Activity from forbiddencabinet

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For me, Mage Wars is the ultimate riff on MTG. Cards are sleeved into binders that act as your Grimoire. Each card can only be used once and there an arena that is moved around that gives a more grounded feel and let's you do things like use… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by chavenet
MeFi comment - 13 days ago

Delete your activity history, folks. And not just in YouTube, google is tracking your searches across all of their products. YouTube also irritatingly tracks thumbnail views so if you even accidentally hovered your mouse over a thumbnail that's now… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by JHarris
MeFi comment - 2 weeks ago

Nightbreed, although you should look it over first. It's probably on the edge. ParaNorman / Coraline Hocus Pocus, The Witches, and Bedknobs & Broomsticks are likely fine. Maybe Fright Night, but possibly too violent. Maybe Signs or… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by TrishaU
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

Yeah, RARBG is a victim of Russian/Ukraine conflict. The pirate community considers The Pirate Bay to be low quality and high risk at this point. It is not recommended as a public tracker anymore. Piracy today, at least outside of niche and… [more]
favorited 36 times, recently by fire, water, earth, air, SaltySalticid, cmoj, hukka, automatronic, finally, rux, taltalim, brianvan, jadepearl, vasi, genpfault, Res0ndf7, bigendian, cgg, kaisemic, justalisteningman, porn in the woods, Vek, cybertaur1, aspersioncast, Rinku, ManInSuit, Wretch729, Acari, Fidel Cashflow, Lucubrator, griffey, Literaryhero, jebs, lokta, snarfois, Limivorous, matrixclown, Iteki, ActingTheGoat
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

They keep relocating Emerson because he clambers out of the beach zone so that he can molt in grassy parks and has also wandered into bike lanes and roadways. They're also pretty worried about an unleashed dog picking a fight or otherwise provoking… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by tavella, chariot pulled by cassowaries
MeFi comment - Last month

Phooky, you might like Toriko. It's similar to Delicious in Dungeon (although much older). It's about super powered chefs and gourmands traveling a fantasy (SciFi? Alternate Reality?) world trying to assemble their perfect full course meals. It's… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by phooky
FanFare comment - Last month

Hey MeFi, you know how sometimes you start heading off in a hurtful direction because of your own blinders and biases? Yeah, that's starting to happen in this thread. Yes, there are predatory people and elements of sport. Those same kinds of… [more]
favorited 77 times, recently by daveliepmann
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

The DTMF theory is highly suspect. Far more likely the resident simply watched and memorized a code, but I would give that equal odds with the the resident coincidentally activating a delayed egress system when trying to exit. These buildings also… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by jonp72, camyram, adrienneleigh
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Someone living in California should maybe think twice before posting their gotcha about "affordable" units as defined by the CMHC. That program has been rotten for at least a decade. Regions like Vancouver, are in a bad place right now… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Bella Donna, hoodrich, philip-random, Not A Thing
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

After much research and annoyance at how much shades/blinds/curtains cost for how little you get, I ended up going with Blinds Galore. They ended up being a little less than Home Depot/Budget Blinds/etc for my purposes. They seem to be of the same… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Caz721
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Gozu is more dream logic-y, sort of what you might get if David Lynch were obsessed with Yakuza instead of Americana. I can see how that would make you curious about watching more of his filmography. If you're willing to try another Miike then I… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by mediareport
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Watched this last year and I liked, but it never reaches the goopy and horny heights of classics like From Beyond or Society. That said, I don't think that it was trying to. I felt like this was trying for more of a '90s Erotic Thriller with a… [more]
favorited 8 times, recently by miss-lapin, whir, Neronomius, hototogisu, kittens for breakfast, slimepuppy, Jessica Savitch's Coke Spoon, DirtyOldTown
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

I love Certified Copy. I love the way it subtly shifts context and changes relationship dynamics. I love the way it effortlessly drifts between languages and locations and the way time seems to move through hours and years at the same time. I love… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by fleacircus
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

