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It's important to keep a list of the things you've accomplished so you can use them in reviews, moments of self-promotion, but generally in situations like this your supervisors themselves don't really want to worry about how you're spending your… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 8 months ago

I was really hoping (in another sideways reference to the Producers), that larry david was going to walk in as the steve martin replacement. But Broderick was very funny! Speaking of him, I've become convinced tha Steve Martin is the killer in… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - 8 months ago

> I guess Chaos Monkey needs to get a new feature Adding "Musk mode" to chaos monkey where it fires engineers at random and hires a guy on fiver to hit your servers with a hammer [more]
favorited 20 times
MeFi comment - 8 months ago

WHY is ancient white Biden hiding Kamala under a basket? i know she has a small but very dedicated fan base but harris is one of the least charismatic politicians i’ve seen on the national stage in a long time, except maybe buttigieg. i… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - 8 months ago

> I’ll go out on the limb and say I bet he’s out of the race by early December at the latest. I mean maybe that's a reasonable prediction for the future but my basic post-2016 assumption is that Trump will somehow emerge victorious. This is… [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 8 months ago

Speaking of bad plot twists, I have a prediction about this that I want to record for posterity. Right now they're trying to potray Nadia as the one who betrayed Citadel to Manticore. But obviously the double agent has to be Robb Stark, the one who… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 8 months ago

Courbet's L'Origine du Monde (NSFW, I guess?) [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Another good one is Manet's Dejeuner su l'herbe, honestly a baffling painting in a lot of ways [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Since you'll already be a bit west of MKE, I'd suggest going to House on the Rock for some outsider art weirdness. There's a fair amount of skiing in Wisconsin. No double black diamond or anything but skiing nonetheless. I don't have any… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

it doesn’t matter where you get your info, it’s difficult to know what’s happening at the front even if you’re russian or ukrainian intelligence. and if you’re reading about it online it’s not really information as much as another front in the war… [more]
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MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I'm in favor of anything that holds a megacorp accountable. Yeah everybody knows that the food in the ad is nothing like what you get from the restaurant. But I don't really see why they should be allowed to make things look gourmet when they are not… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Also the step over the hedge was some of the best physical comedy I’ve seen since The Nice Guys I lost it when they zoomed out and the hedge was just a few feet long, with plenty of room to walk around it. Incredible stuff folks! [more]
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FanFare comment - 9 months ago

I am 100% rewatching Vertigo this weekend because of this delightful episode [more]
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FanFare comment - 9 months ago

Living in apartment buildings a lot in the past I always figured single-stream recycling was just another way of things ending up in the landfill because whenever I would dump my carefully curated bin of actually recyclable things (basically… [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

> It also became much cheaper to make and distribute porn in the era of home video, which led, I would assume, to the quantity-over-quality ethos. This is what I might call the "Boogie Nights" argument but it doesn't pass muster with… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Try out Number Shield. Although I don't know how it handles things like the integration the iPhone has with macOS (although it should work for CarPlay) [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I discovered baobing from this episode and I now have a mission in life to find some [more]
favorited 3 times
FanFare comment - 9 months ago

> But what's the advantage for someone like Trump, assuming he actually did have $200,000 around to pay the bail with himself wouldn't that be a better economic decision than paying somewhere between $2,000 and $4,000 to a parasite scumbag… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

the Chaos Congress where everyone is selected by lottery every 2 years would pretty fun. I do firmly believe it would lead to a more functional government. [more]
favorited 15 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I know British people have a reputation for being the least multilingual in Europe but do they really not know that any Hungarian working as an air traffic controller would of course be fluent in English for the sole reason that nobody speaks… [more]
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FanFare comment - 9 months ago

These days my strategy is: get the booster and flu vaccine when they come out, probably in mid October to cover the fall/winter as best as I can. Otherwise, if I am feeling ill in any way, try not to go out, and if I really *have* to go somewhere,… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I don't have a good summary of my thoughts on this topic. It's an incredibly knotty problem, philosophically. If you can find a copy of Parfit's Reasons and Persons at your local library, it won't decide the question for you but will get the wheels… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

This is a lesson for all you future rebels. Never go halfway on a coup against an authoritarian leader. Gotta go all the way man. [more]
favorited 15 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I do think the Chaos President would immediately be swarmed with people trying to influence their decisions through money and other things. That's the case today, for sure, but the selection process for President generally sorts for people who will… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Man they did sweetie wrong in this one. I was hoping he would make it out of this one alive. Kentucky Raylan wouldn't let that crazy white boy pull this shit for so long. [more]
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FanFare comment - 9 months ago

