature, thanks for all the answers!

Ah, that's a shame! Her work does vary quite a bit, and I know some people do bounce off Time City in particular. You could try, oh, Charmed Life or Howl's Moving Castle or Hexwood instead - but only if you wanted to.

I know Jones is a renowned author, but I can't decide if I want to give her another chance. Howl's Moving Castle was my least favorite of all Miyazaki's movies (I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 6:44 PM on August 7, 2011

Countdown to Kid Destruction
To cerebral and others wondering about my friend's son only taking Vyvanse. Vyvanse isn't the only med he's on, it's just the only one he's out of. He also takes Depakote 500 mg and Depakote 120 mg, but the Vyvanse is the one that keeps him from going into a manic frenzy. Depakote is refillable, but you have to get a new prescription for the Vyvanse every month. He's also been on Abilify and they want to start him on Lithium but they feel he's far too small just yet.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 5:13 PM on May 2, 2011
Commenting on what Misha has said: That's fascinating! I asked my friend about this because of your post, and she says she always just assumed the Vyvanse helped with the mania, because he acts horribly when she has in the past run out of Vyvanse and just had Depakote. Also when the doc upped his night time dose to 500 Mg, he went nuts almost every night for a month straight. Now she tells me that she's wondering if he needs a whole new work-up.

She wanted me to ask… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 8:23 PM on May 2, 2011

Researching 19th century India
Ha ha, oh dear-- is a tea planter's wife such a cliche? I had no idea. I'm such a n00b, I have never watched a movie set during this period, nor finished reading a book set during this time. (I've read about ancient India, not colonial era India, for what that's worth.) It's not really vital for her to be a tea planter's wife-- just a planter's wife of some variety. Did they have any plantations of any kind in the Nagpur area?

Tamanna and Gravelshoes-- I would LOVE to… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 10:24 AM on April 14, 2011

Ironically, Somethingsomething, I read "Outlander" and didn't like it at all. But thanks for the suggestion-- it does fit my criteria. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the author.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 11:40 AM on December 28, 2010
But Artemisia, "Courtesan" isn't set in the 18th century. It's set in the Renaissance.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 1:01 PM on December 28, 2010
Yes, I would like to find something like Dangerous Liaisons, but with a happy ending. :) No revolutionaries! No guillotines, s'il vous plait.

Seriously, I have asked this question from a number of people-- "what good historical romances are set in France in the 1700s before the French Revolution?"-- and most of the time people say, "Let me tell you about this book set during the French Revolution!" It's quite frustrating.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 1:14 PM on December 28, 2010

What is this time travel short story?
My question was just posted to Tomato Nation, and I now have an answer! The story is actually The Summer Sleigh Ride by Betty K. Erwin. Thanks for the rec, hungrybruno!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 5:18 PM on August 9, 2010

Recommendations for soap opera dialogue
If you want to get into classic Silver age romance comics, the Marvel Romance trade paperback is a good place to start. The stories are wonderfully soapy, and the art by John Buscema, Jonny Romita and Jim Steranko is fantastic.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by suburbanbeatnik at 11:55 PM on July 7, 2010

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