Activity from whir

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Displaying comments 200 to 250 of 264
SF Get-together?
I'd love to meet y'all again, but this Saturday I might be going to a show and next weekend I might be in Tahoe... Barring either of those things I'm in though. Last time was fun.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:19 PM on February 27, 2007
I had a great time (but I didn't notice ClaudiaCenter drinking bear). Largely in order to make DaShiv's hopefully forthcoming photos look better, here are some terrible cell phone pics: Expialadociousroll and roll truck roll, and DaShiv looking about as blurry as he was probably feeling at that moment. Oh, and the poet I always get confused with Robinson Jeffers is Randall Jarrell, and I can't remember what the other thing I forgot was.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 3:49 PM on March 12, 2007
Er, "expialidocious." Somehow roll truck roll looks as though he's been rendered by Francis Bacon in that shot.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 3:55 PM on March 12, 2007

By the time we got to Woodstock...
Every time one of these user-number discussions comes up, I inevitably get "Hey Hey 16k" stuck in my head (although I change it to "14k" in my head, natch).
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:55 PM on February 19, 2007

I met lots and lots of awesome people last night at the SF Meetup
I had a blast, it was great meeting you mefites in person.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 3:04 PM on November 10, 2006

San Francisco Meetup
I should be there for a bit at least, though I'll probably have to leave a bit early for the Islands show if it isn't sold out.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:08 PM on November 9, 2006

Please be specific when you post your AskMe question
I don't post on ask much, but I always thought the ettiquette on the blue was to limit the size of front-page posts, so it's good to know that people feel this way about the green.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 10:05 PM on October 25, 2006

MefiSwap side swaps
So my MefiSwap was successful, with 100% of my CD's returned. Since then I've had a few folks ask for a side swap (so far I have two confirmed). I thought I would put this post out to see if anyone else is interested in a totally unofficial side swap, which I've volunteered to coordinate. (I'd do this through the forum on the official site, but it seems have to popped in and out of existence over the last few days.)

At any rate, email me (via my profile) if you are… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 12:13 AM on September 28, 2006
Ok, well I count 13 responses so far, plus the two I've got already. Since I don't think anyone wants to send out 15 CD's I will try to break people up into swap sets, per usual. The original deadline of October 4th still stands, at which point I'll start with sending out email, getting addresses, forming the sets, etc.

what did I get myself into?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:18 PM on September 28, 2006
Yes, actually if you folks who are interested wouldn't mind emailing me directly, that'll make it easier for me to track who's in since I won't need to go through this thread picking out addresses. Oh, and if you're interested in being in more than one swap set, you can tell me that in the email. Cheers.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:41 PM on September 28, 2006
Given that my last mefi mixes were pretty much composed of top 20 hits, I don't think you'd really fit in, digitalis.

PS: totally kidding! Finding weird little gems was a definite plus from my last swap experience.

PPS: what's up, mefites? Step up! I have got no email about this so far and I've verified that is working OK. What's the story? I'm going nuts finding a SqlObject model that… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 3:17 AM on October 2, 2006
Yes, I did, thanks.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 6:50 PM on October 2, 2006
do we just email each other or is someone coordinating?

I, as your humble narrator, am coordinating—evidently extremely badly thus far, but I'm hoping that my native pluck and love of strange music will pull us collectively through. Anyways, all that y'all, as participants, should need to do is respond to a few emails, and then mail five CD's or so via snail mail.

It could be that something is messed up with my inbox filters.… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 10:58 PM on October 5, 2006
er, "eradicate" all traces. Like you care.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:20 PM on October 5, 2006
Oh, and just to clarify - participation in this side-swap is closed to users who haven't already posted above. Mefites who email me in the next day or so get the benefit of doubt, since I already know what a sterling group of IP addresses you are, and because I can trust you not reveal my secret base in Taos, New Mexico.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 12:47 AM on October 6, 2006
Terribly sorry for the delay. The email will be going out either tonight or tomorrow night. Until then watch this space for updates.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 12:31 AM on October 11, 2006
So as a quick status update, I've sent out the email and am getting responses. You've got until October 18th to respond.

