Activity from mephron

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Is there a version of this that doesn't need a PopMech subscription? [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by doctornemo, Blue Jello Elf, JHarris, chavenet
MeFi comment - 2 ¼ hours ago

And the self-mutilation squad on the D side has started their "maybe they might like me if I do this" campaign, with Dean Phillips (D-Minn and former challenger against Biden for the Presidential nomination before a spanking). House… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by May Kasahara, wenestvedt, Gelatin, armeowda, The Manwich Horror, joannemerriam
MeFi comment - 7 days ago

I have an interesting perspective on this, I think. My mother's family is from a town called Chemnitz near Dresden, but before the reunification it was called Karl Marx-stadt. (You may remember it from the James Bond movie Octopussy.) One of her… [more]
favorited 16 times, recently by Too-Ticky, rifflesby, atomicstone, doctornemo, straw, snsranch, Halloween Jack, languagehat, ceejaytee, cardioid, riruro, chavenet, emf, seanmpuckett, kitcat, cupcakeninja
MeFi comment - 8 days ago

I wonder if they've also calculated in the possibility that a nonzero number of their direct descendants in the first few generations would tell mom and pop / gramma and grampa to go fuck themselves with a sandpapered vibrator and head off to the far… [more]
favorited 24 times, recently by BlueHorse, applemeat
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

I mean, it's not to my taste? But if you do like it and want one, and it's just going in a dumpster? Appel, avanti, go with gusto, my friends. [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by jenfullmoon, May Kasahara
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

(Dertail, here's an AP story about the Reich bit.) [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by nofundy, armeowda, Harvey Kilobit, biogeo, neroli
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

I wonder if he's seen it yet. This might be the thing that ends all his legal issues. I mean, cardiac arrest and embalming gets him out of those, right? Also having looked it up, the work they did on Sebastian Stan to make him look like a young… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by nofundy, mumimor, es_de_bah
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

I've been fighting a 3D brain set (depression, dysphoria, and dysmorphia) this week again, along with a lot of pain in my semifunctional knee, the Hell that is my job hunt, the fact that without the money I'm not getting I can't pay for an editor or… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by Bella Donna, The Manwich Horror, AzraelBrown, gudrun, dorey_oh
MeFi comment - 3 weeks ago

I'm just chiming in that we're served by CVS Caremark for medications, and my PCP has been fighting with them on my behalf to get me the ADJD med that I need, because the psychiatric practice I went to for the screening refuses as a general thing to… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by adrienneleigh, audi alteram partem
MeFi comment - Last month

I mean, the original origin of Freakazoid is something that was huge at the time and mostly forgotten today. But then they took it and just f'ing RAN with the idea that the world was insane and needed a superhero that was as crazy as it was… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by fifteen schnitzengruben is my limit, JHarris, Brainstorming Time!, AzraelBrown, Kitteh
MeFi comment - Last month

I wasn't allowed to stay up that often to watch it on WNBC Channel 4, but when I did, I made sure to watch it. I'm sure I missed a lot of subtext that someone older would have gotten immediately, but SCTV was, for me, just way better than SNL. . [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by pracowity, holborne, armeowda
MeFi comment - Last month

Fools, everyone who's anyone knows that the fifth cardinal dimension can be found on the zorth axis! [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by JHarris, mdoar, genpfault
MeFi comment - Last month

Leonard Leo is incredibly dangerous. He’s an ideologue and a Christian nationalist without the buffoonery of the ones in elected office. I suspect some of them are basically his hand-puppets to do his bidding, and am fairly sure of the same about one… [more]
favorited 40 times, recently by camyram, eustatic, The Outsider, Surely This, snsranch, joannemerriam, Stoof, Gelatin, adrienneleigh, bunbury, JHarris, caviar2d2, Barbara Spitzer, wenestvedt, brand-gnu, Two unicycles and some duct tape, Proofs and Refutations, Pouteria, gudrun, nofundy, Blue Jello Elf, WalkingAround, hototogisu, AsYouKnow Bob, adamsc, symbioid, Fiberoptic Zebroid and The Hypnagogic Jerks, May Kasahara, unearthed, whm, tittergrrl, Joey Michaels, mareli, Neronomius, Faint of Butt, supermedusa, clew, Artw, torokunai, Reverend John
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