I took a spin on google maps and I believe what you're seeing there is the Texas Gulf Potash Pond, One A: google maps. Or some other industrial site. It's pretty wild looking on the satellite imagery [more]
favorited 14 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I had *completely* given up on buying a house until I married up and my in-laws were like "here's a $60k gift for a down payment on a house". Like I seriously have no idea how the *majority* of millenials can afford a house without lucking… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

SNL has had its ups and downs but I think there's always been something consistently funny since the 90s. I thought I'd hate it after the Tina Fey-Amy Poehler era ended, and I do think that Weekend Update has been pretty weak (I cannot stand Colin… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

When I had to build tools for this for a big production site, we investigated it pretty intensely. There's really no foolproof way to verify that an email is "valid" in the sense that emails sent to it will not bounce, except by sending an… [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I forgot there even was a pre-turtleneck version of Jobs. I wanted an iMac so badly but couldn't afford one (though I eventually got an iBook G4 for college). I still kind of want one. I'm a "retvrn" guy but for candy colored computers,… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Listen, the borg cube visited Bakersfield and only two guys saw it what can you do [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I hate this guy, he sucks. Not that the people he encounters don't also suck. But I also think the shopping cart thing as an example of your level of basic human decency or adherence to the "social contract" (lol, we don't have one, never… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

The speed of light sucks, y'all yeah thats the thing about this. if we have been communicating with aliens since like the 40s (and it wasn't just post-nuclear age cold war paranoia), then why don't we have access to the fancy FTL tech, or… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Incredible. Does he just get one set of indictments a week now? I can’t even imagine someone becoming more indicted. [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Climate change has definitely influenced decisions we've mulled about leaving Milwaukee, for the same reasons as Chicago above (that and home prices). There's no escaping what's coming, but the great lakes do feel like a region blessed to uh, weather,… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

This documentary was kind of infuriating in its weird attempt to connect the violence and sexual violence of woodstock 99 with the rise of Trumpian semifascism 20 years later, as if blame for the world we live in now can be laid at the feet of Nu… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

zenos octave [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

yes but you have to admit he’s one of the funniest guys to be mayor of anywhere in a while [more]
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MeFi comment - 9 months ago

give adams some credit, he’s bizarre, he’s a cop, his politics suck and he has the most interesting relationship with the truth of any living politician but compared to herschel walker he’s a two time nobel laureate in physics [more]
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MeFi comment - 9 months ago

> I do not want to believe. I want to understand. I wish more people felt the same way. All empirical understanding is probabilistic. If the best explanation from the evidence is that what's going on is a mixture of mistaken perceptions, tricks… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

August Fury, I'll send you one [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Kias are currently the no. 1 target for car thieves, since for a huge number of recent model years, they are able to be easily started with just a screwdriver or, insanely, just a usb cable. There was a class action about this and you may even be… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

I feel like the person who designed this has never actually seen what a the action mechanism on a real piano looks like or given any thought to how the action will curve around while still being reliably connected to a flat keyboard. Also the strings… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

> I don't really see why the MCU is vastly worse than the "Fast and Furious" or "Mission Impossible" or "John Wick" movies. i mean the difference is that the john wick and mission impossible movies are movies made… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

If it's possible, one thing that helped me when my parents first moved us was letting me walk around the empty new house before move in, and imagine how i would take advantage of the fact that i no longer had to sleep in the same room as my brother… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

> to very briefly respond, the lack of evidence from any state actor could be due to: If you believe we *have* been visited by aliens and that our gov'ts know about these visits, then it's easy to confabulate scenarios that explain why those… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

i recently got a cpap machine and it's the most insane thing. subscriptions for everything, notifications pushed to me telling me to buy a replacement mask 4 months in, which, at $250 a pop (absurd!), would mean $750 a year in masks (I refuse to… [more]
favorited 38 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

> Expect a collapse of the Russian army at some point in the coming months People have been saying this since February 2022. Why would we expect it to ever happen? I think the Russians have shown they can maintain their supply chain and their… [more]
favorited 10 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

ah, one of those episodes of TV where nothing really happens but everything is set up for some cliffhangers where something is promised to happen. Not a fan of these kinds of time fillers! But I guess they wanted to devote some time to saying goodbye… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - 10 months ago

the extensive mining the russians have done to defend against the offensive is incredibly effective and achingly horrific. there will be mines left behind killing people for decades after this war comes to its conclusion. it’s just so horrible. [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

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