Activity from mephron

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FUCKEROOO the latest fucking fuck thread
I do want to mention since I forgot that I had some very awesome people earlier this year help me, between a GoFundMe I needed to do because a previous job fucked me over and my bank account got emptied of rent money, and then some people here also sent me some money (which went to food and the phone bill). So I know there are some really great people out there and I treasure their kindness.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 8:15 AM on December 26, 2018

rtha in hospice

Always someone I'd stop to read.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 4:55 PM on November 10, 2018

Fucking Fuck XIII - I'm sorry but I've got a bit to say.
So I'm broke, so broke I can't even buy my medications, much less my wife's. I have literally $20 to last me until my next paycheck two weeks from now unless I scarper some off the rent, which is its own special form of fucked-over.

My workplace lets me put money into a card for transit, so at least I can get to work. But they got me at a fucking bargain basement price for what I do, and I've done interviews and all sorts of things, and it doesn't… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 11:06 AM on July 27, 2018

What Are You Making Now 2: Electric Boogaloo
I'm doing some 3D printing stuff, and my current project is a D&D dice tray with insert to hold dice. I've got it finally to a stage I like, and the printing of a good one is happening now.

The Tray Itself

Previous iteration of the insert. (used a large layer height and minimal internal fill to get it done faster, so it's not as pretty.)

And a couple of templates I need, one for the fabric to line the insert and to… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 7:01 AM on July 13, 2018

Tramp the Dirt Down
According to the thread, I'm a Marxist.

Good to know.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:24 AM on April 8, 2013

Woman speaks truth to power; Metafilter shuts it down.
Oddly, I saw 'SYTL' and immediately parsed it as "single YouTube link", even though most people use SLYT, and it seemed to make more sense to me.

I think I will use SYTL in the future, as it seems more grammatically appropriate and then go make some beans.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 4:18 PM on March 10, 2013

Surely This
I'm a straight cis man, so my relative skin in the game isn't as much, but this phrase hit me because I've been thinking a lot about my identity and how I've changed it and let it be changed for me:

If true, then the existence of said molecule affected my outcome, but does it invalidate my identity and feelings?

No. Not at all. Identity and feelings are a true thing when they are considered, no matter what they are. Your… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 11:43 PM on February 28, 2013

Deleted post question. Was OP banned?
dim, shameless and yet they can enjoybal with the best.

(note to self: less caffiene after midnight, even if it mostly no longer does anything but stave off the headaches a little longer.)
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 2:04 AM on February 19, 2013

Maybe Tron Legacy wasn't that great a movie, but....

..oh, wait, different Quora. Sorry.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:39 PM on January 25, 2013

Bring It
I'm spending the day undead. So I can't love you all. I'll be doing it tomorrow, once my heart restarts and I cease being an abomination.

I didn't even drink any alcohol where did this headache come from?
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 2:35 PM on January 1, 2013

You know, having read the comic, and now seen the picture of Greg Nog sexin' it up, I am now viewing him doing that thing while going (in a bedroom voice), "Hey, welcome to Olive Garden, how many in your party" and now I think my brain is going to take a short vacation.

(Tonight I had greek food from Georgia's in Seattle, which was featured on the Fieri Restaurants And How Awesome Am I Roadshow and yet the place didn't get ruined at all, thank the Light.)
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 10:40 PM on December 9, 2012

Have ye forgotten then?
When I worked for Citigroup, people heard about this and tried to do the talking like pirates thing.

They weren't good at it. At all. And they kept trying and failing. The entire place sounded like someone took the pre-movie Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World and spliced it together with 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, and they thought they were ever so funny and witty and aren't we cool. And I lost some hearing trying not to listen to them, especially when… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 7:19 PM on September 20, 2012

His Name Will Be Sung In Valhalla
An entire trip record of out-of-focus and oddly-positioned photos: the Deezil Cocktail Fueled Tour Records.

It might sell.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 2:31 AM on September 18, 2012

MeFites in Real Life: Acknowledge or No?
Ive come to the decision there is probably something wrong with my media consumption habits as the result of MeFi lately.

Because the "Hey I just met you / and this is crazy" thing? I have no idea (and minimal desire to know) where it came from. And yet it seems everyone else does.

I should move to a radioactive atoll until I mutate into a giant radioactive MeFi user and attack Japan until the combined forces of all the MeFites in… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 11:48 PM on July 23, 2012
KathrynT: thank you. I still don't know the song, but at least I know what it is from!

Please put yourself on the 'not to be destroyed when Mephron mutates into Mephzilla' list.

Because as a friend of mine says:

"the rules are
1) Be yourself, unless you can be Batman.
2) If you can't be Batman, you can be Godzilla."
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:38 PM on July 25, 2012

Nuts to you!!
I'd like to take a moment, after a few days reflection, to suggest that Aelfwine Evenstar, who basically stated that anyone who ever worked for a bank has the morality of a Nazi or a sympathizer of same, should have all his hair from head to toe turn luminescent green and then have ivy grow out of his ears.