It's a combination of the two cliches: "tears running down my face" and "chills running down my spine." We can't know exactly what Ochs intended by combining them without asking, but I find it hard to believe Ochs is unaware of… [more]
favorited 16 times, recently by 1970s Antihero, corb, Pandora Kouti, grog, The corpse in the library, Bella Donna, cboggs, cakelite, coldhotel, telegraph, AzraelBrown, onehundredand80, neutralhydrogen, SaltySalticid, correcaminos, dfan
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

You might like these blogs: The Generalist Academy - interesting things from science and history Kicks Condor - ephemera from the diy interent Things Magazine - general interestdesign/architecture. We Are The Mutants - Science fiction, pulp… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by Tufa
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Synthesizer. Maybe something like the Medusa Black or a Torso T-1 midi controller (this is just a controller, you need to hook it up to other hardware or into a computer to use software synths). Plenty of other options out there and also..… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by tybstar, limeonaire, soundguy99, inexorably_forward, not just everyday big moggies
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Coffee and Espresso machines. Braun did make one during Rams' tenure, but it allegedly doesn't make great coffee. Plenty of machines and related equipment with functional and minimal design in the coffee space, though. You might like what Fellow puts… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by mochapickle, augustimagination, supercres
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

The commentary around this stuff is always so focused on fans and access to media. There is little commentary on the why of it. Suits aren't taking things away because they want to deny people and twirl their mustaches. It's because the streaming… [more]
favorited 12 times, recently by pracowity, marple, Hardcore Poser, justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow, Lentrohamsanin, Ber, The River Ivel, farmerd, Cpt. The Mango, Captaintripps, Mr.Know-it-some, potrzebie
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

For what it is worth, Muzak/Elevator music/Piped Music and Library Music is getting a kind of re-evaluation these days. I think a big part of it is that there is a category of music (and demand for it) that appeared in the streaming age of background… [more]
favorited 16 times, recently by Tiny Bungalow, seapig, zoinks, eckeric, queensissy, stellaluna, kinnakeet, box, star gentle uterus, congen, lisa g, pxe2000, cupcakeninja, Blue Jello Elf, LlamaHat, JoeZydeco
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Another Obsidian user here. I tried dozens of note apps, writing apps, and personal wikis before finally landing on Obsidian. Nothing else comes close to it. Once you have learned to use it and customized it to suit your needs it is like unlocking a… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by whuppy, notyou, Bella Donna
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

Agree with wenestvedt on using good quality blades. Plenty of guys are reluctant to get off of the cartridge razors, but going with an old fashioned safety razor gives you a lot more options in blades and it is so astronomically cheaper that it is no… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by token-ring, Text TK, wenestvedt, ActingTheGoat
Ask MeFi comment - 6 months ago

I thought The Escapist fell apart ages ago when they lost a lot of their creators over gamergate conflict. [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by EatTheWeek, FallibleHuman, ShawnStruck, introp, Laura Palmer's Cold Dead Kiss, genpfault, thecjm
MeFi comment - 6 months ago

Shaking my head at Pedro. What a frustrating climax, not that it was bad, but Pedro is the worst. I haven't wanted to shout at a horror movie like that in a long time. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by fleacircus
FanFare comment - 6 months ago

Worth mentioning that this is not quite a sequel to Terrified. It appears to be in the same world since The Rules and the exorcism tool also make an appearance, with more explanation, in Terrified. Demián Salomón is in both movies, but is playing… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by miss-lapin
FanFare comment - 7 months ago

I think Peanut butter on burgers is rooted in the diner tradition of having celebrity themed sandwiches. In this case, Elvis. I'm inclined to think most people will be disappointed that it isn't more interesting if they try it. It's really not very… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Ivan Fyodorovich, Quonab
MeFi comment - 7 months ago

Famous hunter/outdoorsman/television personality Jim Shockey converted an old public school in Duncan, BC, Canada into a museum filled with an overwhelming amount of taxidermy. There are entire rooms filled entirely with animal skulls. Educational… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by ripley_, wenestvedt, paduasoy, K0dama
Ask MeFi comment - 8 months ago

