Activity from Shepherd

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I'm watching this with great interest; after a first failed attempt looking at puffery for my LLM, my second failure was attempting to build something around a growing number of legal cases (at the time) attempting to regulate loot boxes in video… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I've caught up in a frenzied burst with the whole show over the past week or so, and boy howdy am I enjoying the second season more than the first. And I've never liked Q! I find dream/reality-warping/time-travel storylines generally… [more]
favorited 5 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

Jorts the Cat has not endorsed the content per se, but the intent gets two thumb-paws up! [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

My favourite song of the last two weeks has been Ibibio Sound Machine's "Protection from Evil," which may or may not be D&D related (I'm not being coy, I have no idea) but is just great as hell regardless. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Two years ago

Related, it seems that I'm the only nutjob out there who is particular about sort tags. To your joy and my wife's eternal frustration I assure you that you are not. (although in my case I eventually defaulted back to firstname first,… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I own a Synology 918+ for personal use and have thought from time to time it would be excellent for small-office use. It could not expand up to "tens of terrabytes"; you'd be looking at a much more robust and expensive unit for your needs,… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

It seems like there is a divide here between: 1. Intentional, limited physical violence (i.e. a single slap, a punch, maybe throwing something) is warranted when a taunt or behaviour directed at you or somebody(ies) you care about is sufficiently… [more]
favorited 14 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

I am the other part of "we" in Kitteh's comment above, and I think I was a bit less into it than she was; a good time for sure, but I couldn't stop thinking of what a talented microbudget crew could have done with these resources if they'd… [more]
favorited 3 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

FARINE FIVE ROSES is as iconic as Montreal landmarks get. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

More of a translation issue, but. I used to work as the sole English person in an ad agency where everyone else was first-language French -- some quite competent in English, but I was the sole Anglo. One of our clients handled a licensed property… [more]
favorited 33 times
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

Oh wow! I used to own this on VHS, some sort of crazy $1 bargain basement thing. This was... not the cover; I vaguely recall a kind of "hippie tie-dye" vibe to the box, with bright colours, those big goofy Grateful Dead style block… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

As everyone above is saying: I barely made it to the second episode, but once it clicks, it clicks, and I'm all in by the end of the first season. The only thing that bugged me a little -- maybe more than it should -- is that while Swedish people… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Two years ago

I've been meaning to FPP this, I've just been busy: It works, apparently! Here's some science! [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Untreated wood is fine. If you didn't pay an extraordinary amount of money for it, it would most likely be spruce or possibly pine. The only thing I'd triple-check is that it's not pressure-treated: if it's... uh... wood-coloured (super… [more]
favorited 12 times
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Is this now the Acadian Bops thread? yes this is the thread for franglais bops Radio Radio, Nine Piece Luggage Set (chuis jet set!) [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

Got my final thesis paper back to complete my LLM from my supervisor, with considerable work required but not nearly what I was fearing. Also finishing up my last course in the program, and actually really, really enjoying the course's major paper… [more]
favorited 3 times
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

I had no idea about text replacement, so while I am not the OP, thanks Rock Steady for sharing that! It's going to be a huge help. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Parents! Nearly wore out the VHS on this one in high school. Bizarre, but good bizarre. [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Were I in your shoes, I'd engage a lawyer who specializes in insurance issues before making any decisions about what to do with the subrogation letter, and have all correspondence pass through that lawyer's office. If this is a situation where their… [more]
favorited 5 times
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Thanks for posting this! I saw this on Netflix... a while back, I guess. The most surprising thing for me was the heavy presence of Gene Simmons, who I wouldn't normally expect to have a key part in what I assumed on the way in was a documentary… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Two years ago

Had a great mini-vacation with my wife, celebrating both my birthday (I bought a skateboard, and my dentist is very excited) and our anniversary, and reconnected with an old friend I haven't seen in 25-ish years. He's a New York Times… [more]
favorited 6 times
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

Also, was the Canadian one so bad it didn't make the list? I wonder. Sexy Mountie. We all know it's Sexy Mountie, we don't necessarily need to see Sexy Mountie. I think the vast majority of these would get me right back into the… [more]
favorited 11 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

