Activity from showbiz_liz

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“Because they suck, duh” is not a sufficient explanation because LOTS OF BANDS SUCK. Lots of very popular bands, even. But most sucky bands do not become a decades-long meme embodiment of the very concept of sucking. I can’t understand why people… [more]
favorited 8 times, recently by xigxag, dusty potato, catabananza, svenx, tavella, Death and Gravity, subdee, chavenet
MeFi comment - 6 days ago

Anything in the aster family (which this definitely is, but that doesn’t mean it’s “an aster” per se) is notoriously difficult to identify, especially before it flowers! I would not trust an app to identify this at this stage. But have another look… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by erolls, unearthed, away for regrooving, hydropsyche
Ask MeFi comment - 10 days ago

Half the buses in New York City currently have advertisements for this show on their fronts, and the advertisements are just the word "EVIL" in huge capital letters with no context. It's unsettling to say the least. [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by mmoncur
FanFare comment - 2 weeks ago

I love this show so far! It's got such a weirdly charming, funny tone for what could easily have been a pretty standard spy thriller - I'm having trouble thinking of anything comparable right now. I also need to state for the record that I… [more]
favorited 6 times, recently by KingEdRa
FanFare comment - 3 weeks ago

Re: why couldn’t Hilly just refuse to read the words? Well, imagine spending every single moment of the rest of your life in that room, with brief intervals of walking to and from the elevator. Forever. Never eating, sleeping, drinking, speaking to… [more]
favorited 7 times, recently by atoxyl
FanFare comment - 3 weeks ago

Ok so, I think this is one of those situations where from her perspective, she has been EXTREMELY clear in expressing that she has nothing but contempt for you and is deliberately parking in your space whenever possible because she thinks you don’t… [more]
favorited 93 times, recently by burntbook, chatelaine, emkelley, apple_moseby, Rapunzel1111, orbit-3, odin53, Vek, Lexica, OolooKitty, maryellenreads, Pandora Kouti, schyler523, eloeth-starr, baho, peacheater, The corpse in the library, lalochezia, annieb, namewithoutwords, ctmf, hollisimo, Pantengliopoli, EXISTENZ IS PAUSED, invincible summer, Klipspringer, Selena777, Mrs. Rattery, anansi, Ms. Moonlight, crocomancer, jojobobo, jenfullmoon, dum spiro spero, Scout405, mxjudyliza, ch1x0r, emd3737, meepmeow, ljesse, mustard seeds, johnofjack, shock muppet, kite, aramaic, thetarium, shelbaroo, MissPitts, egeanin, Snarl Furillo, jessica fletcher did it, mygothlaundry, tamarack, kimota, scantee, saucysault, praemunire, Nutritionista, GrimmblyTuna, wats, Serene Empress Dork, punchtothehead, A Blue Moon, toxic, gideonfrog, panther of the pyrenees, dianeF, Inspector.Gadget, Stephanie Duy, not just everyday big moggies, rpfields, Winnie the Proust, Neronomius, neutralhydrogen, shesaysgo, mezzanayne, tchemgrrl, randomquestion, 41swans, Temeraria, zara, Ardnamurchan, Faint of Butt, Sparky Buttons, tipsyBumblebee, tiny frying pan, basalganglia, mdrosen, mareli, miaou, ourobouros, koahiatamadl, Larry David Syndrome
Ask MeFi comment - 4 weeks ago

Some birds will take herb leaves as a kind of insecticide for their nests. I’ve seen it with my own eyes in my garden, they just snip them right off. Maybe row covers would help? [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by amtho
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

If you ask him not to discuss details and he tries to do it anyway, he’s the one doing nonmonogamy wrong. [more]
favorited 11 times, recently by peacheater, jeszac, pendrift, corb, thereader, miratime, missjenny, augustimagination, not just everyday big moggies, Morpeth, Dip Flash
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

What you are doing, when you bury a tomato seedling this way, is creating an artificially deep, strong root system for your genetically-manipulated-for-8000-years freak of a plant that would otherwise rip itself out of the ground from the sheer… [more]
favorited 27 times, recently by lalochezia, mgar, queensissy, Iris Gambol, Jilder, foodmapper, itesser, little mouth, Lexica, superelastic, mygothlaundry, Hypatia, minervous, Nickel, ellerhodes, smangosbubbles, theora55, Drosera, slidell, Johnny Assay, sebastienbailard, BlueHorse, rachaelfaith, Faint of Butt, variella, number9dream, Stacey
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