Because I'm not going to go to that level, but just calling him one of the most dung-brained trolls to ever lay a pattern of slime across this site is not going far… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:12 PM on July 11, 2012

I ain't payin' for this wifi
A few years ago I was in California for a wedding. I was staying for a bit in San Francisco, and then going up to Sacramento via Amtrak.

They had wi-fi in some of the cars of the Capitol Limited, which was cool.

I also would go from New York City to Boston via LimoLiner, which had wi-fi, outlets, really decent food, and a very nice bathroom. Never took BoltBus or Megabus, but if you have to go NYC to Boston (or vice versa), and don't want to go el-cheapo, I highly recommend LimoLiner.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 7:12 PM on June 18, 2012

Or is it just me?
I want to go back and answer a question, at least for myself:

Why are you seeing ads if you're a member?

Because I whitelist MeFi on AdBlock, so that the miniscule amount of money - yes, probably less than pennies, I know that - which gets earned when that ad pops goes to Matt and the staff. There are sites I whitelist the ads on, specifically for that, and MetaFilter is one of them.

I'm not saying… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 11:48 PM on June 2, 2012

AskMe vs WaPo
As 'tasso8' commented (someone here? no idea) in the post itself, on the WaPo third-party content guidelines it says specifically:

"We should give credit every time we embed, excerpt or paraphrase others’ work on our site — no matter the platform the third-party used (print, blog, Twitter, etc.). We should give credit by both naming the content source and linking to the specific piece of content, if possible. ... We should assume that a work is subject to copyright… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 4:08 PM on May 28, 2012

April Frist!
no soap, radio.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 1:58 AM on April 30, 2012

Fitness, Not Hateness
I'm a fat guy who worked for a big corporation, and yeah, there were people there whose entire attitude was that my (apparently lack of) physical fitness made me useless, despite that I was in IT and could figure out some of the network issues with some basic tools you learn pretty much straight off. Many of these people were of the subhuman species known as the 'stock trader'.

So I would go and get some lunch, and someone would make some snarky comment about my size,… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:28 PM on April 12, 2012

Cicle, Block, Block, Is that a tree?
*gets flight to baltimore for the purposes of hitting Faint of Butt repeatedly with a foam rubber fish*

(Because if I'm going to abuse someone, it's going to be in confusing and silly ways)
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 1:07 PM on March 23, 2012
This is just pro-Doctor revisionist nonsense.

isn't all Time Lord history by definition revisionist, with time travel involved?
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 11:46 PM on March 23, 2012

Apologies for the apologies...
I really hate these parodies of that poem. It seems like every time someone finds it, the first thing they do is a parody of it.

After seeing the poem in an NYC subway car, and a parody of it scratched into the metal of the wall underneath, it loses its appeal really fast.

*hamburger grumpus*
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 1:30 PM on March 22, 2012

Is auto-logout more aggressive?
I just want to say that I am kind of sad that no one described this sudden logout situation as 'a pain in the Ask'.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 2:12 AM on February 24, 2012

Google buzz
If I found a place with good beers and decent food for Artw (who I have met once) and Blazecock (who I do not know if I have met) to sit down and have the beer and some food and hash things out in reason, and go there to be moderator/carbon rod, will that be okay?

because I will do that in the hopes of a better Metafilter.

(was thinking about the Taphouse downtown, or maybe if you prefer some sake we can go to Dragonfish...)
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:19 PM on January 27, 2012
I never said I'd pay, just facilitate the meeting.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:39 PM on January 27, 2012

Son of "a desk is a dangerous place, redux"
Totally unrelated, I found the stuff with the gentleman with the lamb to be fascinating.

As far as my desk is concerned: it can be seen here.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 10:36 PM on January 26, 2012
if meatbomb comes to try to kil me, my paperback copy of "The Art of Human Computer Interface Design" is still powerful enough to knock him unconscious, so I have no fear of his deciding to kill me for the desk the previous tenants left behind that I appropriated. then I will tack him to a wheel and roll him downhill so that the revolution goes. too.

Lynsey: when I was laid off I used some of the layoff funds to pay for a bunch of devices to use for a while so… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 5:57 PM on January 27, 2012

AskMe songs about courage
then you need the late Stan Rogers' Mary Ellen Carter.
And you, to whom adversity has dealt the final blow
With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go
Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again.

Rise again, rise again—though your heart it be broken
Or life about to end.
No matter what you've lost, be it a home, a love, a friend,
Like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 4:47 AM on December 19, 2011

Cyclone Taylor
what's a Stan Chin in context and how does it do backlashes?
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:44 AM on November 30, 2011

mod abuse
He's right! Mods, I hate them, with their stupid little scooters and their expensive clothes.

And then it turns out they're really bellboys. there a non-gender-specific term? Luggage attendant?

