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People are getting really mad about this but apps like Apollo are ad free, and Reddit is Fun serves *its own* ads on top of reddit content. Either way those are apps that Reddit is literally losing money on. It's incredible to me that they ever… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

>100 queries per minute? Are you serious? That's for every API request for every user that uses the app/bot, because the API key is per APP, not per user, and the reddit API is notoriously inefficient. That literally isn't enough to run a personal… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

it's funny i was just thinking that jedi survivor, despite having great combat, suffered because the "worlds" were really just single maps and there were only a few of them, with not much in them. Like if you took a spaceship from mars to… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

i’m a caseless iphone user. it’s called dressing for the job you want. i’ll be ceo of royco soon [more]
favorited 17 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

My instinct is that if it really took all the development that Apple did (or the majority of it) to hit the level of viability for the tech then Meta never had a chance. It wasn't just the R&D on this device, it was the years of building… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

A lot of acquiantances are epic lib posting about this like "finally we got him" and I'm glad they can enjoy this but we've been through so many "no way he can get out of this one" moments since 2015 that I'm completely unable to… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> watching movies & consuming media is actually an interesting use case for my cybertruck w/ FSD. You just introduced the horrible reality that people are GOING to wear this while driving since it has passthrough. I give it 12 months before… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> I’m having more and more difficulty getting excited about it because instead of being a tool, an extension of our human abilities (McLuhan again) it is becoming a blindfold and handcuffs locking us into ourselves, fed by what they want us to see… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> Why the fuck are they releasing such a janky thing in the form factor? You have to keep the thing plugged into a battery? Is this a joke? There's definitely herd behavior going on in big tech. Facebook has invested like 10 billion dollars or… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

oh people are going to buy it. i’m always surprised by how many people got oculus headsets when you had to also buy a serious gpu to run them. like i’m sitting here thinking that i want to try it out because there’s this bizarre itch in me that wants… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last year

the few times i’ve tried a vr headset i’ve found them exhausting when they weren’t making me sick to my stomach. this thing is some kind of dystopian horror show with that terrifying grimace of simulated eyes, so i’d basically never want to ever use… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I rewatched it the other day and found Contagion soothing precisely because it seemed like a realistic protrayal at the same time as it showed a pandemic much more severe than the current one. Alternatively, I found it upsetting because it showed… [more]
favorited 19 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> It implies that no good service can remain good for very long if it's run by capitalists. A service can remain good, surely. A community however can't be run with one eye on the quarterly earnings statement. Reddit tries to make people… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

growing up in the south this all, despite being horrible, sounds pretty par for the course. it’s still legal to beat children in *public school* in many states. nobody can tell you what any of it has to do with christianity but i learned at a young… [more]
favorited 16 times
MeFi comment - Last year

This is apposition, and only A is correct. [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

if i could evolve a hard shell and wicked pincers i'd do it too [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - Last year

"spare the rod, spoil the child" is from Butler's Hudibras, a satirical poem. There's some stuff about "the rod" in Proverbs. Proverbs is old testament, and Christ declared a new testament. The old laws are out, and… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> Just to return to Succession, I’ve never watched it, assuming it’s about dismal people being awful to each other. Reviews seem to suggest it’s that, but dramatically satisfying. Is that accurate, or is there more to it? Dismal people being… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

this is such a weird moment in american xenophobia. nothing tiktok does isn’t done by every other social media company. but i guess only californians can gather our data! not those pesky communist chinese! anyway they should ban all the apps,… [more]
favorited 25 times
MeFi comment - Last year

eh, i miss trebek, but jeopardy is still jeopardy and if i’ve missed a few nights and tune in in the middle of some weird tournament i haven’t seen all of, guess what, they’re still just playing jeopardy and that’s what i’m here for. the real problem… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

what’s impossible so far for me to understand is just what exactly about this show cost 300 million dollars [more]
favorited 3 times
FanFare comment - Last year

i have a deep and gnawing internal anxiety that i'll fail at everything, become destitute and homeless, abandoned, then die alone unloved and unnoticed in the cold without any accomplishments, and am in a constant struggle to push that possibility as… [more]
favorited 11 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

> Can you imagine being such a terrible person that Fox News would decide you're a liability. Imagine being so terrible that you're the #1 cable news show and you're still a liability [more]
favorited 24 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> Scorsese being Scorsese, I can't help but expect the violence to be it's biggest star Scorcese has a pretty diverse filmography that is unfortunately overshadowed by his mob movies, which aren't even my favorites. After Hours,… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Last year