I know I am late to this party, but I want folks to know that anyone fascinated by how The X-Files mined conspiracy theories for ideas and in how conspiracy theory "culture" feeds back into other narratives should go read The Department of… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by jordantwodelta, rozcakj
MeFi comment - 8 months ago

This is one of my favourite movies. Reconciling the friend you remember with who he has become. Loving the memory of someone who has since changed or maybe never was that memory. Being hurt in the ways only someone that knows you in the most intimate… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by snsranch
FanFare comment - 8 months ago

Enshittification comes for all web services eventually. I hold out hope that the pendulum will eventually swing back towards openness and away from the increasingly balkanized and unsearchable web that we have today. The decline of search isn't just… [more]
favorited 17 times
MeFi comment - 8 months ago It is by far the best note taking/bookmark/web clipping tool available right now. There are multiple web clipper extensions and plugins that work with it. There is also a recipe grabber. That isn't exhaustive, either. There… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I think you are better off doing a Static Site Generator and GitHub Pages kinda thing. You could still use the home computer to sync to to the GitHub repo and keep all your website development stuff, but doing it this way is easier to secure while… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

JHarris, if I had a dollar for every time someone has showed me their enormous $100 before expansions board game about being a fantasy/scifi/horror character in a scenario and I looked at them with a confused face and suggested an RPG instead... well,… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Apple music is going to use ~40-70 MB per hour, depending on selected audio quality. (Assuming you are not streaming lossless. Lossless can get into the 100s of MB per hour.) If you're the kind of person that regularly has music playing in the… [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I'm no instrument maker, but wouldn't this open design lose a lot of the characteristic warmth and resonance of more classic piano designs? Not that a more unrestrained (to use their term) sound is necessarily undesirable. I'm just curious how a… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

I saw John K. Samson a few years ago and it was a strange audience. Everyone clearly loved him from their formative years and would emotionally support heckle him when he was being self deprecating. At one point someone in the audience shouted out a… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 9 months ago

Better and gorier than expected, although the CGI is pretty dodgy. The dialogue is a little much at times, which is saying something because Stephanie Beatriz's character can't speak. Unabashed b-movie vibes. It knows it is trash and it wallows in… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - 10 months ago

I feel like reclining is a much more natural human posture than sitting on a chair. I converted a recliner into a reclining desk in February of this year and it has been life changing. My lower back and neck pain cleared up in a week or two… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

On my android the emergency broadcast messages respect the do not distrub function. No sound or vibe, but if I look at the phone it is there.* That said, these don't happen often. You can opt into text/email ones sent at the city level, but these… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

I will second The Host, Colossal and Big Man Japan. I can see why folks are suggesting Shin Godzilla, but I found it very frustrating so YMMV. What to Do with the Dead Kaiju? Wasn't received very well, but I liked it. It's similar to Shin Godzilla… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

We were having post coital relaxing in bed times and I, on some bizarre impulse, reached over and jiggled my partner's breasts and said, "We fight crime." in my best grizzled detective voice. Since my partner is awesome we then made up an… [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Wikipedia article for those that just want a quick overview [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

Tables are one of the best parts of tabletop RPGs. I'm so glad that there is a subset of the hobby that has really embraced them for their power to quickly establish fun situations and settings. So much can be communicated about a setting with just… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

Darren Aronofsky's films. I hate them. Even hearing a few seconds of Lux Aeterna fills me with rage. Needledrops. They aren't fun. They are lazy at best. The arrested development of popular media consumption in general. Why is everyone… [more]
favorited 5 times
MetaTalk comment - 11 months ago

I want to express my disappointment that this was not a link to a manifesto about replacing all doorknobs with novelty doorknobs. [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

You'll probably have to order from Amazon Japan, but Sony makes a personal cooling device that isn't snake oil. Sony doesn't sell them outside of HK/JP for whatever reason. Here is an article from The Verge talking about the first generation of it. [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

Find and befriend an extrovert. Every introvert needs at least one in their life to drag them out to things and connect them with other folks. Also, don't be afraid to go solo to things that interest you. Be open to talking with strangers while… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

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