"Acute subdural hematoma" is basically that he fell and hit his head hard and in a bad place. The fact he was 68 may have contributed, but at the same time head injuries are nothing to screw with. Rumors have it that he was working on… [more]
favorited 8 times, recently by toodleydoodley, The Ardship of Cambry, JHarris, cyrusdogstar, adrienneleigh, fleacircus, lalochezia, May Kasahara
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Clarence Thomas taking bribes also seems like bullshit and an embarrassment to the court but I don't see anyone doing anything about it. The investigations have been something, and then there's John Oliver making his own offer to Clarence… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by Bella Donna, eviemath, adrienneleigh
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Oklahoma was already on my “never go there” list of states but this just makes me underline it more. When I was a kid, I (AMAB) was bullied a lot. Despite my height, I was more intellectual than sporty. For years I was tormented when teachers… [more]
favorited 46 times, recently by thetarium, BrashTech, Pope Guilty, Devoidoid, Sphinx, fairlynearlyready, Lapin, *s, Lexica, Neronomius, Iris Gambol, daikaisho, snsranch, faceplantingcheetah, hydropsyche, kokaku, SeedStitch, mediareport, Gelatin, camyram, antinomia, pxe2000, maxwelton, Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted, Iteki, gingerbeer, Scout405, Blue Jello Elf, Dysk, i_am_joe's_spleen, MrVisible, emf, Fiberoptic Zebroid and The Hypnagogic Jerks, Orange Dinosaur Slide, Proofs and Refutations, Joey Michaels, allium cepa, praemunire, GenjiandProust, Celatone, luckynerd, wenestvedt
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I went to Harvard. I made a wrong turn, but a nice kid told me how to get to the bookstore I was actually looking for. [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by kjs3
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I worked for a big bank. First, had a desk in a tiered 'command center' environment. then, for a while, it was having high-walled cubicles as tall as I was for a bunch of things. Then it was open-plan offices. My QOL at work plummeted in the open… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Is Rishi Sunak’s mouth on the list? [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

When I came out, two of the biggest supporters in my family were my closest first cousins - the daughters of my father's younger sister. (He's oldest of four - then there's the one with the supportive cousins, the one no one speaks with much, and the… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

The overripe tomato that squats like a toad and screams like a howler monkey that is Alex Jones desperately deserves to have everything he owns disposed of at auction and all the money given to the families, leaving him with a pair of sandals, a pair… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I've used the Ninth Amendment argument before, and people keep telling me "no one cares about that". More jurists should use it because it's the complete antithesis of Alito's shit-flinging conceptualization that led to his opinion on… [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

A bunch of people aren't happy, because there are features that have been promised but not (yes) implemented. Amongst them are blocking particular words and a safety team. People are afraid that Bluesky is going to get the kind of influx of white… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Gimonca: We have a specialty publication in the Twin Cities that handles legal and business-related public notices So do we in Pennsylvania. But for name changes, there's also a requirement for another newspaper as directed by the judges… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

A thought that just occurred to me: a lot of places have laws that require certain legal posts in newspapers: name changes, things like that. When the newspapers are gone, will state legislatures move to change these laws, or will they go "oh… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I can see someone ignoring the "don't try to print this" and then complaining when their Windows install dies because there is no more space on the hard drive for rendering the PDF to print. I have no faith in users with just a little… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Under New York law, you need to post a surety bond of 111% of the amount you were told to pay as part of an appeal. So that’s about $95 million that Cheetolini needs before even trying. Also, what grounds will they be appealing under? The NY… [more]
favorited 23 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Another thought is that if he can’t afford to appeal (frankly, I want the FEC to rule you can’t use campaign funds for a candidate’s legal problems) then E. Jean Carroll can file a lien and ask the NY Sheriff’s Department to collect it. I’d like to… [more]
favorited 22 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Meanwhile, here in Philadelphia, it looks like they actively want to get rid of part of the Chinatown here by demolishing a shopping area in the middle of the city and a large chunk of Chinatown to put up a new arena for the 76ers to play in. As far… [more]
favorited 9 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Of my two best friends, I'm married to one (we had a lot of ups and downs but lately we're doing well, knock on wood), and the other died of a glioblastoma in 2017 and I still think of stories about out escapades sometimes. (My wife understands -… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