It sounds like you need to stop splitting household chores evenly. I’m completely serious. [more]
favorited 110 times, recently by flamk, Ideal Impulse, DingoMutt, beignet, jessica fletcher did it, Space Kitty, honey-barbara, mmoncur, shw, crw, schyler523, mcbeth, anotherthink, bayleaf, vespertine, tangaroo, esoterrica, BlueBlueElectricBlue, lafemma, Badmichelle, archimago, MT
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

This sounds like a LOT of dates for four months, and it reminds me of myself in my early 20s, when I figured “this is a numbers game, I NEED to be going on 2-3 dates with different people every week until it hits.” But that was a miserable process… [more]
favorited 22 times, recently by Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted, DingoMutt
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

The idea that babies should sleep separately from their mothers, and the overall concept that infants can be "spoiled," is a modern Western idea that doesn't square with how humans evolved. Not everyone is able to get the sleep they need… [more]
favorited 27 times, recently by Alexandra Michelle
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

How many rockets have to land in Israel before they're saintly enough to fight back? Let's not pretend both sides don't have legitimate grievances, here. This isn't a case of some people bombing some other people out of the blue for no… [more]
favorited 8 times, recently by rosiroo
MeFi comment - Last month

My coworkers in Hebron (in the West Bank) haven't been permitted to leave their city for a few weeks now. No one can go in or out. I get weird reactions when I tell people that we (a criminal defense ngo) work in Palestine. The first reaction from… [more]
favorited 201 times, recently by rosiroo
MeFi comment - Last month

Anyone, please recommend interesting writing about M/M romance! I would love to read some feminist critique that helped me better understand the books I'm enjoying and what they are saying. Pornography by Women For Women, With Love is a… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by _earwig_, Nelson
MeFi comment - Last month

I should maybe clarify that I (a queer woman who reads and writes this stuff) didn’t have a negative reaction to this at all, apart from finding it somewhat surprising. I think it’s great that he’s discovered this genre. Also as a general note:… [more]
favorited 5 times, recently by May Kasahara, chavenet
MeFi comment - Last month

Is it a terrible idea to ask him if, when I did something wrong/off, that he would tell me that? You yourself describe this person as DELUSIONAL. What value does the opinion of a delusional person have to you? [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by BostonTerrier, firechicago
Ask MeFi comment - Last month

“Neither Miller nor McQuiston write with the expectation that their stories are consumed entirely for women, but both TSoA and RWRB are extremely popular with women, sometimes more so than with actual gay men.” …I’m pretty sure the “sometimes”… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - Last month

Gonna Be An Engineer by Peggy Seeger [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Oh man I missed that you’re only on OKCupid… Ok here’s the thing, I’m in my late 30s in NYC and the ONLY people I know who still use OKCupid are exclusively using it to look for poly sex partners. And even my poly friends prefer Feeld now. The… [more]
favorited 12 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

What is it that the kid and therapist aren’t agreeing on? Or do you just mean “doesn’t agree with her” as in “she doesn’t like her in general”? [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Uh, I can’t tell what the question actually DOES mean, but I guarantee it doesn’t mean “my kid wants a homophobic therapist” [more]
favorited 9 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I think a huge part of this issue is that your parents gave you $5,000 for what sounds like an afternoon picnic for 40 in a state park. They're trying to get a sense of how this money is being spent and for what, etc., because that's a LOT of… [more]
favorited 58 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I didn't know how dire this part was: But the real victims of this credential inflation are the two-thirds of millennials who didn’t go to college. Since 2010, the economy has added 11.6 million jobs—and 11.5 million of them have gone to workers… [more]
favorited 32 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Actually- I’m trying to think through what the INTENDED effect of this request might be, because it’s not clear to me how it would make you safer. Are you thinking that the Weird People just won’t come if that’s a requirement (why not? They clearly… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I once started a friendship by accidentally shooting someone in the eye with a vodka filled water gun. Sure, it worked once, but your later attempts to recreate the magic have had mixed results at best. [more]
favorited 3 times
MetaTalk comment - 2 months ago