Oh, and because a few people weren't clear about this, you just need to make a single mix, which you then send multiple copies of to your co-swappers.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 9:52 AM on October 12, 2006
Ok, so the latest update is that registration is closed now. There are somewhere around 13 respondents, but there are also a bunch of mefites who wanted to be in two swapsets, so I suspect that things will work so that everyone sends around 4 or 5 CD's. Expect something in your inbox tomorrow sometime, sideswappers.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 1:51 AM on October 19, 2006
Sorry I'm running late, all. I'm making up the swapsets now and will be emailing them later tonight.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 1:54 PM on October 23, 2006
I have just sent all of the email out, so if you don't get anything in your inbox in the next little while something is wrong and you should contact me. I'll post back when I have more time with some info on how the sets are composed and so forth, in case anyone is interested.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 8:05 PM on October 23, 2006
So if anyone cares about the demography of the project, we've got 14 people involved, of whom 5 wanted to be in more than one set, so there are four sets of five swappers. Feeling incredibly creative, I named them Ichi, Ni, San, and Shi. One swapper lives in the UK and one in Australia; the rest are in the US.

I tried to spread the sets out geographically somewhat, which actually wasn't hard as the US contingent is pretty widespread over the West Coast, Midwest,… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:38 PM on October 25, 2006

MeFi Swap
Just as a quick fractionfilter, I've sent out five CD's and gotten four back so far, which I'm enjoying quite a bit. (Shout out to swapset cast!) I like the physical swap of actual CD's, it's so old-school. As far as swapping digital copies of music goes, I have, uh, heard that other venues exist.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 6:14 PM on September 15, 2006
Oh, and if anyone wants to do a side swap, I'd be interested. My email is in my profile.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 6:15 PM on September 15, 2006

Remember last year's best of the web contest?
Matt, I think yhbc is asking that the new "July 22 [+ 2] [!]" formatting be applied to the blue (it only shows up in the grey right now, mefi still uses the old verbose format).
/continued derail

posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:10 PM on July 31, 2006

policy favorites comments
I like the new format much better, though if I had my druthers I'd move the actual number to the mouseover tooltip (and the "these users marked this as a favorite" page), and take it off of the comment itself, as others have suggested. Not sure what the right glyph would be to replace the number, though.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 12:44 PM on July 23, 2006
I actually do like using the popular favorites page when I'm just browsing around on the site, and I like being able to browse other people's favorites too. I think it's just the (perceived) prominence of the numbers on individual comments that rubs some people the wrong way. In any case, the way it is now is a big improvement in that regard, and I suppose one could argue that the people who don't care for the numbers could just skip them.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 7:58 PM on July 23, 2006

namecalling: watch your mouth
I prefer my atheism with a sense of humor.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 9:03 PM on July 21, 2006
I am imagining the above screeds being shouted by this Camp Quest attendee. In fact I suspect that Decani may be a counselor there.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 9:45 PM on July 21, 2006
mediareport, in fairness to rinkjustice, two of the askme threads you mention explicitly involved religion and a third involved AA which is (arguably) tangentially related (higher power and all that). The other one looks like genuine, sincere advice to me, albeit not advice I'd personally cotton to.

It is a mystery to me why so many of my fellow atheists seem so thin-skinned about the whole atheism thing - every post on mefi involving God seems to wind up in the same flame fest.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 1:15 AM on July 22, 2006
At the risk of being sucked into something I'd rather not be, I have to call dirty pool on you, orthogonality.

grievous sin[ners] ... [whose actions are] an abomination in the eyes of God'

This is a quote from rinkjustice (who was a totally extraneous callout, not that I'm his/her personal protector or anything).

'the fire that never shall be quenched... edge of the sword... they should be… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:55 AM on July 22, 2006
(er, "no room".) And the end of that sentence was supposed to read "professes a belief in killing the Pharaoh's firstborn." Stupid enter key! WHY MUST YOU CURSE ME GOD?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:58 AM on July 22, 2006

the 1% rule; creators vs consumers
Given the 1 / 10 / 89 split, this is probably better explained by Sturgeon's Law.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 9:00 PM on July 21, 2006

Stop using carets^ as the text for hyperlinks
I don't like the caret, either, mostly because it's ugly, but it's also completely unnecessary.