In less fun news, her wife apparently learned something that made her incandescently angry and is getting legal assistance. She hasn’t said anything, but in time context the current theory is some kind of malpractice. . for Jennell. [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

The doctor’s appointment I mentioned above was today. It was… I have never felt that comfortable with a medical professional in my entire life. A trans doctor who got so much of what I was trying to deal with, and marked in my notes that I was… [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Winter, for me, is a time to dig out some recipes, like lentil soup with kielbasa, and Swedish meatballs, and beef stew - things that are good to toss into a crockpot and let go for a while, so when my wife gets in from work she has a good hot meal… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Rufo is a professional character assassin for hire, as long as his targets are somehow related to the Left. He’s hit trans people, the president of Harvard now, and he’s now creeping on a rooftop with his sniper rifle and custom bullets preparing for… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I drove six hours, from northern New Jersey to Rochester, NY, to see Highlander II at a midnight show opening night with a friend. When we walked out of the theater she turned to me and said “I am so, so sorry.” There was a very hilariously ripped… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I’m going to keep on my exercise train so I can look at surgeries this year. I just got an appointment with an endocrinologist so I can get someone to look at my hormones and tell me how best I can work to fix them. Also decide how far I want to… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I mean, NJ has an executive order protecting trans people and a pretty decent site about being trans in nj ( but again, it’s an executive order and if the next governor is a MAGAt it could all go away really fast, as Hoyland… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I see this map, as I’ve seen the developments of the map, and I’m scared. Scared enough to finally look into getting my passport; scared enough to try to figure out the best way to run. The map is “where isn’t it illegal to exist and be trans”… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

With this, the Project 2025 plan, and the fact that pharmacies give cops information with the most minimal of oversight? My plan is to push, to vote, and then if they look to be about get their hands on the levers of power, run. I’m older,… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

My parents are probably having a bunch of people, including my brother and sister-in-law and the kids over, with a seven-rib roast and a bunch of stuff and appetizers and all of that. Meanwhile, here where I am, our Christmas eve dinner was from the… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

The week has been interesting. My wife and I had a long talk and realized that we were in fact feeling better about our relationship, which is good. I had to practically go into Mortal Kombat with CVS because of how long it took to get some of… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

From Bklyn: from this summary of what's going on here on Vox: The Alliance plaintiffs are doctors who oppose abortion, and organizations representing doctors who oppose abortion. They claim that they are injured by the fact that mifepristone is… [more]
favorited 13 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

This has the possibility of being a huge decision. Not just mifepristone is at risk - not just used for medication abortions, but also post-miscarriage treatment and arthritis treatment - but would allow nearly any group to sue for a change to the… [more]
favorited 27 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Looks like our Christmas dinner will not be pot roast, as my wife has (after three plus years) gotten COVID and we were getting it as a kit from her company's catering service. I also, as I sleep in the same bed as her, cannot go pick it up,… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

The continuing voyage... I had to rip out part of the novel and expand it, like the addition on a house, and honestly, it improves things tremendously by giving a secondary character more development, and a primary character a bunch more screen… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

jenfullmoon and luckynerd and everyone else who is having the December What More Can I Take, I Didn't Sign Up For This Blues, I will appeal for you to get the help you need to keep at least your heads above water. My wife just got some medical… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Their intent is already to do all that stuff to equate porn with LGBTQIA+ content. Marsha Blackburn's KOSA is ostensibly for the protection of kids (what about the children, the conservative rallying cry for censorship) but Blackburn already said it… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 6 months ago

I grew up on Scholastic Book Fairs. If I'd understood it, I would have understood a lot more about myself, but anyway. I got books I might never have gotten any other way, especially because how, in my school, you got your books. You went around… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 6 months ago

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