OK Kane is the mole confirmed. If Nadia's secret was the baby, then Mason's is that he worked for Manticore. But, this show seems to be working under the assumption that in 2045 or whatever, a single, asskicking woman spy who lives under multiple… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Last year

i was wildly into amis, devouring Money and London Fields and Time’s Arrow as a teenager, but his anti islam rhetoric in later years has made me pause before revisiting them. now that’s he’s gone however i want to give the books another chance [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

The only white savior Scorcese has ever put on film is The Savior Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ (Willem Defoe), getting his rocks off [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Fluff the first one and ask for more time. Tell them you're excited and love the company and the role but that you need to push the start date by two weeks and see what they say. You don't have to give them a reason except that it would be better for… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

motorcycles that run on beer and it wasn’t invented in milwaukee? we’re fucking up here in the cream city [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last year

why would you preorder a book when you don’t even know the subject of the book? contemporary fandom is wild. books aren’t like concert tickets swifties. they’ll just print more if they run out. [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - Last year

touchscreen is even used to adjust the climate control this is basically all new cars. my subaru has only touch screen climate controls and i hate it so much [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Nolan usually delivers so I'm going to reserve my initial reaction that this looks really terrible and wait to see it before I hate it. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

i have not finished this yet but I'm absolutely loving it. I don't know why it's so engaging to watch two characters continually make the absolute worst decisions over and over again but Ali Wong and Steven Yeun are utterly mesmerizing in this. [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Last year

the psychology of driving is really fascinating, although i don't know if it's atypical. People are always getting mad at others for their own mistakes and lashing out when confronted with them, like I've never had a calm or polite reaction to asking… [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - Last year

these games also lack parking lots for the most part. they have some but never the actual amount of parking you’d find in a city like LA. the reason is probably parking lots. if you modeled the burbs correctly they would just be parking lots and… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Dune 2: Electric Dunealoo. > I assume that the new very smooth man is Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. That's Elvis! (Austin Butler). Curious if he will adopt a new accent post-Dune. A Dunecent. 2021 was a dark year for me and although this seems… [more]
favorited 20 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I don't know about "at speed" but "at scale" is something that emerged in the mid-oughts/early 2010s with "web 2.0" and usually means "at web scale" which originally meant: serving billions of web requests but… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

You can believe both that tipping is part and parcel of the exploitation of service workers, that it puts the burden of paying a living wage to laborers on the consumer, that it should already be priced into the product, that tips should only be for… [more]
favorited 15 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Another note about "at scale" and its VC connection is the link between it and startups. You build a product in a startup as fast as you can, which means it might be a product that works, but maybe doesn't work "at scale" since… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

Although I think we're getting real development on the Siobhan vs the Blowjob Brothers front, cousin Greg was just delightful in this episode. What a slimy little weasel! I don't know how that actor will ever escape this character type, he does it so… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

slush pile readers are usually interns, mfa students etc, which definitely makes it even harder to escape from the slush pile. but nobody makes a living wage reading the slush [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

the driver of the truck left the scene of an accident and likely committed a felony. if he stuck around he might not have even been liable but by leaving he’s losing his license if not going to jail [more]
favorited 17 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

> Kieran Culkin is on another level. Yeah, despite all of Jeremy Strong's (in)famous method acting, Kieran Culkin's performance really stands out for me throughout the series. He's so patently squirmy and insecure, so needy! you feel so sorry… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

it’s going to be a pain to find a seller who will agree but you can enter into a payment plan directly with the seller of the house. for google purposes it’s called seller financing [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

> it's not clear how much value that will have in the absence of Silver and the models he developed. Does Silver retain ownership of the "model"? I would assume the acquisition would have had him handing over the IP rights to the… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

William Gibson (@GreatDismal) tweeted at 7:08 PM on Sep 10: She says basket of deplorables. I say bag of dicks. She's more presidential I don't care what anyone says abut how easy it was to come up with that snarky line, William… [more]
favorited 55 times
MeFi comment - Last year

> Maybe a dumb question, but did they ever specify what the $192 price actually was? I saw others saying $192 billion. That's insane. It's $192 a share. Public company acquisitions are always decided on a per-share basis. [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

I just found out about this from an AskMe that linked to it and wish I had carved out some time to participate. A big theme at my org lately has been trying to be more empirical about our large and very complex system. Or anyway it's something I keep… [more]
favorited 1 time
Projects comment - Last year

I really have no idea how the rest of the season will go (which is a great sign actually) except that the Roy Kids have to fail somehow. Ken has yet to have his addiction rear its head again, Roman's vulnerability and inner trauma just popped and… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Last year

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