<a href="whatever" title="(wikipedia)">, folks. Learn to love it.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:27 PM on July 14, 2006

Announcing MeFi Music!
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:55 AM on July 1, 2006
Er, what Godbert said.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:58 AM on July 1, 2006

mefi cd swap - worth the wait
Uh, aside from all that, what's up with the mefiswap?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 1:08 PM on June 8, 2006

leave the title attribute as-is
Er, not sure if you're serious, quosar, but I was talking about links from Metafilter to Amazon, which Mefi rewrites to kick nickels Matt's way (cf this).
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 8:00 PM on May 4, 2006

MeFi Compilation Album call for submissions
Possible cover

And if the proceeds do go to charity, the album could be titled "Please Hope Me."
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 12:39 AM on April 20, 2006

Opinions on MefiSwap (music)?
I like the idea of a physical swap, though I'd be amenable to having the digital copies of something as a backup or addition to the actual CD's. I agree that there are tons of places I can already download music from - if it's digital-only I might as well just get a tracklist and find the actual music myself, and that's no fun. For some reason I am constantly missing out on registering for these things, but I'd be ecstatic to be in the next one.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:09 AM on April 12, 2006

Is there a way to jump from one comment to the next using my keyboard?
secret plot by Vim religious nuts

You're right, what's wrong with M-x metafilter-forward-next-comment?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 10:51 PM on March 29, 2006

Posting Stats
Got a ratio of posts / comments for MeFi vs. MeTa vs. AskMe?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 3:59 PM on March 13, 2006

Proposal: Brand New Day
Well, personally I'm in support of BND. What does anyone lose by making a good-faith effort to drop their grudges against each other? I think almost everyone agrees that the grudge fights just add noise to the site. I think likening it to Orwellian mind control is going a little far. I think people should view this as "I'll personally try to help raise the level of discourse here" rather than "that user I dislike is getting a free pass." It may not last long, but it… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 1:51 PM on February 9, 2006

Tag Search Testing
As a micropony, can I suggest that if a user hits a search button (in the top or bottom nav) while leaving the search box itself blank, he or she should be taken to the main search page rather than Yahoo's home page? I'd find this easier than looking around for the little "Search" text.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 10:13 AM on February 3, 2006

I'm proposing a small change to amazon URLs
I vote yes, but I think it should be called out in the signup page and the FAQ. As far as users who want to opt out (of adding the mefi associate tag), I don't see that it's a great burden to look for another web site for the book instead of Amazon.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:52 PM on January 29, 2006

Josh seeks a godly wife
I have mixed feelings on this one. The ad is a little funny just for its length, but the guy is sincere in his beliefs, and I think if any of us spent overlong expanding the details of a personal ad, we might find ourselves at a similar length. Beyond that, yes the guy is a fundamentalist christian but I don't think he's far enough outside the mainstream to qualify as batshitinsane.

I still don't think the (mefi) post should get deleted, since it doesn't seem… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 8:50 PM on January 23, 2006

I've tweaked the way subdomains work on MetaFilter.
Thanks Matt, this rules.

todbot: Perhaps:

I like the way this looks too, but the DNS RFC's specify that domains need to begin with [A-Za-z0-9]. (IIRC)

stavros: I think posts to the Blue should require some tags to be entered (or chosen) before posting. A link to a paragraph or two on the concept, on or offsite, would help educate those who need it [...… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 9:52 PM on January 10, 2006

Do we need to start using our legal names?
That's a great idea. Let's also put our social security numbers in our profiles along with our real names and latitude / longitude coordinates.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 11:37 AM on January 9, 2006

DNS wildcard and google crawler
As far as google goes, with the billions they pour into their search engine it should be smart enough to know what a wildcard domain is. It's not up to us (well, Matt) to fix google.
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 2:02 AM on January 8, 2006

Share your MeFiSwap experiences
Not to derail, but can somebody tell me how to get in on the next one? Do I go to the ciphermonkeys site, or the bluesilver one?
posted to MetaTalk by whir at 5:08 PM on January 5, 2006

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