This information only makes it more baffling to me that they attributed the obvious photo editing to Kate herself once it was pointed out. Why do that? It’s just such a strange choice, out of all the possible responses. [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I recently attended an event wearing a fanny pack the “correct” way and was teased for NOT wearing it across my chest. This is now simply How Those Bags Are Worn.NYC, in my 30s. [more]
favorited 5 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Your Cells Can Think
favorited 49 times
MeFi post - 2 months ago

Lol Don Pepino I legitimately can’t tell which parts of that are sarcasm. No shade either way. In all seriousness, I have been asking myself why I DO care about this, as a person with no history of interest in the royal family or in celebrity… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

If El's massive maleficient talent was caused to Balance her parent's goodness I've been wondering if that isn't a case of unreliable narrator. El is really just guessing about why she is the way she is... and heck, maybe mom has some… [more]
favorited 4 times
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

I personally am obsessed with what the implications of that very last line might be. And relatedly, I have a suspicion that perhaps Orion’s incredible and apparently unique abilities did not just come about randomly (and maybe El’s didn’t either)… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

I'm super curious about what's happening next. We've got to tear this horribly unequal system down, right? After I finished, I went back and looked at the prophecies about El again because I had an inkling, and what do you… [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - 2 months ago

Broadly, I think it’s missing the point to say stuff like “Kate deserves time to rest and recover without being photographed” because that’s not actually what this whole scandal/mystery/whatever is about. It really has nothing to do with Kate as an… [more]
favorited 20 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I don’t think it’s necessary to speculate about the expressions in the photo when the photo is clearly manipulated anyway, tbh (and it 100% is, if anyone’s still skeptical about that - I have merely kinda-skilled-amateur photoshop skills and a… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

This is a very small and specific answer: I used to feel very insecure about my tastes in media things, and would let other people’s opinions totally sway my own. I got over this by accident, because I started reading a lot of vintage sci-fi that… [more]
favorited 9 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

It's not that it just hasn't occurred to people who have been following this story closely that she probably just doesn't look great after having surgery, they know that. It's everything else about it that seems out of character and strange… [more]
favorited 10 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Everyone is talking about Kate because the British press is misogynist. Charles is dying of cancer that his royal homeopath is not going to cure and yet it's Kate that the media is obsessing and demanding proof of life over. The King, the actual… [more]
favorited 38 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Absolutely zero percent of my sudden interest in this whole affair has to do with thinking Kate doesn’t deserve privacy. It’s not about her at all, it’s about the stunningly incoherent palace PR response. It’s about the fact that they didn’t just say… [more]
favorited 45 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I wouldn't read too much into bricks. There's plenty of other oddness going on. Yes, there’s plenty of very obvious evidence that This Is Weird without that and without stuff like “is that a tassel or a heel on the girl’s shoe” or… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

It’s such a BAD photoshop, is what gets me. Nefarious reasons or not, can’t they afford a damn professional? [more]
favorited 20 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Absolutely not, because the LONG-term value of stocks is not a thing rich people appear to care about anymore. [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I should have mentioned - it's very common for no-contact-with-parents siblings to cut off contact with low-contact-with-parents siblings, not because of any problem with their sibling per se, but because it feels necessary for keeping themselves… [more]
favorited 14 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I just want her to start burying her poops in the litter box so that we don't have to constantly smell them! That's not what it sounds like to me, since 80% of your question has nothing to do with poop. To me, it sounds like you want rid… [more]
favorited 26 times
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

It's very unsettling to realize that within the reality of the show, it's like 2300 by now. We're all long dead. Unless time runs differently in the afterlife which, actually, I guess why wouldn't it? Is it, um, wrong that I hope Kamilah wound… [more]
favorited 10 times
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Grandiose theory: the demons bringing a Regular Janet into the Bad Place for this experiment will eventually lead to revolution and the collapse of demon control of the entire Bad Place. They only usually use Bad Janets for a reason; now they have a… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

In the train episode, Janet also says that she's engaged a ride or die protocol making her loyal to Jason FOREVER. Like, beyond all the resets? [more]
favorited 18 times
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

OK ALSO: One thing that is emphasized over and over in this book is that no magic is ever free. There’s always an internal or external cost for it. Those enclaves magically keep hundreds of thousands of magicians hidden in (relative) safety… [more]
favorited 3 times
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

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