Or am I just wandering off again?
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 5:05 PM on November 26, 2011

Correcting assumptions in AskMe?
What I want to know is where the open Jay Smooth post is, because it's not on the front page or even one page back.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:01 AM on October 20, 2011

A plea.
Rarely have I found so many things to flag as in that thread.

And as a fat guy, I resent the implication of low self-control in that thread, as disproven by the fact I did not in fact call out some people as the bloviating asshats they were showing themselves to be. Not one call-out! Tell me that's not self-control.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 12:38 PM on October 3, 2011
I'd go to a meetup.

I might take a taser with me and zap the screaming hell out of some of the worst offenders, which would get me in trouble.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 12:47 PM on October 3, 2011
There's a newer comment by someone who...

I can't even talk about it without it being a callout. And I am so goddamn tempted to do it despite the consequences.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 1:02 PM on October 3, 2011

Big news at News of the World
this entire situation makes me feel sorry for not_the_water, who did a great post on Jack Anderson that was promptly hijacked by people who could not even read halfway down the front page to see the post mentioned in here.

Is it too much for people to read the front page, even just below the first couple of posts, before threadjacking?
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:03 PM on July 7, 2011

We are reconsidering that decision
I have this secret thought, this terrible inkling, that this is not, in fact, just misogyny, or trolling, or rudeness. I wonder if there is a group of people who left the site and are using Brand New Day rules to, basically, ruin the site in a coordinated manner. I'm sure we all have ideas of people who might want to do things like that.

I'd love to be wrong about it, but after the coordinated abuse of Reddit by certain groups, I find it depressingly possible that… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:45 PM on July 5, 2011

RIP, Tom West
I'm very sorry for your loss, Jessamyn.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 1:18 PM on May 22, 2011

when your comment indicates a complete lack of reading the article, or a deliberate and willful ignorance of the facts in evidence - when I have to quote a part of one of the linked articles to point out where people are apparently traipsing through the field of dandilions of ignorance with a happy tra-la-la...

...I'm wondering whether or not it's time for that lobotomy I've been considering, because my reading comprehension hurts and I want the pain to go away.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 10:12 AM on May 6, 2011
Happy Birthday, Crackingdes.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 10:19 AM on May 6, 2011

I like New York in June, how about Jews?
Part of me wants to very snarkily ask people like DU if following a disorganized religion is better.

And part of me wants to note that those of us who are members of the Metafilter Pagans (not an organized group, but I know there's more than just two or three of us here) would appreciate you change brushes before tarring us with '*insert faith that causes you to derive irrational anger*'.

Both of them are not really good responses, I admit, but… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:29 AM on March 1, 2011

That post was made for you and me.
I know I'm not Lady Gaga.

Everyone can read my poker face.

It's why I no longer play poker.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 9:07 PM on February 28, 2011

RIP Balisong
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 5:12 PM on February 5, 2011

Taking it outside (the thread)
as someone who recently worked in the financial industry (in IT, and I didn't need to wear a suit, except for one lunch they had for us with the CTO), comments about the evil of 'old white men in suits' is laughable.

Why? Because the younger ones are the scary, dangerous ones. The ones who have no soul, no morals, no ethics. They are the people who still think that Gordon Gecko in "Wall Street" didn't go far enough out on the edge, and that all these… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 8:13 AM on January 29, 2011

Bothered and bewildered mefite seeks hugs
There is an urge I have sometimes, rarely more than now, to buy a bottle of really good scotch, go down to Portland (from where I am in Seattle), find where Mathowie lives, ring the doorbell, give him the bottle, and say 'thank you', then just walk off.

And hope that someone, somewhere, can do it for Cortex, and Jessamyn, and pb, and Vacapinta, too.

Because some days, I think that sometimes us just walking up to them, thanking them, giving them a… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 12:16 PM on January 9, 2011

I would like to note that a few months back, I had an utterly fucked up post on the blue that had a bunch of replies before a mod looked at it.

Cortex (and I would expect the rest of the team, but I dealt with Cortex) proceeded to fix it - with my permission - and make it suck considerably less. When I expressed my feeling to Cortex that in retrospect I felt I deserved a time-out or something for it, he told me flatout that no, he didn't, but that if it had been caught… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 6:38 PM on January 6, 2011

not, it's really not that special.
Gatorade delivery for a Mr. S. Snowflake, for purposes of Keeping On Keeping On.

Can someone sign for this? It's prepaid and you get the popcorn for free.

I gotta get back to the store, the snow's piling up out here.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 3:08 PM on December 26, 2010

Gender (Go nuts). Somebody did.
I blame a proliferation of predatory dataminers.

Anything that shoves a red-hot poker of irritation up the bum of predatory dataminers whose entire business plan is "1) suck up all the information we can and spew crap ads out" is a good thing, in my opinion.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 8:59 PM on November 29, 2010

Really? Really?
I hope you catch fire, Sys Rq.
posted to MetaTalk by mephron at 9:38 PM on November 27, 2010

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