As a member of long standing, and from what I understand of the mod team size and strictures, I'm satisfied with what's currently being undertaken and the general pace of change. These seem like incremental but important and actionable steps that… [more]
favorited 4 times
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

I like pipeski's suggestion up top and would just append limited to it: A limited number of credits will be awarded in order of application. [more]
favorited 14 times
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

I watched Good Timing with Jo Firestone about two months ago with my wife. I have been meaning to start a Fanfare about it. It is wonderful. A short documentary about a comedy class for seniors culminating in a night of stand-up sets by… [more]
favorited 23 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I did the thing on my PC where I asked if it could run Elden Ring and my BIOS speaker laughed for five minutes and then my CD tray punched me in the face. [more]
favorited 4 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

Jailhouse Mox
favorited 25 times
MeFi post - Two years ago

From a complete ignoramus' point of view, I've been with NordVPN for a while and have a few minor issues, but none serious enough to walk away from a stupidly cheap account that I think runs to the end of 2023. Issues: their nodes seem to be… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

Thanks for all the responses so far. To clarify one point, what I will write won't be covering expansive ideas around how businesses generally fail us as a society -- I'm gathering straightforward examples to reinforce a larger point that "'run… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Two years ago

after work I became the eager owner of a tenor ukulele I had more success with the free parts of the app Yousician than anything else I have ever tried to learn the uke. Hopping on their site right now it looks like they're a lot less… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I just came out of an hour of free webinar training on preventing street harassment recently; it was very illuminating and empowering. The next session is Mar 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Description from their website: Like much of the world, we… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

Yay! I've been hoping to do some short-session rules-lite RPGing with local friends, so if anyone has recommendations in that space they're very welcome. I already see some options, but would love some takes from people who have actually tried… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Two years ago

Astonishingly vapid, cynically saturated with tweenspeak (every third word is 'sus' or 'tea' or 'merc') and a bumpin' soundtrack, completely pointlessly set in Hawaii. Everyone is on drugs and/or a secret cult member, and horrible to the point that… [more]
favorited 7 times
FanFare comment - Two years ago

Yeah, we watched it tonight. It was great; honestly, it sometimes takes me a while to get past a certain kind of... vibe?... to low-budget movies*, but after the first 20 minutes or so I was immersed enough that it had pulled me in. It… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Two years ago

Oh, wow! I've been chipping away at the edges of African music for a while now -- my last foray was into the One Night in Pelican compilation. I think I've been so discouraged by copyright limits on North-Amerian-centric music podcasts before and… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Two years ago

Looking forward to settling in for an evening with New Lights -- this is great! Thanks for sharing it. [more]
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MeFi comment - Two years ago

Selfishly calling attention to my AskMe for D&D 5e knowing-persons that might have this in Recent Activity but not be following Ask regularly. [more]
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MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

I'm proud to say I know Roger! Not super well, but as a webcomics veteran, we crossed paths a fair bit back in the late '90s and early '00s, and at one point I made the trek out to visit him in the UK when I was over there visiting my sister. He… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

WELL DONE GRITHER! Enjoy your many 2s! [more]
favorited 1 time
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

and it is not ridiculous [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I'm making it work right now not with MeFites but with a group of high school friends where our DM is in Hong Kong and running a game at 9 pm our time / 9 am his time. D&D 5th Ed. It's a good time -- basically saying that it's possible and y'all… [more]
favorited 3 times
MetaTalk comment - Two years ago

Erin O'Toole is the MP of my parents' riding, and my dad -- a lifelong lefty, but in a "big tent we're all trying our best" kind of way -- seems to kind of be in the H.I. McDunnough "he seems to be a decent man, maybe his advisors are… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

I acknowledge that this is something that takes a fair bit of privilege to do, but I've been using Plex (with the Plex Pass) for... five years, now?... and have a lot of my own MP3s from digitizing thousands of CDs I bought over the years and picking… [more]
favorited 12 times
MeFi comment - Two years ago

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